1st Time grow - Hydro/Aero


Active Member
Hey all new grow here - introduced myself here

Got the power wired in, was scary at least for me it was. All went ok tho and now I will be able to run 4 1000 watters safely. Only starting with the 1 1000w HPS for now and will add more lights as $$ allows me to purchase them. (or the wife allows, you choose)

AC and dehumidifier running light and all - left it running for a couple of days and everything seems to be going ok, no leaks in the hydro - temps are good, water temp is good, co2 is staying at appropriate levels, humidity is good. Tap water here is really clean low PPM and good PH.

Running my own homade hydro systems, basically a rail with 3'' net pot sites and tube connecting to spinners that I have in rubber stoppers for easy maintenance.

I tried to take a pic of what the hell is goin on in it but this camera takes really bad pictures in the bright light - it totally makes the picture super dark... anyway am getting a nice new camera pretty soon so by the time the plants are even worth looking at I will be able to take some decent photos.

I'll add some crappy pictures anyway.:grin:

Anyways I am real excited and can't wait for these little guys to start vegging out so I can get them into bloom.

Pic of the 3 white widow clones I got - they were looking pretty sad but are looking alot better now and springing into life again, would hate to see the doods garden they came from - it must be a nightmare.

Also scored 10 Durban Poison (sp?) clones that aren't rooted yet but should pop some roots out any day now, guy said he cut them 4 days ago.

Feel free to follow along and posting in this thread is AOK with me as long as it is positive and constructive towards my grow - advice is always welcome and will be rewarded with +rep =P.

Peace out for now-

Vegger.JPGDurban.JPGHumidity.JPGlookin in 2.JPGLooking in.JPGPower1.JPGPower2.JPGPower3.JPGsprayer.JPGTemp.JPGTemp2.JPG3 Widows.JPG


Active Member
like the set up, is that vinyl fence post your using? Im using them and like it, beats the price of store bought units! Looking foreward to ur grow hope it goes well.


Active Member
like the set up, is that vinyl fence post your using? Im using them and like it, beats the price of store bought units! Looking foreward to ur grow hope it goes well.
Good eye there - yea they are Home Depot special vinyl fence posts.. with a few hole saws and some adhesive you can make anything you want =).
I basically ripped off the GH idea but use spinners instead of the laser lines - easier to clear blockages i'm thinking. I Also use 2.25 inch drains instead of the 1.5 ones they have... soon as I can take a decent photo I will upload the deets 4 u peeps.


Active Member
Long time no post - been dealing with pure nasty bullshit - I have figured out why the clones I got looked so crappy - root aphids ...

I have handled them but the process was nasty and intense. I am gonna get some photos together and update.
My other option was to fumigate and start over, especially since I was so early in the grow - but didn't know where to get more clones that were not infected as well soooo...

or crack some seeds but that might just be the way to go anyway...

stay tuned - will explain more.