1st Mini CFL Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
Thats my avatar, a pic of my first 50w hps light. I gotta figure out what im doing wrong putting up pics in posts. How those plants doin? Lookn any better?


Active Member
Still under ground...had a high temperature of 83.8F and a low 75.5F. I figure this is totally normal range, but it is agout to start getting hot around here, so I hope that doesnt mess things up too much. Humidity is lowering too around 20-30%, is this a good range for a vegitation stage?

What watering schedule do most people do? I was thinking watiting till the top soil gets dry then water rather thoroughly. Something like two cups per plant????


Well-Known Member
I wait untill the top 2 inches of the soil is bone dry(testing with finger), then water till the soil is moist all the way through. Which in my 6 inch pots is every other day, and the 10 inch pots every third day. Under and over watering is probably the easiest mistake to make for new growers so keep that in mind. These plants dont need a lot of water.


Active Member
Sweet deal, ill be careful when i water them. Ill listen to my babies.
So the first leafes popped up above the soil in two of the seeds! My babies are beautiful! slightly lopsided but a beauty non-the-less.
It has started!


Active Member
So I woke up this morning and one of my babies was nearly horizontal because the fan pushed it over. SO now I am going to turn the fan so it is not directly on the plants. They might not grow as stronge of a stem, but atleast they wont be horizontal.
The plants are about 3 and 4.5 cm tall. Other than the fan set back all seems to be going well


Active Member
What about nutrients? I know that I dont need to use them for a while, but when is a good time to start using them, and what is generally the best amounts (X-X-X)? My plants are about 6 days new so i still got some time, but i might as well start thinking about it, any ideas????


Well-Known Member
Yeah you dont need to worry about nutes for a while. Wait till they are 3-4 weeks old and give them nutes that are high in nitrogen(nitrogen is the first number). For example 5-1-1. Also, do not follow the dosage directions on the nutes, you have to start them out way lower, I use an 8th of the recommended dosage on the label and gradually increase each week as long as there are no signs of overdose.


Active Member
My babies are still doing well, there seems to be no sign of trouble. Though the temperature did get a bit high todaym peaked at 94F. I think that is the upper range of what I want. Were I live the temperature is going to start peaking around 90-100 everyday, I am a little worried that they might over heat. I dont think a vent fan would help at all, I already have a fan (non-rotating unless i can fix it) and I leave the enclosure open during the day. Is there any special tricks to keep the temperature down??


Well-Known Member
Yeah 94 is way too hot. Hell I dont like to see mine go over 83. Usually they stay between 77-81 which Im happy with. But I got fans out the ass because my light is 600w in a small area. Not to mention its hot as hell in my area too. Heres a pic of my vent system coming through the ceiling.



So I guess you may have realized I figured out how to post pics.


Active Member
nice pixs. I dont have the option to cut into the walls or cealing for venting. I am growing in my closet so the area is rather restricted. During the day I open it up so it can vent around the room. I am trying not to spend all that much money, soa $200 AC unit is outta the question, do you know of any other alternatives, or a good thread that talks about options? And what are the "cool tubes?"


Well-Known Member
A cooltube is a light fixture, its basically just a glass cylinder with a bulb in it. The cylinder is open on both ends, so you can hook 6" ducts to both sides, add a fan to that and youve got a light that doesnt put off much heat, its a closet growers wet dream. So start saving, I know once I discovered this fixture, I had to have it. Here it is again........


Well-Known Member
If you cant bring fresh air in with ducts, Id suggest circulating the air in the closet as much as possible. Lots of fans! I got extra lights and fans because my grow has evolved so much in the past few months. Heres a pic of the fans I got from htgsupply.com

Im using 3 of these, 2 on my cooltube, they arent bad for $40 IMO.


Active Member
well it has been about 8 weeks since i first planted my babies, and they are doing very well. i am thinking about switching over to the flowering stage. Both are about 13" tall and have had multiple toppings.
I have been giiving them a little bit of fertilizer (mericle grow) about once a week, and they seem to be taking it just fine.
I had been previously using the 6500K lights, now i am thinking about switching over to the 2700K lights for the flowering stage, does that sound right?
Also if anyone is still reading this, what times should I switch to. I had been running 24/0, I am thinking of running to 20/4 for a few days then switching it to 18 on 6 off and leaving it there till im ready to harvest.
Finally what fertilizer schedule should i use? I figure they will be eating a lot when they are flowering, but I also figure that I should not feed them right before i crop.
Thanks for the reply, if i get one.