1st Time DWC Grow - Amnesia Lemon, La Musa & Madness

Plants are looking lovely man, love the LA musa she looks so bloody frosty i want to eat her up, i bet she's gonna produce some dank meds.

Double harvest can sometimes double your yeild, harvest the top most ripen buds, and let the lower buds which have not received light to ripen for a further 1-3 weeks. If you keep on top of the rez changes and do not stress the plants reveging the plants should not be a problem.

Peace to all and happy growing.
So it looks like every picture posted got purged yesterday when the site was down. That sucks. Edit. Looks like I was a bit premature in that analysis. All of the pictures are showing again.
OK Gang, I need some advice. All 4 of my plants saw the PPM shoot up tremendously in each of the last 2 days and it has shown on some leaves. There wasn't enough water consumed to just top-off with PH adjusted water to bring the PPM down to what I feel are healthier levels for the plant, so I ended up scooping out a bunch of water and then topping off to get my PPM down to a healthier level which seems to have done the trick.

My question: What could be causing this to happen? I am not really doing anything different. I am following my feeding chart, but using less than what it prescribes in nutes. Is this just a function of full flowering and I just need to make adjustments?
OK Gang, I need some advice. All 4 of my plants saw the PPM shoot up tremendously in each of the last 2 days and it has shown on some leaves. There wasn't enough water consumed to just top-off with PH adjusted water to bring the PPM down to what I feel are healthier levels for the plant, so I ended up scooping out a bunch of water and then topping off to get my PPM down to a healthier level which seems to have done the trick.

My question: What could be causing this to happen? I am not really doing anything different. I am following my feeding chart, but using less than what it prescribes in nutes. Is this just a function of full flowering and I just need to make adjustments?

Your plants are not using as much nutes or have lock out. Flush for 24hours and start at 3/4 strength you are at now or maybe 1/2. See how they respond and re-act sometimes with high temps like 85+ you should cut nutes in half as they need more water then nutes.

Feeding charts are pretty much perfect grow environments and at too strong. Never follow them use them as a guideline, your plants will tell you what you need to know. You are on the right track checking PPM and monitoring it, higher means more water then nutes back it down, and vice versa.
Thanks for the response BBC. It appears that I have stabilized the situation with my efforts last night. The PPM is at roughly the same levels that I left them at last night and the water level has gone down 3-4 inches on all of them which tells me that they are drinking and eating.

Yes, the most consistent advice I've seen is to use less nutes than what is prescribed and I have followed that advice. I have not once used 100% of the recipe, but I guess when I flushed over the weekend and then reintroduced Nutes, I must've used too much. My temps never go over 80 and I have actually improved the air circulation in the closet.
Right on brother...it's nice to see the water down from where you checked last time.

I shouted with joy my man! (and then had to explain to my kids that I was happy about something in my office) I was all set to flush them if the situation didn't get stabilized. I will still monitor closely. I had been kind of slacking on checking PH, but my recent issues have scared me straight. I am too close to the end to be fucking this up now. lol
2nd straight night of the situation being stabilized. I may have some Magnesium/Calcium deficiency on my Madness plant. I will post pictures of the offending leaves tomorrow...
Thats great that the def has been identified and rectified, i believe they should be swelling up nicely now, Especially the LA MUSA.

Happy growing and peace to all.
La Musa is coming down tomorrow....Day 66. I've been flushing her all week and she is the icky-sticky! Very skunky aroma from afar and fruity with skunky undertones up-close.

I will post some pictures.
My bad guys on not updating the thread etc.

Last Saturday, I harvested La Musa. I left some of the lesser developed stems on the plant and stuck her back under the lights for a few more days and cleaned the rest of her up tonight. Here are a few pics from Saturday. Having trouble getting a few to upload.

La Musa Harvest Pt 1 002.jpg La Musa Harvest Pt 1 008.jpg La Musa Harvest Pt 1 009.jpg La Musa Harvest Pt 1 012.jpg

Madness and Amnesia Lemon plants are coming along. One of the Amnesias has stretched beyond the lights, so I've had to hook up some 2700k CFLs with snap reflectors to cover off those areas of the one plan not getting light coverage. When the Tall Amnesia plant was getting close to the light, her leaves exhibited some signs of heat stress while I sat with my thumb up my ass trying to figure out what to do (I had already raised the vertical space by a foot) when it occurred to me to use supplemental light.

The shorter Amnesia Lemon smells like Lemonheads candy. I cannot wait to taste her.

I will try to do better about keeping the thread updated...
No problem at all about not updating the thread man, I can udnerstand how life is now adays, dont even get enough time to scratch your back side.

Love the pics man, the LA MUSA is looking dank man, great looking plant, and hopefully those lower buds should fatten up nicely in the next 2 weeks or so.

Congrats on the harvest man, hopefully that smoke should last you a couple of months :)

peace to all and happy growing.
Canna, she smokes very nicely. I have some Mango Kush leftover from the last bag I bought and last night when I was medicating I only used La Musa. She doesn't smell great until I grind her up (still curing), but she is some high quality blaze and I am pretty proud of my first run at this.

I definitely made some mistakes and she dried much faster than I anticipated. After I harvest the other 3 I am going to do a post where I outline all of the things I would have done differently/things I've learned. I appreciate you following along the whole way.
No problem at all brother BigLJ, love the thread and grow, nice first grow, reminded me of my first grow, almost exact same methods,
First grow is a large learning curve.

The smoke will only get better with the cure, how is the high, is it a couchlock smoke? or up motovational high?

Peace to all, stay safe, and happy growing.
It's more of a heady high than body stone couch lock type of high. Every day it tastes better and better.

I need to show you guys how well Madness is doing as well as the challenges I am having with Amnesia Lemon. I will make a point to do that over the weekend. Been really busy lately.
Yea man we had some amnesia come thru not too long ago nice dense nuggs smelled citrusy def eye candy and packed a punch.. Skribed on the rest of it.
Here is a few recent pictures of Madness. Took them on Wed, when I pulled the plant out of the closet to to a 24 hour flush. I plan on snapping a few pictures of the Amenesia Lemon plants today...I have some from Wed that I will post, but the redish hue of the light affects the picture quality:

recent pics - flowerin 007.jpg recent pics - flowerin 008.jpg recent pics - flowerin 010.jpg