You do know I was talking about ME, and not you, right?
Yes. And I was talking about me, since of course the universe (and the recently discovered 17 billion earthlike planets in the goldilocks zone) all revolve around me.
It will be a week or so before I dedicate the ozone space to experiments. It is currently filled with projects in process and they need a bit of time. While I am sure my typical usage is sterile, i've never introduced a visible quantity of spores into the environment.
Here is the test that I will be doing, and starting a new thread on then:
Place stack of "clean" numbered agar dishes/jars in ozone area. These do NOT have to be sterilized and can be handled with bare hands while placing in. Leave the bottoms open and the tops stacked in a pile on the side (shaking your head yet?) I already do this with 100% success on dish making and waiting a week before use.
LME/DEX/pinch of yeast extract/agar boiled then poured into quart jars.
Jars are PCed.
Jars are cooled.
Boil if necessary, or if still hot:
Place jar in ozone area.
Wait a few minutes.
Open wide.
Pour over each dish, like SYRUP on pancakes.
Well, close. Try not to splash the edges and use too much.
Cap agar jar if any left over.
Wait for it to cool.
Note: We have not placed the lids on, and this is wide open.
When cool (20-30) minutes, place lids on dishes/jars.
Stack'em up, push them aside, wait a week to prove no contams in dishes to start.
Ok, this was standard procedure for me.
Create a tric dish. Go outside and find some green crap groing on a tree, place it into an agar disk, and let it sit for a couple of days.
Also a mucor one: Tell me. I ASSUME i can take some old coir/verm sitting in a bucket and wait for it to smell like sweet/sour apple, then take some of that and put it in an agar disk and let it sit for a week or so.
After contam dishes created:
Place stack of agar plates in ozone area.
Open #1, wait 5 minutes, close it (prove the environment)
Open contam plates, open #2, wait 5 minutes, close it.
Close contam plates, #open #3, wait 5 minutes, close it.
Open each of the remaining plates in sequence, waiting some time, and closing them.
This test should prove the plates are good, the initial environment is good, whether or not concentrated spores will be neutralized, and if they are not (immediately), how long until they are.
Did I miss anything?