1st Hydro Grow w/ Bagseed


Active Member
This is my first hydro grow (DWC, Bubbleponics). This is a test run with some bagseed before I start my Sweet Dreams and God Bud

Im using t5's dual spectrum currently on 18/6, fox farm nutes.

Sorry for bad quality, they will get better, these were taken with my phone.

First pic is 2nd day under lights, next three are 13 days young.
(in 3rd pic you can see yellow/browning on end of leaves, it started before I introduced nutes so i don't think it's burn. Possible over-watering? I'd love your input!)



New Member
You have Godbud and other, but you're growing bagseed......? Dude.... bro.... it's hard to kill mj; you've got nothing to worry about. Crack the GB & SD and forget the bagseed. You can message me if you need any help.


Active Member
You have Godbud and other, but you're growing bagseed......? Dude.... bro.... it's hard to kill mj; you've got nothing to worry about. Crack the GB & SD and forget the bagseed. You can message me if you need any help.
Haha, I know it sounds dumb but I just want to do a test run on something i dont care that much about. Though I am very tempted to trash this and just start to germ the GB. Was checkin out your grow faux, things are lookin good:clap:

Some new growth:leaf:



Active Member
Yeah, I love waking up in the morning to check on it because I can always expect it to have developed some since I last checked it. Definitely something to look forawrd to every day.

More pics in morning...

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
looking good dude, i would have those good seeds germinating and get them babies on the go, but thats just my opinion. a few months bak i was same as u wanting to try bag seed and things first but u mite aswell just grow good seeds, wish i had. neways good luck and happy growing, check my journal if you get the time . peace.


Well-Known Member
do it germinate the good ones look how well your little babies doing, plus you'll have help all the way

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
im always here to help, thats the thing us growers stick together, at the end of the day we all want good home grown weed at a cheap price :P