1st (proper) Journal. Lemon Haze, Blue Cheese, UK Exodus Cheese. Airpots trial.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
hey fingers looking good mate subed a bit late but always been on the slow side lol i'm looking forward to see how they all get on and interested in those air pots, oh yeah negative pressure works the same way as capillary reaction mate


Active Member
oi oi ! k well red spec is for flower blue is veg as the general standard but i've got a 300W envrio which is half blue half red in with my hps and its working a treat the strains that have a stretch fase have stretched and some just haven't so i doubt a bit of blue really harms that much. if your growing sativa's tho id not put the blue in

new girl could be a cheese from big budda or ghs but its deffo not the Exodus cheese.

hope shes a winner tho fingerez!

Hey DGT, thanks for the advise, i was thinking with the dual spectrum that it shouldnt hurt, but always wise to get advise first, think ill throw the 125CFL blue in for a side light when the 400w comes.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Don already covered this but to add to that, if you are just going to add a 125 cfl (6400-6500), blue range, then only do it for the first couple of weeks of flowering. Then perhaps slings the cfl with the 2700 range/red in place of the blue for the last part of your grow...if you want to keep the w's down and not have both cfl's in there this is what I would do....this was advised to me from, Jig who done a vertical with HPS and MH (which i what I started with but have now swapped both to hps) the plants tend to continue to grow more leaves according to Jig, which is all good I suppose, but we are putting this girls to their max to get sensi so you want to focus energy and growth to what you're gonna smoke. Unless you want to end up with really nice green leaves come harvest time. A wee penny's worth fae me.

Glad things worked. It's quite amazing to see how quickly plants react. Topping is cool, lst'ing is for me more fun. I think with the low stress all you are doing is actually making the plant stronger, delivering more energy faster through the plants internal channels, which build themselve up against the resistance. I have seen plants turn in 15 minutes easy....that makes me want to do a time in motion photo thingmajig!! Next project me thinks....my wife done one from our old apartment balcony (we looked over a massive park then) every day for a year (except holidays) she took a picture of the same spot in the park. Quite amazing to see a plastic bag arrive, hang around in a tree for months, then all of a sudden, disappear!! Everyone has seen a plastic bag in a tree ffs, okay, high as fuck on Silver Bubble....end eh the bubble babble.

pps you multi quote by clicking the button next to quote on each post that you want to include (it will go orangy/red), then on the last post, press quote...eh voila.

peace, DST out.
dst thats why i signed up for this journal, what your saying is making so much sense :) thanks so much info 2 soak in :)
ur 2 pence is always welcome in the fingers post

kool thats deffo a keeper then if its a good rep of both and it came from a reg seed. happy days indeed.

blueberry lemon skunk and cheese, i think if you mixed the first two then to the cheese you could end up with something really nice. take months to knock up tho
months and space mate, would be nice 2 try them 1st. cant wait for the lemon, this bc is strong and doing me in, aint got the motivation to do ANYTHING. which is great and all but i smoke a lot so not good, when i'm working to. i work for a well known company, fixing things for a very well known company in public so not always great. i'm fairly intelligent but it dont look great when i cant even say a sentence without stumbling through it lol.

hey fingers looking good mate subed a bit late but always been on the slow side lol i'm looking forward to see how they all get on and interested in those air pots, oh yeah negative pressure works the same way as capillary reaction mate
coolio mate glad 2 have u on board. once again we have Don 2 thank for bringing the airpots to light (they grow trees in em lol) i'm sure u've seen the pic he's posted? just waiting for another side by side nearer harvest dont think its long?


Active Member
Don already covered this but to add to that, if you are just going to add a 125 cfl (6400-6500), blue range, then only do it for the first couple of weeks of flowering. Then perhaps slings the cfl with the 2700 range/red in place of the blue for the last part of your grow...if you want to keep the w's down and not have both cfl's in there this is what I would do....this was advised to me from, Jig who done a vertical with HPS and MH (which i what I started with but have now swapped both to hps) the plants tend to continue to grow more leaves according to Jig, which is all good I suppose, but we are putting this girls to their max to get sensi so you want to focus energy and growth to what you're gonna smoke. Unless you want to end up with really nice green leaves come harvest time. A wee penny's worth fae me.

peace, DST out.
Hey DST, any and all advice is welcome mate, n thats not a bad plan, should be gettin my 400w HPS in the next 2-3 weeks, so will see how the heat issue is then decide after that.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
yeah cool mate cheers, little bit of growth on the branch i bent down yesterday. oh yeah i FIM'ed my blue cheese that's in the 15L round pot. pretty high today though lol


Active Member
yeah cool mate cheers, little bit of growth on the branch i bent down yesterday. oh yeah i FIM'ed my blue cheese that's in the 15L round pot. pretty high today though lol

being high is the only way to fly, saves bumpin into buildings n trees lol (o dear)

they are pretty sturdy fuckers really, should perk up now... n ive never tried the fimming, saw a good thread on it though, might try one fimmed n one topped, see the yield difference, bit of an experiment like.

Glad your babies doin well though, we loves happy ladies :)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
lookin good fingerez am likin it
ive just harvested my cheese have a look at my journal and tell me what u think

harvest pictures on page 40
yeah had a quick look at pics, not bad at all mate. will have a read through. see u used coco, what light u use?

sm4rt - yeah bro they should, they are kinda stocky. just seems longer but i used my hps 2 veg the last bit last time so thats probs why. learned the lesson of trying 2 rush things!

i would like to ask some questions about pruning etc.

should i be removing the stuff i dont want now or do it all when the plant is bigger. big guns - what are your techniques on pruning/topping/lst (does that stand for low stress training/technique?)

any ways of 2 bed, hopefully should be back before friday mad hour i mean rush hour lol nite all

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
right gents (and ladies, come 2 think about it, Westy u wanna give ur girl a shout n tell her she's welcome on/in here)

the "new" little shortie is gonna be called sophie pmsl. ask and i will tell lol. anyways off 2 work, catch u all a bit later.

pruning methods pls guys...

edit - my spelling is great lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
come one then do tell!?!? hahah sounds like some grim mc shawty bang bang

on the pruning thing i wouldnt bother unless the fan leaves are obscuring a budsite. some will tell you it will make the plant focus on buds but its codswallop man. plants use leaves to make buds. pulling them off = less bud!

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
yeah thats what i was thinking but not really sure about this pruning lark, understand a bit about topping and learning about lst. i'm going organic so maby after i've topped it and a little lst leave it to it.

na the name comes from flicking through the "adult channels" on my dodgey cable box. sophie was the 1st name i saw, i was hoping for something a bit more exotic but it will have 2 do lol.

bushing out nicely today, looks like the one i lst has caught up with its self, will put some pics up soon.

how are we all today??


Well-Known Member
come one then do tell!?!? hahah sounds like some grim mc shawty bang bang

on the pruning thing i wouldnt bother unless the fan leaves are obscuring a budsite. some will tell you it will make the plant focus on buds but its codswallop man. plants use leaves to make buds. pulling them off = less bud!
Oh yeh, Sophie.....that's sounds like a sticky white love pi$$ tale.....so tell all!!!

Pruning^^^exactly what Don said. Unless they are falling off, no need to prune...fans leaves are sugar factories...pruning is for Roses:mrgreen:

Plus if yer plant is in anyway expelling something it doesn't like, it's good to have fans leaves so the plant can sacrifice them....

Off to get some Casey Jones tonight to sample..:eyesmoke:

Laters gang,


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah i know the very channels, txt in to make them jiggle their jubblie's provocatively but they'll never even show you a nip. lol i wonder who actually pays for those things

sophie it is then!

wish i could just pop off and pick up some casey jones

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Oh yeh, Sophie.....that's sounds like a sticky white love pi$$ tale.....so tell all!!!

Pruning^^^exactly what Don said. Unless they are falling off, no need to prune...fans leaves are sugar factories...pruning is for Roses:mrgreen:

Plus if yer plant is in anyway expelling something it doesn't like, it's good to have fans leaves so the plant can sacrifice them....

Off to get some Casey Jones tonight to sample..:eyesmoke:

Laters gang,

cool think i'm going o'naturel this time then, no more pruning. (leaf it out) sorry.

whats casey jones? lol

hahahah i know the very channels, txt in to make them jiggle their jubblie's provocatively but they'll never even show you a nip. lol i wonder who actually pays for those things

sophie it is then!

wish i could just pop off and pick up some casey jones

hahaha thats the shizzle right there cheesy porn lol. all hail sophie, queen of the sluts lol. on a serious, i topped her earlier and she's only got 3 leafers, whats that mean chaps?

las fingerez

Well-Known Member

i bent down the bigger branch so it was lower than the other 2 smaller branches. i have read about this technique but never used it before. not bad growth considering that it was repotted and lst 2 days ago.

looks like the little bc baby is gonna pull through, there was even 1 root growing out of the bottom of the pot. i'll wait a week or so to get a root ball in the small pot then transfer her into the 10L air pot lol. that should be interesting hey don? gonna veg her for a long while, take some snips, topped etc.

Looking a bit more perkier, maby a week or so before I flip a few of em over.

edit - last 2 pics where the wrong way round lol


Well-Known Member
although the pheno was real nice smelling it was quite leafy and did'nt have enough cheese in it. i am growing out another blue cheese to replace this one and if thats not right i will grow another and another till i get the pheno i want.
i,m doin a sea of green with 4 permenant strains and a guest strain every couple of months. i have 2 keepers so far and 2 maybes


Well-Known Member
Nice pics there bru, certainly picking up. And really impressed with the repotted and lst'd plant, looks sweet.

Happy growing. DST

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Open dem bitches up to the light and they luurve it lol
cant wait 2 fire the hps up again :)

although the pheno was real nice smelling it was quite leafy and did'nt have enough cheese in it. i am growing out another blue cheese to replace this one and if thats not right i will grow another and another till i get the pheno i want.
i,m doin a sea of green with 4 permenant strains and a guest strain every couple of months. i have 2 keepers so far and 2 maybes
fair doos bro, u gotta get ur stock right or your not gonna be happy. this thing i'm smokin (bc) is to strong 2 smoke all the time and i wanna smoke all the time lol (cant wait for the lemon)

Nice pics there bru, certainly picking up. And really impressed with the repotted and lst'd plant, looks sweet.

Happy growing. DST
thanks bro, i thought they had picked up a bit but when i saw the side by side i was impressed myself. esp the bc we lst, that is something else, glad i didnt snip it!

i've got the "council" coming round in a week or so's time, what a wanker gonna have 2 move my tent somewhere for a day :(

thats just bad luck!