1st time grow


Active Member
- hah, i was checkin out Craigslist the past couple days and found a A LOT of good deals of used cameras. ive never bought anything on craigslist and actually tried to get ripped off when i posted my blackberry. freakin vultures :evil:. i thought this one was a good deal: http://hartford.craigslist.org/ele/1148806843.html check it out and see if theres something good in you area. if no tthat gold cam sees like a winner.

HAHAHa, nice analogy to explain the 'birds and bees' of horticulture. gotta say i respect your explainations even if theyre over all kinda 'different' aside from a few logistics regarding my grow room (a closet) im ready to start this thing, im just held back by funding. im looking to be on my own homegrown by the end of summer bongsmilie


Active Member
okay so I am getting a cybershot from sony on saturday, thanks to craigslist, and I may have a short video of the fogger in action. It's no longer being used due to my 4 bucket system, but i might add a 5th bucket for adding chems and check temps and levels. This is also nice to add water or drain also. I got a new drain T this morning, and when I go 5 buckets, I'll add it. You know, I'm still growing and improving my grow. Always goiving the (hopefully) girls my attention. I added bush master yesterday, and i will let it run through until Sunday night. I'll then do a complete water change, and get ready for red monday morning. Might go red after the water change on sunday night. not sure, its friday right now. Adding some pics, enjoy. If you look at persion kush 2 pic, that plant just looks wicked. Ice 1 is a good shot also. Go ahead and comment on all those cords laying around, and how I don't have panda plastic covering all that. That fan in the center has me screwed, unless I go and hang it from the top via achain. I just wouldn't want it blowing the light around.



Active Member
very nice, im diggin the bucket set up. as i stated before id be going for something like this if i had fundage. im going to call my grow "the poor man's grow" its derived off of a strict budget.

i had a cybershot DSC-W50, but i smashed the screen accidently. what model is the one youre picking up?


Active Member
if you wanna ask a question, and not in forum, find smokinsilly on gmail.:peace:

hey djphat, as long as you make your own chronz, go as cheap as you can get. , the camera is a p73. DSC-p73 i think

Also seriously considering a cool tube. Was gonna do the pyrex thing, but nah, this cool tube is only 80 bucks!! Shit the pyrex alone was 20. Gonna be sweet puttin on that 400 hps sunday/mondayish time frame. Going to leave thise 2 t5s hangin, they say a lil blue through flowering, makes great chronic!!

peace out


Active Member
good morning fellow wake~n~bakers,
So this is the second day of the "Bush Master" additive, and it's turning my water milky, and up by the aeroheads, where they spray the mesh pots, there is this white glaze glucose cyst on my pots. This shit is either elmer's glue, or some dank juice that's gonna get my girls all hot and bothered, and they'll start swell'n. Either way, I'm doing a water change tomorrow..bout this time. Going 12/12 then adding the 400 hps and the cooltube I'm grabbing today, and building a 5 bucket system as we speak. So pics tomorrow will have 5 yellow buckets, and a siq ass red glow to my tent. You'll also see 3000 lumens of sporatic t5 blue light, gotta ring out that last bit of THC from the stalk to the flowers. .....anyway, peace out:peace:


Well-Known Member
AHAHAHAHA its like everytime i come to ur thread i see like the same setup as me! except ur buckets are a bite bigger lol, damnit man, quit stealin my ideas ;)


Active Member
Neo I wish we talked more about ther plants, shit I almost killed my plants. Went with that bush master the same time I experimented with air stones, man that was a milky swampy mess. Found out that too much gunk in my setup can smother a plant. I believe I put my plants through some rotting hell, and right now my ppm is 143, and I'm just running plain water. My deal is that I'm swithching to 12/12 tonight, and I hope that flowering will utilize this buildup of nitrogen if not ammonia and nitrates. I'm afraid to show the picks because it is heartbreaking. If you look at the previous pics, you'll see the plants kinda balling up, kinda like a spider does when you blow on it. They have that bare the wind look. Well mine had that, and I thought it was because the new fan was blowing a lil strong. It's because they were getting full of water, saturated because they were having to retain the water in order to extract the oxygen. I went back to an airstone in each bucket, and bought this serious lil airpump. It's a commercial pump and the model number is EcoPlus Commercial Grade 3 #728455. Serious air pump. I also got these concrete block airstone. Right now it's just water, figured a fresh water 24 hour cycle would be good in order to free up any salt build-up. Going blooming strength tonight, I think they're strong and tall enough to go 12/12 I did see alt branch growth on one plant, not on the others yet.


Active Member
comment...if yu have a bucket system, do not oxygenate the water in only one bucket, the circulation isn't enough to carry the oxy water to other buckets..I had a swamp sewage lagoon in my buckets for about 24 hours, started getting worse the last 8, I caught it in the last 7, and had been watching it the whole time. I thought it was bush masters producing frucose like a machine on meth. Nah, it was dying. Have you ever had coral, as in a reef system? Well I had one, and if you ever have coral die, they get your tank messy. My water was like that. But I got this new air pump, and damn..shit boils!!!



Active Member
so here is my grow tent with all that she is. Plants are a lil stunned/stressed, but I see new growth coming up through the top. Might have set them back, but there is some serious thick roots shoots coming through. All of them are like that, but then again, could be the switch to 12/12 caused it. Either way they are great looking.



Active Member
haha, really diggin the avatar change! been procrastinating on posting, but ive been keeping up. sorry about the 'Murky Water Mishap', and i really hope it doesnt affect your girls too drastically.

everytime i log on to RIU im just like 'grah, gimme some funds so i can get this thing going!' i mostly bounce ideas around my dome all day and 90% of the time i dont have the sense to write them down to see what others might thing about it. its all good though, because when i start i know ill have the help i need to get things going.

now back to the lecture at hand :weed:
how do you determine how far away to set your lamp for your babes? how much vertical growth do you expect while flowering and how long do you plan to flower? also i dont recall you highlighting your ventilation set-up, whats it like? last thing is i noticed your t5s still in the set up (and theyre pretty far away), do you think your babes are benefiting from them being in there at all?

i know this is a lot so burn one :joint:and take your time. hoping to get my hands on some nice local home grown tonite.

OnE Love, JbOi:peace:


Active Member
so i've learned that murphy's law is the law of the land, especially in a plant's right to life. I say this because I have been taken back by what happened to my plants. I don't know if it was ignorance or greed. Adding that bush master to my rez was bold and stupid. Once I did, it masked the fact that the airstones were needed in each bucket. I saw milky water, and it was actually milky because all the white hairs from the roots. I have felt that I wasn't responsible enough to even be writing here. Have I nursed these girls back to life or is that just what they do? I don't know, hence "newbie central" and "my 1st grow" I must admit that they looked more healthier in the past, but even now when I look at some of the havoc leaves, they still go concave to seemingly need water? I mean if a leaf was like a solar panel then I trashed 75% of it's lens but yet my plants are trying to light a metaphoric lightbulb. The leaves of all the plants are wounded, I'm serious, when you see the pics, they look like they just returned from a firefight in Falljah, Iraq. They are burnt, I toxified the hell out of these plants. They used to have that dark green almost seedless watermelon green to them. Now my leaves look like maple leaves in the fall, after they change colors. Even though they are messed up, they still are fighting! The leaves are all opened and fanning in the breeze. Seriously though, I damaged the hell out of the plants "solar panels" I'm not getting near the electricity I should be getting out of the leaves. by electricity I mean photosynthesis, sugar production, growth.



Active Member
i think its safe to say that yes your pants could look better, but like you said this is your first go 'round. at the very least the next time youll know what not to do, and be much more prepared to react when/if something goes wrong:bigjoint:

not sure if my comment prompted the t5 position change, but i think theyll be much more effective where they are now. did i see a little bud action in pics 1 and 4? remember what youre in this for:leaf:, persistence is the better part of failure:wall:. that is if you dont succeed, keep the faith bro.

OnE Love, JbOi:peace:


Well-Known Member
i just realized u were using the 3 part, well lemme let u in on a secret i found out, i was using all 3 my first time, i found out u just need the grow and micro for veg and micro and bloom for flower, u can add a lil grow in there too to help with nitrogen, but it almost looks like u have a mag or cal def. get some epsom salt and that should keep it at bay for a while. remember, when in doubt....flush.


Active Member
shout out to djphat and neo for throwing up the free knowledge. My plants will survive, they're girls not pussies...ha! Hey here's something for all the schwagers out there, get some of that gel alcohol hand shit, which is the latest hype. Well when you clean those screens and you get all ash fingered, put that shit on ANYTIME you get resin ANYWHERE. That shit is a miracle. I got resin on a spoon, yeah dinner spoon, and put that alcohol on there and grabbed a q-tip, and like 20 circles later, shit was gone. Also if you have those res/ash finger tips, apply a lil "hand sanitizer" and BAM...you're clean. See while I'm spending a lil time in the midwest, I'm once again reunited with screens, dirty fingers, brown weed.......damn do I miss shooting over to Fremont in Seattle, traveling over to see dude, down by the Fremont bridge, and get some of the icky.......Anyway, I've got some pics coming today, I ....think.....all 4 plants are females, I KNOW two are. The white strain"ice" has serious flowers pods, and the persian is just chillin, kinda like that "here comes the explosion of bud spots" kinda chillin. It's only been 5 days since I went 12/12, but I do have the hps intensity goin on, so they could be showing their flowers a lil early. It's 30 minutes prior to wake up, so it's all quiet in the grown tent. I have my fans and everything except the water and air, on a timer. Aight, so remember get that alcohol hand sanitizer, sterilizer lotion, sanitizer shit you see around wal-Mart or Walgreens, and buy some.


Well-Known Member
rite on, i use this stuff called 420 solution, its like 7bucks at the head shop, works magic, use it in ur pipes, bongs, pieces, w/e, even ur hands and anything else that gets rez on it.


Active Member
so I am feeling a lil messed up with the plants, so I bought green bulbs for the room that the tent is in. I feel like I'm in a c-130 flying over normandy, with a parachute strapped to my ass...ha! I took some great pics today and here they are. Here are some cola pics, I'm thinking the last two are male....not really sure on the last 4 pics, of two plants. Same strain, so maybe its just indica bein couch locked and not budding totally. Either way....enjoy the pics.



Active Member
hey djphat, I believe you asked about ventilation, and just like they do on "cribs" I had to improve my tent b4 the cameras got there. Hey I know everyone out there is gonna laugh at my tissue box filter, but where there is a will, there's a way. I'm curious to see what HEPA will do for the smell, I also have 6 sheets of activated carbon cloth in there. We'll see what happens. You might think I have too much vent tubing, but I have 2 blowers/fans, so I had to use them..:-)



Going back to what Neo said about the GH products. I use the Lucas formula with a little epsom salt for each rez change. The girls love it and I don't have any problems.


Active Member
thanks dorian. The Lucas Formula, from my understanding, doesn't use the green grow formula, due to the micro having sufficient nitrogen. I was doing the GH prescribed feeding just as Neo does, sans the epsom, but I came off from the Lucas formula saying you didn't use the green GH product "FloraGro" The Lucas that I am using just uses this formula 0-5-10 for veg and 0-8-16 for bloom, being ml/gal and the series being Gro-Micro-Bloom. What Lucas Formula are you using:confused: