1st SCROG CFl grow! journal also


Active Member
ok guys this is my first journal, and as such i will keep track and document my times growing.


4x40w fluorescent bulbs
250 W HPS
Scrog method
3 fans for air circulation.
all being grown in a very small indoor closet. so very tight space.

Ak-47,Big Bud, Bubblegum Kush,Northern lights, BlueDream

Nutes: Fox farm grow big, Cal-Mag, Koolbloom GH


1-26-12 seeds germinated about a 60 % sucess rate.( fyi im poor and dont have a great phone so if i do post pics they will be crappy.)
1-30-12 seedlings were put into soft soil to see if they sprout.

ALSO FOR ANYONE WITH SCROG EXP PLZ THROW ME SOME TIPS! as for everyone else much love, and keep on toking


Active Member
ok a little update all have been planted in soil. all popped but 5 so out of 20 15 are a go. some are slow to fully pop tho only 2 shot signs of real progress rest are slow. my soil consists of used foxfarm ocean forest with fine coco hydroton clayballs perlite and vermaculite i added bone meal and sulphur to the mix. i got a littel worried and removed the seed shells that were loose. and replated the stems so that they didnt have to fight to break out of the soil for light.

can anyone gimme some hints if im doing this right?


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind that you have a lot of seeds started, there will be some males but even if you get 5 females they could be pretty cramped. I've found in my limited space that it doesn't make much difference in yield if i grow 2 plants or 5. Takes a bit longer with 2 though.

Not sure how much you are paying for your seeds, if anything...so it might be more cost effective to start fewer at a time.

On the other hand being able to take the best and toss the rest would be great...here's hopping you get 15 ladies :)

I'm excited about this!
I'm growing bubblegum too, and i really want to try scrog. I'll be looking forward to your progress.
Here's my girl.... shes sick :[
i usually wouldn't mess with the seed castings... its called the 'touch of death'. They need to fight for light so they can become strong. try not to worry.. if they couldnt make it through the soil then they provably would have made weak plants imho. But if you were gentle they should be fine :] good luck!


Active Member
wellim just worried all of them but 2 look real weak, and they look liek they wont make it. all of my seeds are feminised besides the Blue dream
wellim just worried all of them but 2 look real weak, and they look liek they wont make it. all of my seeds are feminised besides the Blue dream
try to get some pics up with your phone.. i have a rubbish phone as well.
also, try not to fuss with them too much, i know it shard not to. also open your closet whenever its safe cause they'll like the fresh air.