1st time grow 31 days flowering w/ pics


Well-Known Member
nice man good first grow definitely gonna get some sweet THC off her. that being said you probably have another month to go ...

what lights are you using?


Active Member
its under 3 66 watt CFL's. i don't really know much about this i think i just got lucky...


Well-Known Member
its under 3 66 watt CFL's. i don't really know much about this i think i just got lucky...
Looks to me like the trichome production is a little soft, could be the strain. Usually, a 1 month of flowering you should have a significant amount of crystals, but like I said, could be the strain. Are you using nutes? Also, if you were to switch to a HID of any sort you will have a much fuller plant and fuller buds.


Active Member
yeah i know but i have limited space and i'm trying to do this as cheap as possible it started out as me being bored and messing around and when they actually started to grow i just got more and more into it... i have only put about $60 into the whole thing. and i'm just using shultz bloom booster or something like that nothing special...


Well-Known Member
for sure you look a little skimped on the weight, definitely due to you using minimal lights. still i bet you'll get a few eighths off of that and just t he fact that you're going to get her to harvest first try means you're doing something right...

above all, you need more LIGHT.

thats where your weight is going to come from. i use a 400w HPS and it does well in a closet 2x3' a get 4 oz every 2 months and i'm not growing to the full potential. if you can't afford an HPS (and you can, 120 maybe? on HTGSupply) you at least should go for some more CFLs, if not this grow then the next.

but ya man, lookin good and just work up from where you've started, it seems like you'll do fine, especially as you start to learn a bit more about what Mary J likes and what she doesnt


Active Member
what does your closet setup look like? and its not that i cant afford an HPS i was just trying to keep a low utilities bill haha...i guess a few more CFL's couldnt hurt thought, right? how many plants do you have... i have one more im pretty sure its a sativa its growing taller and taking a bit longer to flower, but it is flowering and again i dont think its going to yeild very much at all.... i'm just happy its flowering though this whole process is just amazing!