1st Hydroponic Experiment (Bag Seeds) Hydro Experts STEP IN!!!


Active Member
Ive been a member on this site for about 2 years now but I never got into the hydroponics. Ive been doing alot reviewing on other members setups and now im going the hydro route. I started the process about 5 days ago and made my hydro unit. I will show you a list of what I have so far and pictures from day 1 to present day 5.

!!!!!!!!!!!Please I am a newb to this so any advice or tips would be helpful!!!!!!!!!! I just ordered Rockwool starter cubs, 5inch net pots, and hydroton so exclude the glad containers.

1 Storage container
1 Aquarium 30 gallon Power Head
1 Dual Outlet Air Pump
2 24 inch Air Stones
24ft of 1/4 Air Hose
6 Glad Containers (being replaced with 5 inch net pots)
2ft 1 inch Hose
1 1inch to 1/4 Adapter
6 1/4 T's
Timer for The lights
2 Aluminum Light Reflectors
2 Lights T's
4 CFL 20 watt Fluorescent Lights



Active Member
what should my light cycle be? Should I constantly have my fan running on the plants? and how do I make them flower?


Active Member
Today i transplanted 3 Plants into the Hydro unit to see what kind of results I could get. I used three see pods to hold the plants in place and stay watered. (This is just an Experiment) I still am waiting for my rockwool, net pots and hydroton. Please any help would be useful.



Well-Known Member
what should my light cycle be? Should I constantly have my fan running on the plants? and how do I make them flower?
18/6, 20/4, or 24/0 lights on / light off for veg and then 12/12 for flower. I use 18/6. Swapping your lighting to 12/12 is what triggers their blooming.
Hi ron check out Rosemans dwc thread it will tell you everything you need to know about hydro.I dont know how to post the link on here just google it. It is absolutely brilliant and covers everything,and has pictures as well.Roseman is a really smart guy to learn from.Good look and keep the pictures coming. peace brother.


Active Member
Well I got my order in but they only sent me one netting pot so I just used what I had. Its day 10 and the plants are looking great. Right now im using the nutrients that come in an aerogarden. I want to learn more about ph balance and what solution I need to get to feed my babies. Any help would be great. Here is an update



Well-Known Member
With hydroton like you're using, PH at about 5.5. As far as nutrients go, that will vary depending on who you ask. I'd go with the CNS17 line.


Active Member
I found out what day I started the process so today is day 9 for my process and the plants are doing great. One plant however one leave is burn. I think its from to much nutrients. My question is should I top them or wait? I want to keep the as short and bushy as possible since they are staying in my closet. Let me know what you guys think.



Well-Known Member
Go real easy on the nutes. You can top them, but I wouldn't yet. Wait until they get like 5-7 inches tall and then top.


Active Member
I used 6 tabs from the aerogarden nutes because Im using 6-7 gallons of water. Is there nutes I can use that I can get at a local store? There is no hydro store around me or a cheap online store I can order from? BTW I topped one of my plants to see what happens. (This is an experiment). But im open to learn for my next grow. So any knowledge from you guys is taken in with appreciation.


Active Member
I top mine at the 8th node you will get more this way. try it at differant nodes and see what works best for your grow area good luck


Active Member
well all of them look like they are starting to get tiny orange spots on them. My guess is from to much nutes so I
changed the water. I plucked one plant and now it looks like its dying the leaves are down. What should I do about nutes and how do you know how much to use


Active Member
Ok well its day 18 and some of the plants are doing good and some others not so well. Some are really bright green and some have little brown spots on them. There is also some white build up on the hydroton That I have no idea what that is. I just ordered the three combo foxfarm nutrient kit and a ph control kit. I still need to order a ppm meter but I dont have the money for that right now. Anyways here are some pictures of whats going on. Please give me some feedback.