1st time grow needin help please



Hows it goin guys i need some help on my 1month old purp plants. all are female and all have lost bottom leaves already and now another set is turning yellow on them. Im not sure why or what to do about it. How much lighting do the plants need and should the need nutes yet?


Well-Known Member
from the looks of it ur gurls are beggin for sum nutes. id start wit bout 1/4 or 1/2 str and work ur way up after bout a week or so


Well-Known Member
Those are a month old? Dang dude, they need help. I'd say you need bigger pots first off. start a root hormone or excelerator and get those babies growing again. then i'd start a 1/4 strenght veg nute solution of what brand you want. start there and let us know how it's going. good luck!


Well-Known Member
dude they should be bigger hell i have 3 week old that are 5 time the size. how much light are you giving them what type of soil is that does it have nute already in it. water is tap. whats your ph levels how much nutes have you given them theres alot of thing to know be for any one can help you but this is a start


Well-Known Member
dude, forget all that. they are turning yellow cause they need nitrogen. u need to give it light. what the hell are u growing under?


I can honestly say im a newb at this. only tap water has been used no nutes and the soil im not sure on if it had nutes in it. what type of nutes should i use and they were 12 on 12 off for lighting but we were told 24 hour lighting til they bud. getting told too many different things. any help i can get it great. also they are under a 250 watt mh light.


Well-Known Member
I can honestly say im a newb at this. only tap water has been used no nutes and the soil im not sure on if it had nutes in it. what type of nutes should i use and they were 12 on 12 off for lighting but we were told 24 hour lighting til they bud. getting told too many different things. any help i can get it great. also they are under a 250 watt mh light.
if u want to keep veggin her u can leave lights on 24/7, 20/4 or 18/6. u only do 12/12 if u want her to flower. as for nutes any veg nutes thats high in N will do. ie 20-10-10


if u want to keep veggin her u can leave lights on 24/7, 20/4 or 18/6. u only do 12/12 if u want her to flower. as for nutes any veg nutes thats high in N will do. ie 20-10-10
Thanks. Where would i happen to get nutrients at? Home Depot for example? And also what are your recommended brand names


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Where would i happen to get nutrients at? Home Depot for example? And also what are your recommended brand names
shank yes u can git fertilizer at HD.but if u go to ur local grow shop or nursery they will have a bigger selection and cood prbly help u out more in choosing, jus look on package for the NPK values. high in N for veg and for bloom anything wit high P. as for brands it all depends on u if u want to go organic or synthetic