1st time and want 100% stealth grow

Herbal kush

New Member
Hi fellow smokers, I'm moving to a new house and my in-laws are constantly visiting and they are strongly against cannabis, my father in law works for PST (Compared to FBI but in Norway it's called PST).
I'm planning on growing Approximately 3 plants in a very small room, kinda like a closet but not a clothing closet more like you put your vacuum cleaner inside of it etc.
The thing is there is not ventilation inside there and I'm curious about that carbon filter, do I have to drill a hole in my wall to get the air sucked out ? Or does the stench completely get removed by going through the filter ? It's a no-go to drill a hole in the wall since I do not own the house, only renting.
I tried googling after the answer but there are so many "big words" that I don't understand since I don't speak English fluently and I lack experience in this.
The plan is to have 3 plants and all that stuff you need to make my babies grow, but the smell is what keeping me away from making any actions towards this, especially since I do not know if that air from the filter needs to go directly outside or if it get cleaned before it reaches out.

I would appreciate all the tips I could get, and remember I have never grown before and I'm a complete noob in this type of work. And please don't use any big fancy scientist answers try make it simple. ^_^

Peace one love.


Well-Known Member
You'd have to cut a hole. Actually you'd have to cut two. Plus the noise of the fan pulling air through it can be a little loud and noticeable. Even without a filter you would need to vent.

But to answer your other question I dont smell a thing with my cabinet door closed but it stinks like crazy when the door is open.


Well-Known Member
There are low odor plants check with your seed co.
Next you can use a product called ONA Jell it removes
odor and masks any smell.
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
as simple as it gets
if youre worried about odor
and cannot properly setup ventilation and still stay stealth
then you cant grow
its not just odor control the ventilation is doing its also bringing your plants fresh air which is required to grow healthy plants
and you want them to be healthy ...... if not they stink worse ....... easiest way i can tell if i watered the day before or not is open the door to my closet if it stinks i forgot to water if its normal ( which smells like you stuck your head in a bag full of skunk ass ) then my plants are not yelling at me


Well-Known Member
I would study a little about cannabis so you are prepared to debate with your inlaws (old arguments against cannabis are usually based on myth and incorrect assumptions about it which have been dispelled). At that point, when you are ready to stand up to someone talking shit to you and disarm their bad argument, drill the holes, grow your plants, and tell your inlaws to mind their own business. You can always patch holes in drywall. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
With a can filter you won't have smell issues. You do have to vent and cool the room. Even if you recycled the air for smell it would still be too hot in there to grow so at-least one hole in the roof to exhaust your air. You can easily cut out a hole and tack it back up when you leave, cover with Spackle and a light coat of paint. Will never know, especially if its in a closet.


Well-Known Member
A phresh filter are excellent. 2 holes is all thats needed or to sound better 1 big hole will do lol. The closet were you makes the hole will easily be hidden esp if you keep cut out piece. I do agree with above though with all the problems your stating I would not grow or attemot until your safe