1st time grow chest, help/suggestions required..

Hey guys, first time poster, long time lingerer.
Finally got fed up of paying creepy guys money for my smoke, so decided to start my own personal grow.

Im using a large set of drawers. First time grow and on a bit of a budget (arent we all) but defo willing to pick necessary things up from wherever i can.

Im using a CFL 250 Blue bulb currently, will obviously add red when flowering.
Ive had the bulb in approx 1day now and heat in the box is definately not a problem, will i still need to make/concentrate on venting??

Just using a mates bagseed for now, see what happens, and when i have a setup ill pick up something a little more 'fruity' :)

I have a couple of meters of mylar (decent version) in the house, waiting to be put in.
BAsically, ive taken the bottom out of the drawers, and so the frame still looks as it should from the outside, just need to drill holes for the plugs, and vents if needed?!??

Im kinda struggling with what is the best position for the light?? :!:and how to mount it.. Ignore the plants for a minute, as i say some are even double planted, lol, ill be trashing those ones when my others germ. Im going out later today for larger individual pots, lol, so ignore those too. Just looking for any comments, reviews/advice.... good or bad, just want something simple, stealth and effective, so i can raise my seedlings right!!!! pic to follow.

Thanks Guys


Well-Known Member
first of all any idea if them seeds are autos.(12/12 from seed) cause i think it would be the best way to go with you're space. cause if one of the bag seeds end up sativa dom or a satvia pheono type of a certain strain it will be a problem with you're space


Active Member
I agree on the autoflowers suggested by other poster. That light is huge! At some point in time you will have to mount it sideways it appears to me because of the space limitatioms. However you do it you want your light moveable so you can keep it close to the plant. You can always top the plants to keep them shorter. If you do dont wait till you have a problem to do it, do it early. Good luck!
Thanks for quick response guys, Yeh they are from seed...not autos. Next attempt will defo be autos, just wanted to see if I could setup a nice environment and have the ability to grow anything lol. But Yeh.next time will be autos. The light is only so low at the mo, as its a cfl, very little heat. I can raise it up another 18 inches as they grow, even more if I mount it sideways. It's actually a pretty good size set,pics don't do it justice...4ft h, 3ft w, 2foot depth.


Active Member
You should have plenty of room then. Have you thought of making some sort of reflector for your light. Possibly a large aluminum pie pan. Be sure and leave some holes to let heat out. Possibly line inside with Mylar too.
For sure dude, I got the mylar already, should be up by later today. Gonna try sort it all this afternoon. Is making a reflector that simple?? A pie tin lol sounds cheap as chips if it helps lol, any preference on pie flavour?? Lol. Ya think it makes much difference whether the.bulb is horizontal or vertical with seedlings so small?? Any ideas on ventilation??


Active Member
Pie flavor doesnt matter although I prefer chocolate! No difference in bulb position with seedlings. I see your bulb for sale in a horizontal fixture, if you had the materials available you could build one of those pretty easy IMO, As long as you have an opening at bottom (cool sir) and one near type (warm air) physics will provide you some ventilation. If it gets too hot you could install a small computer fan to force the air through. What kind of seeds are you sprouting? Are you planning on growing in soil or other? You will want those plants in separate pots at some point in time before they get too big although some people do grow multiples in one pot. I think your well on your way man! Best of luck!
Yeh man, they gonna be grown in soil. I'm gonna single pot them all.. got a couple others grrminating so might scrap Tue ones where they are right next to each other, half mylar is up, hoping will almost be complete (apart from vents) by end of the day lol, gotta couple of v.small cfls ill he using aswell :-)


Active Member
save em all you may get some male plants, i got 4 males out of 5 seeds my first trip...
have a great weekend man!
IMAG0337.jpgIMAG0330.jpgIMAG0326.jpgIMAG0335.jpgIMAG0336.jpgThat's a good shout, may well just keep them :-) just finished with the mylar, albeit badly lol.... will likely leave it like this for a while, see how they get on.. any other tips/feedback always appreciated, have a good weekend too man, Thx.