Oh aye Fingerez, sounds like you been frolicking or something

Funny how something taken out of context can seem like something totally different.
mate i wish 2010 is not the year for me
The girls are looking lovely mate. Funny, I was at the Keukenhof with visitors that are over staying. It's amazing just how many varieties of tulips, narcis', etc, there are...it's fekkin incredible. Like the amount of weed varieties but on steroids.
Anyway, I was thinking about you and your screens because they had them over some of the flower beds, they were a system with the screen laying over a series of poles that had just been pushed into the ground.
On the pole was an attachment and an adjustable clips that slid up and down to adjust the screen height. I was getting some funny stares when I was leaning down to check them out...the wife was like, WTF?

So I got shooshed on without really getting a good inspection. But it was simple looking enough.
recon they been reading riu and getting ideas from me haha, na only joking got the idea of someone else but its wicked 
Anyhoo, I would recommend if you ever get pushed along to the Keukenhof, to take a skunk cookie

Peace, DST