
Active Member
Lighting (CFL)

2- 23 watt natural light 3200 Lumens;
2- 27 watt daylight 2800 lumens;
2- 45 watt natural light 6000 lumens

(6 lights, 12,000 lumens all together)

They're on a timer 20/4

Temp is 77-87 degrees F ; drops 10 degrees when lights off

Humidity is 30%-50%

Ventilated by wind machine fan

Growing with miracle grow seed starter potting mix/
Miracle Grow Organic mixture

Plants are a little over a month, the smaller one's i recently planted.


-I'm also using an AeroGarden hydroponics system and im wondering if anyone has any tips about on how to get bigger better buds.
-Im open to anyone's ideas or comments so just let me know
-I'm looking to find out how to get bushier plants with big buds or if there's any way to make your buds a certain color and or flavor?



Well-Known Member
First of all, If you want bigger buds and a more bushier plant you'll gonna have to stop buying that miracle grow crap.
The miracle grow works well for seedlings, but their really isn't enough nutrients in it for you to get really tasty buds.
Some people use, Pro Mix, Fox Farm, or Happy Frog soil. Most people make their own.
Also stop using Miracle Grow fertilizer, go to a Hydro shop and get some decent fertilizers. You'll have to mix up a new batch every week.
If you really want thick dense buds, then you'll need better lighting and Co2.

You can have all the best stuff to grow, but if you don't know what your doing then it's really easy to spend a lot of money and end up with sick or spindly plants.
You might want to get yourself some good reading material on how to grow marijuana indoors.


Well-Known Member
Looks good man + rep. I grew decent buds with shit chem ferts... 2oz's a plant dry on a 250W, fruity as any other out there. I would say to just grab a bigger light, maybe a 250 or 400W Hps. I've got a MH Convo bulb that's wicked for vegging too, lets u get rid of all the cfl clutter... Separate the plants to their own cups too. Nice job overall though ;D


Well-Known Member
good advice , ive been using that miracle grow and sure enough my leafs arent all that big and they have alot of those little flys when you overwater. also been using cfls , even now in flowering but looking for an hps


Active Member
okay bong juice i was asking for simple comment dont gotta be a fucking dickhead you piece of shit haha but anyway..

i was seeing if any of the miracle grow food was good to add if not then i'll just stop.. And I'm not just feeding my plants with the miracle grow feeder, i use a food that has nitrogen potassium boron copper and all that good shit that the plant can use during all stages. I am getting stronger lights these are just temporary.

I'll be posting more pictures soon, thanks to everyone with the positive comments!!

If you're just gonna hate then just shut the fuck up.

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
if those big pots are all you have at least use poster board to seperate the roots out so they dont get root balled!!!


Active Member
hey guys i got some new pictures up of my lovely ladies just wanted a few more comments on how it's going, they look pretty damn good to me so just let me know, also got my pots numbered from 1-6 so we can monitor the growth hah.

My hydroponics system is starting to actually work, i got 4 sprouts and they're looking pretty good, if anyone has any tips for the AeroGarden please don't hesitate. thanks a lot!





thats ghetto has hell but it will work. i say this alot and i always mean it when i say it GET MORE LIGHT ON THAT SHIT!!!!


Well-Known Member
looks ok, u really shoulda seperated em though b4 the roots had more time to tangle together. its gonna be a problem further down the road......i just thought of something though, it might not be such a bad idea to put 2 in one pot then sex em and kill the males and kill the weakest female in each pot.


Active Member
Hey guys, new pics are up. Anyone know when I can tell if it's male or female, i know what to look for but im just seeing if anyone can save me any time and point out males. Very much appreciated.

I also have a question about my ph measurer, it reads the ph level on ppm's , how do i convert it from ppm's to regular ph numbers (for example: 5.8)
i know they're is all different kind of ph measurers so if anyone has any experience please help!

My leaves in my AeroGarden are tainted yellow, i believe this is from not enough nutrients? If so how much food should i add?

I trimmed up and pinched off a lot of healthy leaves, to provide more light to the bottom and insides of the plant, will this be bad in the long run?
Also a have a few of my plants tied down, how effective is this?



Active Member
If you havent switched your lights to a 12/12 light cycle you won't be able to tell the sex, when you do this the female plants will start to show little white hairs on the apical bud first (main stalk top) while males you will start to see pollen sacs develop. Give us a little more info on the pH meter you have because I have never seen one that measure ppm, ppm is usually used for measuring nutrients... but i could be wrong. What kind of nutrients are you using for you aerogarden, depending on what kind you are using there are usually pretty specific amounts for how water you have in your reservoir, how many plants, and what stage the plants are in. As for the bending and tying down, I have seen that this is usually a good thing for your bud production, it will usually result in the part of the plant facing the light streching up quickly giving you more "top bud" type bud becuase it is closer to the light.


Well-Known Member
If you havent switched your lights to a 12/12 light cycle you won't be able to tell the sex, when you do this the female plants will start to show little white hairs on the apical bud first (main stalk top) while males you will start to see pollen sacs develop. Give us a little more info on the pH meter you have because I have never seen one that measure ppm, ppm is usually used for measuring nutrients... but i could be wrong. What kind of nutrients are you using for you aerogarden, depending on what kind you are using there are usually pretty specific amounts for how water you have in your reservoir, how many plants, and what stage the plants are in. As for the bending and tying down, I have seen that this is usually a good thing for your bud production, it will usually result in the part of the plant facing the light streching up quickly giving you more "top bud" type bud becuase it is closer to the light.
yep, right on man. +rep