1st time grow could use tips


Active Member
Update got plants wayyyy up close to the lights, @thcsexy i filled those suckers up damn near the top after this pic i took this yesterday lol. 160212-0143.jpg


Active Member
also @ thcsexy yeah thats what i thought i mean some peoples greenhouses they just cover with that stuff haha, if you dont have white paint its a poor mans help with light. the cubbie is already white so the only AF i have in there is on the spots where the cabinet got scratched and under the pots in case of condensation getting into the wood. using plastic would be smarter but also it would garble some light


Active Member
thanks ill keep posting cus ill probably have just as many questions when they get older but reading around on this site is helpin
ok apologise my mistake been misled on the foil thing then didnt think it reflected the light that much but your right thc sexy better than nowt and good luck to ya larggarett


Well-Known Member
if you are going to use foil use the "dull" side because the wrinkles can cause hot spots which can burn your leafs.. learnt that the hard way hehe.. now i just use white sheets of paper with much better results and its also easier to put into your box.