1st time grow KUSH bagseeds


This is my first grow i have 5 seeds i germd using the paper towel method. two days after putting in solo cups in MG organic potted plants soil, 2 have came up now just waiting..using a digital timer running 16 on (idk y just try sumthin). 4 5000k cfls and 1 i forgot...would like feedback o and way to keep my temp down im running small like 6in fan for circulation and a dual window fan for intake still high 80s..Tips???



New Member
hai d00d how iz u gonna get em out of dem red plastik cups ??? u put so little soil there.. wai dont u buy small pots u can get 20 for liek 5$ or wai dont u aquire/steal some dat iz gonna b a hasle u iz gunna hav to kut da kups br0

keep temp around 24c and get tho lights a bit closer if not u haz mad stretchin especially wiv cfl's


I've been a lurker of riu for a long time and seen many ppl grow nice lady's outa solo cups I will just have to transplant them when they get there 3rd set of leaves also I didn't fill the cups all the way so it will do a lil stretchin and I'll keep adding soil. I'm starting with 5 seeds in my space 5 plants can't grow so the solo cups give me room to c which ones are gona make it..thanx for the feed back keep it comin I'm gona add pics soon of my seedlings they already have yellow leaves. Is this something I need to b tripn bout??


Well-Known Member
It's a good idea to leave some space to bury the stems a little, i usually do. Moving the light closer can help with the stretching too.
Easy way to get a plant out of solo cup or pot is to just let the soil dry well, and it will come right out when you turn it upside down. You might have to squeeze the sides a little, and for gods sakes hold onto the plant while your doing this. ;)
