1st time ever growing


Well-Known Member
ya that looks nice is it an adjustable light hieght?
i like to go with watering them myself this way know when it needs it or not


Well-Known Member
Do you know any good sites to get seeds from? All this sites i find online are all in the UK... a bit shady. I see other people that build there whole kits for like around 150 total. That light thing alone is like 75 bucks. Sorry with all the questions


Well-Known Member
for seeds i heard nervana is ok and i forgot the other place start a thread on seeds or type seeds on serch here a thread will pop up
i really dont know i use seeds thatcome from bags of trees people buy
i dont like to take chances over th net or mail


Well-Known Member
yeah i could always get my seeds from people. What kinda nutrients do you use? Tomorrow im getting my stuff to build this so i just rather go out once and get it all. than a few times.


Active Member
quick update: my plants are doing fine and brought a fan and a couple more lights from my house to my girlfriends house i think i was over water the plants thats why they got those spots but i could be wrong but i have 2 big pots and only 2 plants are in one and like 7 are in the other but the 2 that are alone are looking real nice and im thinking about transplanting the others once i get back to my house before i start flowering im just hoping i dont fuck any plants up in the process but all in all they still look fairly healthy ill have more pictures in a few days


Well-Known Member
i would put them in thier own pots roots could choke each other
wouldnt take a chance and both plants are going to be fighting for water and nutes
u dont want that


Active Member
im deff going to transplant the ones with like 7 plants in it but i the other pot the 2 plants are so far apart its almost not worth it to risk the chance of fucking up during a transplant i mine as well just keep and eye on how there doing and making sure there getting enough water and nutes but deff the other pot needs to get seperated shit that means i gotta buy more lights not too


Well-Known Member
ya or if they r still small u could but smaller pots and use a couple lights for a few pots sence they are still small should be ok


Active Member
yea i was just reading all the advice you got on your grow and our plants look fairly similar so i think im gonna try to get more lights on them i just brought over 3 more lights to her house but im just trying to get through this break so i can be with my babies again so as long as their still alive when they come back to me ill be happy. its like i lost custody for a month lol but yea i got a fan fed them nutes and now im putting more lights so i hope they stop stretching and get a lil stronger


Well-Known Member
thats good i know what ya mean about custody lol
i just went out and got some diff nutes some diff soil and some more pots
im going to change my other plants into this new soil see if they get better they arent doing well i have to fig it out why ph is good so i dont know if its the nutes or what maybe not enough or to much nutes i dont know ill find out luckly i have seeds already sprouting and germing as we speack.
wens ill get more stuff for them alot more stuff
stretching will stop garnteed with more lights and having them close and the fan will make the stem stronger too.good luck on that ill be around


Well-Known Member
what kind of lights are those?
they look like reg bulbs
and they are pretty high or far from the plants
how many weeks old r those plants?
and ya i have to do them 1 by 1 too


Active Member
there blue plant lights it said at home depot and i have my other light even higher up than that do you think i should put them closer and the plants are liek 4 weeks old i think the lights have been high in the first place tho but its good cause i want them back at my house so i can take care of them any way


Well-Known Member
um ya u should have them alot closer they wont stretch make em alot bushyer more bud sites :0)
and i know what lights u r talking about too


Active Member
yea ill move them closer im happier now tho i deliever the message to my girlfriend so she knows shes doing now but those lights should be fine and i hope the stems get alot thicker


Well-Known Member
i hope so to for ya
if they dont get thicker and u start to flower it wont be able to hold the weight of the buds growing on it ull need to support them.
and u know u dont want to see ur babys using cruches.