1st real guerilla grow(THC bomb,dutch passion ect) grow journal

I think I had the same problem bro. Are you feeding them any nutrients yet? Does your soil have nutrients? If the answer to both of these questions is no, you may want to give them a very low dose of any type of plant food you can immediately. I did and the corruption stopped.
Need more light too they are really small for 4 weeks. And I'm one to talk because I just posted about some 4 weekers being small but they are twice the size of yours. And like people have said it looks wet too. Flick the stems get those drops off, and keep air circulating to dry them off. Might wanna get bigger bulbs. 13w is really small. I have 26 w and those are small. Might explain why mine are twice the size, twice the watts lol.... Still though keep at it, feed them, clip the brown/light yellow spots off and you're good to go.
The soil they are is isiracle grow seedling mix so they are getting some nutrients and I just wanted to get them started indoors. Once we have a week of good sun in Ohio ill put them in my back yard for a little while to get them going. Could I see a pic of ur light?
Need more light too they are really small for 4 weeks. And I'm one to talk because I just posted about some 4 weekers being small but they are twice the size of yours. And like people have said it looks wet too. Flick the stems get those drops off, and keep air circulating to dry them off. Might wanna get bigger bulbs. 13w is really small. I have 26 w and those are small. Might explain why mine are twice the size, twice the watts lol.... Still though keep at it, feed them, clip the brown/light yellow spots off and you're good to go.
The soil they are is isiracle grow seedling mix so they are getting some nutrients and I just wanted to get them started indoors. Once we have a week of good sun in Ohio ill put them in my back yard for a little while to get them going. Could I see a pic of ur light?
Sure, I'll take a pic of them once I get them turned on and going in about an hour. I just have 26w cfl's. Same as yours just bigger.
Hey they look alright. I think the problems you are experiencing with the leaves are actually nutrient burn, not a lack of them.
Maybe your miracle grow contains ferts that your seedlings don't need yet.
Seen so many grow logs where they use MG time release nutrients and their plants go fine for a few weeks then begin to wilt/burn/die off.
Here are my plants around 4 weeks.
SAM_0608.jpg amazingly, the one on the right is the one that was given a small dose of nutrients.
The one on the left is in a sterilized potting soil with no nutrients or additives what-so-ever. 2 days prior, they appeared identical!
So in my limited newbie opinion, don't add unnecessary ferts, you'll only mess things up, young plants don't need them.

The brown spots on the leaves, trim them off.
If you have leaves looking like this:SAM_0604.jpg SAM_0609.jpg
Sadly the plant cant use the damaged parts of the leaf, and will not repair the damage.
It will only continue to grow new leaves. Trim off the burnt parts before they worsen.
The plant really won't mind, as it wasn't using the dead, dryed up parts of the leaves anyways.
I thought, "wont cutting the leaves cause them to rot/decay around the cut edges" Gladly, i thought wrong.
Hey man I've been reading through your grow for the last few hours, I was curious if you had any updates as I'm considering getting seeds for this strain and would like to know how they go outside :weed: