1st time grow help?


Active Member
This is going to be my first time grow. I have nearly everything. What i was wondering I have like 17 seeds how would i start them off i want them to sprout or somehting before i plant them idk. What's the bets way to go abotu this? I'll make a grow journal after this if I make any progress :)

haze grower

Active Member
im growing a strain that i have no idea wat it is but afta da first 3 weeks da stalk started going purple redish colour cn ne1 tell me wat it is plz


New Member
im growing a strain that i have no idea wat it is but afta da first 3 weeks da stalk started going purple redish colour cn ne1 tell me wat it is plz

Go read the Marijuana plant problems threads. There is one at the top that is like a quick diagnostic.

It would be more polite next time to start your own thread, or better yet read up for the answer first, it's out there already.