1st time aero grow some help needed


Weed Modifier
Ok thanks for that. Yea it is pritty warm my res. i have just gone back onto flouro's for the ones in veg as the 600w light was makeing that pritty warm and as for the ones in flower i have got a fan on it constantly and im going to cover it to reflect the heat

Am i also reading my ppm stick correctly? I mentiond it a few threads befor about what side do i use the x500 or the x700. I have been going off the x 500 and im in week 4 of flower and it flashes on 600 so that will be correct right? Should i be a little higher now with my neuts?

I tend to keep my ph at 6
My guess....Nutrient Lockout! ph needs to be balanced, so that the plant can absorb available nutrients. also if your ppm's are out this can also cause a lockout.... which you have stated both. :razz:

do you cover your res?


Well-Known Member
My guess....Nutrient Lockout! ph needs to be balanced, so that the plant can absorb available nutrients. also if your ppm's are out this can also cause a lockout.... which you have stated both. :razz:

do you cover your res?
Yes res is coverd up.

And i will drop my ph a little to 5.7/5.8 then.

The ppm reader am i reading it correctly? Do i read off the x500 side and it flashes on a number is that the ppm?

Thanks for the chart. You dont happen to have one on a ppm guide do you at all


Active Member
Everyone is telling you some very accurate bits of the total H2O requirements. Considering we are only viewing pictures while reading your descriptions/questions, all are on the right track. Another thing is that if you use Nutes that are deep brown in their color (you are) you will get this "stain" at the root ends. Normal, won't do harm. I think your biggest problem is your H2O because if there is Chlorine (and lots of other chemicals) AND you are introducing this water, for sure you'll have major problems. PPM is the first step after you start with filtered water. I only use distilled water if I am trying to eradicate some disease because it contains nothing, whereas, tap water has some additional beneficial minerals in its composition and can be of a minor benefit to the ladies. Use 50% of the manufactures' recommendations. Most are way too powerful and they want you to buy a lot too.
I have been using Techna-Flora at 10% of the recommended nute strength with beneficials and Cal-Mag. I am using a HPA setup on mine. I do a shorter spray time than you though. 30 seconds on with 2 1/2 minutes off. I see the roots getting brown and discolored if I have my on time too long. It can be hard to tell the difference between lockout and a Cal-Mag deficiency. If all else fails you can run pure water for a couple days and then start adding back nutes in 10% increments. Start with a low dose and slowly raise the level every other day until you have happy plants. I have noticed most people overdose their crops when running aero. One of the real benefits of aero is the ability to run really low nute levels and the plants still thrive.

Blunt Master Flex

Active Member
Everyone is telling you some very accurate bits of the total H2O requirements. Considering we are only viewing pictures while reading your descriptions/questions, all are on the right track. Another thing is that if you use Nutes that are deep brown in their color (you are) you will get this "stain" at the root ends. Normal, won't do harm. I think your biggest problem is your H2O because if there is Chlorine (and lots of other chemicals) AND you are introducing this water, for sure you'll have major problems. PPM is the first step after you start with filtered water. I only use distilled water if I am trying to eradicate some disease because it contains nothing, whereas, tap water has some additional beneficial minerals in its composition and can be of a minor benefit to the ladies. Use 50% of the manufactures' recommendations. Most are way too powerful and they want you to buy a lot too.
I use Roots excelurator and I haven't had roots that look like that pic unless I had root rot, that's slime bro. My roots did have a tint to them but not much. For instance, the roots in my avatar were done in areo with roots excelurator.