1st outdoor grow, need some help


Active Member
ok, I am going to put some seeds out in March. I have some experience growing indoors. I had a couple plants last year that I couldnt flower indoors when I switched to hydro because they were already in pots. I put them outside and they flowered nicely. One problem I had was catepillars. Can someone give me some tips for keeping the catepillars away? Thanks in advance

thanks but no danks

Active Member
sounds simple, but se7endust

early and regular aplication can save you, it prevents bugs from laying eggs on your plants and hatching later on in the season when you got bud, i had major bug issues when i started them but once i put se7endust on and kept doing it i never had a problem, i even did it when i had bud but i made sure to never actually get it on the flowers i just pinched some out the bag and sprinkled it on the fan leabes and larger bud leaves