1st time grow 12/12 from seed


can some 1 help me out my plants are drying out cause the place there ins not humid whats the best way to add moister to the plants


Well-Known Member
heyy man.. nice lil grow you got.. yeaa like the other guy said.. CFL's will work fine.. you dont need any fancy lights to grow some good bud.. i mean.. check out this guys grow.... he only used CFL's and his shit came out madd nice looking


and w.e. pot u have it in.. you can look down at the bottom.. and if you have alotta roots showin.. then its time to transplant.. and as far as moisture.. the easiet way is to just put a cup filled with water.. or even a bowl or pan.. and just leave in in there with your plants.. that will boost up the moisture a bit.. thats wat i did.. or.. if you got like 10-20 bucks. go buy a humidifier... but a cup of water will work fine..


day 12 pick 1 and 2 are my first plant and 3 and 4 are of my 2nd plant

ive seen people like cut the top of the plant of to make it grow 2 top buds how do i cut it and when is a good time to do it????



ive seen people like cut the top of the plant of to make it grow 2 top buds how do i cut it and when is a good time to do it????


Well-Known Member
Yeaa ur talkin about topping or FIMing it. ( to get the two tops ) you can only do that when your in veg state. It's pretty easy to do. You should wait till your plant is about 4 or 5 nodes high. To top it you just get a pair or sciccors ir trimmers and cut the top off. The very very tip. Maybe like 1/2 inch from the top. And they will make 2 colas ( tops ) instead of 1. And to FIM it. You do ALMOST the same thing. Except instead of cutting the whole top off. You want to look at the very top/tip of your plant. And find the new growth. Looks almost like the begining of a bud. It's a leaf bud. Buy anywayz. Lol. You want to cut almost the while new growth off. I'd say leave about 1/4 or less if the new grow there. You basically just want to leave a very little bit there. Doing that will cause at least 2 new colas ( tops ) but..... It us possible to end up with 4 or myne even 6 colas. Not likely for you to get 6. But it IS possible. FIM stands for Fuck I Missed. Lol. It was someones attempt at topping that went wrong. Lol. But it ended up turning into a new technique. :-D just figured is tell the story. Lol. Hope I helped. It is supposed to help keep your plant shorter and stalkier. And increase your yield. I would give it a try. It's up to you which one you want to do. I like FIMing. Just my opinion tho. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Ooo yeaa. And as far as your pic. It looks like some kind of nute burn. I'm on my iPod right now so I can't see a bigger size pic. But from what I can see looks like nute burn. Just cut back on the nutes and give it a really good watering the next two or three times you water it. It will be fine tho. Nuthin to worry about. You'd be suprised what your plants can go through and still survive. Lol trust me. I know. Lol


i finally got my internet back on ill have all new pics on tommorrow im on 18-6 atm and unfortunalty its on the 6 hours a of darkness so i cant take a pic but ill make shore i do in the mornin


Active Member
ive seen people like cut the top of the plant of to make it grow 2 top buds how do i cut it and when is a good time to do it????
Wait till it has at least 3 nodes, then use CLEAN scissors and cut the main stem of your plant.


Well-Known Member
nope. that has nothing to do with it. just the way the leaves grow. some people get freaky genetics and have leaves that have 13 or even 15 leaves... lol. my last plant i grew had shiny leaves..??it was pretty wierd. It looked like somebody put gloss on all my leaves. but the weed came out lookin fine. i just harvested it today actually.


ok so how many watts of cfl light should i have on those plants for flowerinive got 75 watts of warm white bulbs im gonna go get andother 75 so i getmore or and i good?


Well-Known Member
ummm.. theres not really an exact number of wwattage to have when flowering.. pretty much, the more the better. i had only 3 26 watt CFL's for each plant, and they budded fine. i had one on the top of the plant. and then 1 light on each side. I think i deff coulda used more lights, but only bevause my plants were about 2 1/2 and 3 ft tall. alot taller than i wanted. lol. i only vegged for 3 weeks too. just went back a looked at ur question again... and say usaid u had 75 watss.. lol that the acrual wattage right?? or is the 75 watts the "equivelant"?? ur plants look god so far tho.. keep up the good work. ill do my best to help u through ur grow.


ya acuttaly like 80 watts to be exact but i just went to homedepot today and grabed 2 42 watt cfl bulbs but i didnt read the box carefully and i didnt see that it didnt include the ballest till i got home and plugged the bulb in so i have to go back thereand by the lamps for em and i heard the more light i have on em the beter the nuggs will be so when i flower im gonna have 2 42 watts on the top of the plants and im gonna use 4 26 watt bulbs on the sides for optmium light... also i checked today and one of the branches on the smaller one of the 2 bigs ones is bigger then the hight of the plant is that gonna be a problem in the future?


I haven't read all the posts, so sorry If I repeat stuff.

In your space you would need to invest in a ventilation system to use an HPS bulb.

Even with CFls you will need some ventilation, though this could be just passive in the form of holes 9Inch or more drilled into the back of your cupboard/wardrobe/closet.

I tried to make a veg box that was 18"x18"x24" with 4x21w cfls. I din't ventilate it and acheived temps of 65C. Needless to say, thats hotter than a desert, so nothing grew in there.

I use a 250w envirolite, but multiple light sources can be wrapped around the plant and you will get less lumen drop off, as each bulb could be an inch away friom buds.

Hope this makes sense.



Well-Known Member
ok goood.then u should have a descent amount of light. u should check out Lowes too.. i always went to Home Depot to get my lights and stuff cuz i go to Renta Center once a week to pay for my laptopt, but my gf lives like 5 min. from Lowes, and i didnt have to pay renta center that week, so i went there instead... and they have ALOT more stuff for growing.. even during the winter. i found a GIANT CFL there.. it almost looked fake it was so fuckin big!! not 100% sure if theyll have it at the Lowes u have.. but u should check.. idk the REAL wattage.. but the equivelant wayyage is 300!!! and it fits into a normal light socket..

another thing u may wanna check is you can find 125 and 150 watt (equivelant) cfls at home depot and lowes.. even wal mart too.. and so if u have a lil xtra miney it would be good to upgrade ur lights as u grow.. and that way wen u do u next grow u will have a better light setup than your 1st grow..

and yeaaa.. more lights mean bigger buds.. and it also means more "compact" buds.. if u only have a couple CFL's.. ur buds tend to come out really "airy" and fluffy.. thats how mine came out.. its not a bad thing.. but it deff doesnt look as good as it could/should.. nice tight buds is what u want.. obviously

and the lower branch being taller is fine.. because once u put it into flowering.. after the 1st couple weeks.. the growth tends to slow a bit.. and eventually.. it just grows outward almost.. it just grows buds.. and doesnt grow upwards that much.. except for the main cola.. that will continue to get taller to produce that main bud.. and it should outgrow the lower branch.. but even if it doesnt it will be fine.. if it gets too tall than just tie it down with some string or something.. if you concerned... you can just do it now if u want...

also.. just realized that ur thing sais ur on day 35 of vegging.. u may want to consider flowering pretty soon.. because those things are gonna ge really big really fast.. i just dont want u to do all this hard work.. and then it get too tall.. cuz like i said.. that happened to me... these things turned out to be 2 1/2 and 3 ft tall... and its hard to have enough lights to do that.. soo u might want to start flowering soon.. really soon. lol. even today would be good, and this way u can find out if theyre male or female..

and do u have ventialtion?? i saw a couple fans in ur pic.. soo im guessin u do.. and another thing.. wen u go to home depot or lowes or even wal mart.. look for clamp lights.. u can find them in the tool section at wal mart.. and probly the lighting section at home depot or lowes.. thayre like 7 bucks for the ones with a 150 watt max output.. and like 10 or 11 for the 300 watt maximus ouput ones.. but theose things are AWESOME!! you can clamp them onto everything and anything. and theyre easy to move around.. its some of the best money you will spend.. u can look at my journals... i have some in there u can check them out.. they work great.. cuz a lot of light gets wasted when you have the bulb just out like that....

but.. if ur low on money.. i can teach u how to make ur own reflector for lights like that... its free.. well all u need is come beer/soda/red-bull/energy drink can(s) 1 can for each light.. and a can opener.. and some sharp scsicors.. just lemme know if u want to know hows.. its pretty easy..

ok.. and yet.. ANOTHER thing!! lol. sorry.. just tryna give u all the help i can... do you have any Co2 generating in there?? if not.. an du dont have the money to buy an expensive one thats a few hundred bucks.. i can show u hot to make a ghetto one.. its easy.. but u will need a few bucks.. ok.. u will need a 2 liter soda bottle.. or something around that size.. even a juice bottle or some shit like that. lol. u will need 1 cup of sugar.. 6 cups of water.. (tap water is fine) and 1 tablespoon of yeast which u can get at shaws or stop and shop for like 45 for a packet of it.. and the packet has enough for a few table spoons. and u will need tubing.. like the kind people use for their fish tanks... im sure u know what i mean.. it should be pretty cheap.. and it doesnt really need to be long.. maybe like 1-2 feet. depending on where u put it. and thats its....
heres how u do it.. u get the container. and get a knife and cut a SMALL hole in the cap.. start of really really small.. this is on e of the most important parts.. when u ut the hole.. get a sharp knife and point the tip at the center of the cap... and start spinning the knifeleft to right.. sorry its hard to explain how to do it.. but u wanna take ur time when doin this.. or it wont work good.. soo u make the hole really small.. and try to fit the tubing in the cap.. if it doesnt fit.. then make it a little bigger.. just until u can fit the tube in.. u wanna have to push really hard to get it in.. soo that no air escapes.. then.. u add 1 cup of sugar into the bottle.. then add the yeast.. adn then add 6 cups of water. then put ur hand over the cover and shake it all up.. mix it up good. and put the cover on with the tube.. and wallah!! ur own homeade Cos generator.. it takes about an hour or 2 before it starts to work.. and u wanna make sure that the end of the tube where the Co2 is gonna come out is HIGHER than ur plants.. because Co2 is heavier than air.. soo it will fall to the bottom of ur room/grow box.. this is supposed to be good for 2 weeks.. but usually after about a week or a week 1/2... i change it out just to be safe..

and ok... 1 last thing.. i SWEAR!! lol. check to see if u have a dollar store around.. of not family dolalr might have it.. we have 5 fmaily dollars but only 1 of them had it.. u wnana get some reflective material.. adn at family dollar.. they have rolls of it.. 10 ft. long for a dollar.. its with the wrapping paper.. or check out ur dollar store and look in the wrapping paper section.. u should be able to find it somewhere.. my dollar store had a bunch of it.. they had it as tissue paper too.. but obviously it wasnt tissue paper.. it works great tho.. an dits only $1 compared to 12-15 for a roll of mylar.. if u get some just put it all around ur plants.. it will increase ur light output by A LOT!!!! alotta light goes to wast if u dont...

ok......... thats it.. lmao.. sorry... wen i get high i tend to ramble on ALOT.. i hope out of all these paragraphs.. u at least found something useful. lol. if u got any questions lemme know.. i have a hard time tryin to write stuff out without confusing the other person of even myself. lol. good luck!!