1st time cfl grow.


Well-Known Member
I think i might have a problem. Some of the stipules appear to be to turning brown and shriveling up. What might cause something like that? im gonna try to do a little research on it and then ill take and post some pics.


Well-Known Member
I think i might have a problem. Some of the stipules appear to be to turning brown and shriveling up. What might cause something like that? im gonna try to do a little research on it and then ill take and post some pics.
Well you do that. :mrgreen: Idk ive been all high an shit lately
i just think about it this way. Whenever theres something
i cant figure out im like, well shit if it doesnt fall over and die
its all good lol. In a sence :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Day 7 of flower.

10 inches tall. It seems to be growing vertically pretty fast. yesterday it was 9 inches and the day before was 8. It was about 7 inches i think when i started flower a week ago. Not really any new leaf growth.

Lights just came on at 6. I was looking around the plant trying to find any signs of a calyx. When it shows sex, is it at the nodes on the stem or can it be on the nodes of a branch? The top 4 nodes have been spreading out and getting further away from eachother. The bottom 5 or 6 nodes are pretty close together . Watered about 1liter yesterday before lights turned off. I found an extra light socket i forgot about so i will hook it up today and add another 2700k. That will make 5-2700k and 1-6500k on it. All 23w. That will give me 9600 lumens.

I update this every morning so make sure you keep checking back.



Well-Known Member
Start of day 8.

I found what i think might be where it will show sex soon hopefully. Theres little nubs starting to grow on the node. I wish i knew how to get closer pics using macro mode on my camera. Its 11 inches tall today. Its growing an inch a day. I have some pics of the spot. Im sure its too early to tell sex. Just want to know if thats where is will either show balls or hairs.



Well-Known Member
also, is a 11 inch plant supposed to have 11 nodes, 12 if you count the newest top growth? There is 6 nodes in the first 5 inches of the plant. The top 4-5 nodes are spread out further on the top 6 inches.


Well-Known Member
wouldnt say you need nutes yet mate if its day 9 or so.

what soil you using again?

i didnt use nutes for 4 weeks on my plants, but soil had some nutrients in already.


Well-Known Member
yea in about an hour it will be day 9 of flower. im using Schultz Potting Soil Plus. Got it menards for $4.20. Ill attach a pic with the back label. In about an hour the lights come on and ill be updating with more pics.



Well-Known Member
yea in about an hour it will be day 9 of flower. im using Schultz Potting Soil Plus. Got it menards for $4.20. Ill attach a pic with the back label. In about an hour the lights come on and ill be updating with more pics.
seem like good soil, does it say how long the nutrients last for in the soil? your plants look very healthy so they cant be lacking nutrients. if you start to see signs of deficiency the you should start. still to early for now.


Well-Known Member
it says feeds up to 9 months on the front so i guess they last 9 months. it is really good soil. im suprised actually on how good its been with my plant.


Well-Known Member
hey bro if u ever do need extra nute if you have a walgreens you can actualy pic one of these up ill upload the picture and its the same make as the soil, good luck


Well-Known Member
yea ill prolly pick up some of that schultz fert.

Day 9 of flower.

Nothing to really update. Looks the same as yesterday. It didnt grow as much over night as it has been the last couple nights. Prolly cause i gave it a good watering yesterday. Im a dumbass and let a couple tips of the leaves touch the lights for too long again.


Well-Known Member
i was getting confused, if your day 9 of flowering not day 9 of vegging lol you could start nutes when you want :)


Well-Known Member
i look at so many threads mate i get confused some times lol.

i looked at another plant and thought it was yours. im all square now haha.

yeh, try them on low dose nutes and see how they react mate,