1st Time: 430W Son Agro Vertical Soil Grow

First timer here! Might be a little ambitious, but I am growing 4 clones vertically--picking them up later today--under a 430W Son Agro. As far as light distance goes, I plan to have the light 28'' above the ground with the center of the buckets--which are 9.75" tall themselves--18'' away from the light. This means that the clones will initially be 25.63'' from the light, and the point of maximum light intensity is obviously 18". How does that sound? My goal is 3 feet plants so I figure 18" should be perfect for getting the most light to mid-cola.
I am growing in 2/3 FFOF 1/3 perlite and using the basic FF nutrients. My exhaust fan is 160CFM and 4" with a Phresh Filter 4x8 carbon scrubber. I am using a Ranco ETC-111000 to monitor temperature which will be set at 78 degrees. Basic light timer from Home Depot with a Hydrofarm All System Cord Set connected to a 400W Oracle digital ballast. Lights will run 24/0 for veg and 12/12 for flowering. Please let me know your thoughts/suggestions/concerns! Pictures will come once clones have been planted. Thank you for checking out my thread, happy tokin'.


New Member
I'll be following this since I'm going vertical with 3000w (5 x 600). How is the heat compared to a normal horizontal with reflector, dissipates a lot quicker?

nice drawings
This is my first time growing so I can't compare to horizontal. What I can say is that I have a 160CFM fan and a 4'x4'x7' grow room and the on:off ratio for the fan is 1:1. A picture after I set up the netting:


My Green Crack(Cush) clones have been in soil for 10 days now. How do they look? The internodes are pretty short and my leaf sets seem super crowded on a few of these. Should I be thinning things out at all or just let them be? I moved the light up a couple inches after I noticed yellowing on some of the leaf sets. Also I've been thinking about doing some low stress training to straighten out the plants that are a little crooked, good idea? Comment away.


20 days of being in soil. Plants are looking very healthy. A lot of horizontal growth is taking place with no influence on my part. I pruned a lot of the original leaves that the clones had because things are getting crowded and those were the only ones looking the least bit unhealthy. Should I do some further pruning?



Active Member
I'm definitely interested in the oracle 400 hps from dch
how's it treating you so far?
Just about 3 weeks into flowering. Things have been going good just started using my Fox Farm basic nutrients (Grow big, Big bloom, Tiger bloom) at 1/2 strength and the plants seem to be tolerating it just fine. Grow room is pretty crowded, very wild horizontal growth on one of the plants with no training. I did some minor pruning because the leaves were smashing up against the sides. Leaves near the bulb have been getting kinda crispy so I'm trying to create a little more space between them by using zip ties to reign in the problematic branches, using the main cola and wooden stakes as leverage.

