1st leaves falling off...


Well-Known Member
Yeah really....Getting kinda worried....The 3rd leaf that came in is curled but is not neon green....Anyone????


Well-Known Member
Every 1 to 2 days...I have a mostiure meter so i go by that and my finger...I tried some hydrogen peroxide last night but haven't seen anything from that...


Well-Known Member
Hey man thanks but u did help i went up and put my 23 watt cfl back in....I hope it turns the corner soon....


Well-Known Member
As do i....But hey it was only a bag seed...And i only had to buy a 42 watt cfl wich was on sale for 7 bucks and an adapter


Well-Known Member
what does the meter read out when your water? and whats the scale? like 1-10, that kidna thing.


Well-Known Member
The meter read 1-10 and also colors red being dry green being moist and black being dry...I water it when it's in the lower red....The soil i used was an organic potting soil Hydromix....And no nutes yet the guy at my local hydro store said NONE untill week 3 or 4.....


Well-Known Member
Sounds good then... i dunno wtf it is.

could be that something screwed it up before and it just couldn't recover even after you fixed everything.

that happened to a few of mine once. they kinda just died even though they were still greenish and moist. they didn't grow and were kinda yellow. like they were dead, just not dired out cause i kept watering them. could be what's going on with yours.


Well-Known Member
There has gotta be some explanation for what going on...Some one has to know what the fuck is up with my plant....Not enough light maybe....The soil i used....To hot...It's gotta be something some one has gone through before...ANYONE ELSE???!!!


Well-Known Member
There has gotta be some explanation for what going on...Some one has to know what the fuck is up with my plant....Not enough light maybe....The soil i used....To hot...It's gotta be something some one has gone through before...ANYONE ELSE???!!!

what type of flouros did you start growing with?..( you know..like, soft white, cool white,...etc..) and also, did you use them from the time they sprouted?..the reason i ask is because a friend of mine used a desk lamp flouro and his has finally grown ( but still looks like shit) and also has a really spindley stem...i have one growing but i started it on a window sil and it grew pretty nice there...then i transplanted it and put it under flouros..man i thought it was dead a few times...actually i just built a grow box for it and it seems pretty happy there. all the first leaves dried up and died..but besides that..it looks pretty healthy...so don't give up too quickly..it might come out of it


Well-Known Member
I started with 2 48" 40 watt day lights then added a 26 watt then a 42 watt...In that order the floros i used alone for 3 days then the 26 watt for 3 days then the 42 watt...Then i ended up taking out the 2 floros and the 42 watt...Then i only had the 42 watt now it's the 42 and 26 watt under the 48" floros reflector....I'm using a weird set up...I have a lamp running the cfls....The main socket comes out of the top then there is 2 power sockets comming out of the sides....So i bought an adapter so it is an backwards L with the light...I have the 42 watt over it and the 26 watt straight up in the air....Is there something that i'm doing wrong??? I have been lighting it 18/6 for over a week and there has been NO growth AT ALL....Should i got back to 24/0??? Are there nute i should try??? It has been 16 days since i planted it now....It should be alot bigger than it is now....Any advice would help!!


Well-Known Member
hmmm.... is the 26 watt a daylight bulb as well? the 42 watt is more of a soft white i think..which is good. i would put the 26 watt over it and get another 42 watt, but don't put them too close. how big of a space are you growing in? and is it a closet?..i noticed mine really hated the closet. it was fine for a bit and then it would looked like it was dead. i actually almost gave up on it so i took it out of the closet ( and left the lights out of the picture) i came home from work and it had pretty much come back to life...so i built the grow box and it has never looked healthier..who would think they really like to breathe...i don't know how stealth you need to be with your grow..but if you can take it out of the closet try it...just because the temp seems ok in there it's probably smothering it with out it having open air. my grow box has 2 42 watt cfl's and an 18" 15 watt daylight bulb. i've been leaving the daylight bulb on 24 hours and the cfls for like 14...plus a have a pc fan just to give it a little breeze (it helps to make the stem stronger and will keep any direct rays from burning it..and i'm making sure it has lots of room to breathe so i didn't seal off the box...but yeah..if you are able to let it hang out in a non confiened space that should probably help..then once it has grown abit, see if you can find something/ somewhere more ventilated to grow...i hope this helps..trust me i'm no expert...growing is a major experiment


Well-Known Member
Ok so i think what i'm gonna do is put my plant in better soil and add some nutes...It is really lookin bad...I was reading another post about overwatering his seedling and he put it in better soil added some perlite and some nutes and the thing fuckin shot up...What nutes should i buy...It is now 17 days since i planted and hasent grown at all...I'm gonna buy some fox farms soil...but what nutes..