I'm back, have been busy lately so haven't really been on here that much. So, it did turn out that one of my 2 that I began flowering did in fact turn out to be male. I noticed this about 5-6 days into the switch. Bummer, I know, but trying to stay positive with my one female and my 2 other "non-sexed" which are still vegging. The male I took out of my closet the day I noticed it was growing seed pods, and it is now resting quite well in the back yard.
Update. The one lady is almost 4 weeks into flowering and showing good signs. No "real" discoloration across the entire plant, so far, no negative signs of any sort. I am feeding a bloom nutrient that is 15-30-15 and seems to be providing the nutrients that she needs. She stands about 27" tall (from the soil surface). She has bushed out like crazy and the bud formation is coming along nicely. In the next few weeks I'll be picking up a jeweler's loupe to begin watching the trichomes. I figure since I'm only 4 weeks in, I probably have a bare minimum of another 4 weeks before she could be close to thinking about harvesting.
Of my 2 plants still vegging, one I have been LST'ing around the perimeter of the pot and it is bushy as can be and all the typical "branches" are growing straight up. (just something I wanted to try). I am getting ready to transplant that one in the next week or so.
The runt of the litter (literally stayed under 2" tall for 3 weeks) has started to grow finally and I will be transplanting it out of it's solo cup in the next few days.

1st pic is looking straight down on my flowering female.
2nd pic is a side view showing how healthy she seems to be doing.
3rd pic is a look at the top. (my lighting sux....it's actually a beautiful green color as shown in the other 2 pics)

pics 4 & 5 is showing the vegging plant that I'm LST'ing. The main stem if stretched out straight is about 10-12".
...couple more pics I snapped if anyone is interested......

....just my setup.
As always, if anyone has any thoughts, criticism, advice, I am always wide open for it.
I'll try to be back on here more frequently.
catch you all soon!