1st time grower and need some opinions if I'm ready to harvest... I did attach pics..


Ok so, I'M A ToTaL NewBie...This is my very 1st gro... Please bare with me.. I'm in my 9th week of flowering... I'm growing Super Skunk and Wonder Woman and seed bank labled them both 8 weeks of Flowering... I do know that you can not go by that though... I've been watching the trichromes and now there at a 90 / 10 milky / clear color...Which I know that when to harvest based on trichs seem very controversial...I however wanted to flush at the 80/20 - 70/30 color, which I did but Most of my hairs all still white :confused: ...There are some plants that have more red hairs than others, but like I said there still ALOT of white hairs...I'm in my 6th day of flush and was going to do a 10-14 day flush... I'm using the Aqua Canna line of nutes, Crop Circles Coco chips as my medium, and the Ebb n Flow flood and drain table.. I've been flushing with RO h2o, Canna Boost and a lil bit of Brix Plant Molasses.. So, my Trichs are now like I at a 90% milky and 10% clear color with no trace of amber...and needed some opinions from some experienced harvesters if my plants are gonna be ready to harvest in another 4-8 days...Like I said, this is my very 1st grow so all opinions will be greatly appreciated...The pics that I attached Do Not DO Justice... and it doesn't show just how much white hairs there are...So, I figured your opinions would help me tremendously with if the white hairs are gonna mess up my harvest...

Thanks in advance for dealing with my rambling and for any opinions given.... kiss-assLOL...


yeah i'd say you definitely COULD chop it now, i just took off a lower branch of some white rhino thats at about the same stage as yours (begin week 9 on thurs) because it bent/broke and it dried and smoked up fine! but yeah i'd give it a little bit more than you want to! patience will pay off. the best way to be sure would be to get a pocket microscope so you can see the state of those tricks, 20-30% amber is considered ripe i think
Happy smokings


Thanks Gmz.. had a few newbie mistakes...Didn't use a trellis soon enough, had some stretching, and I should of LST'd but didn't, wasn't too sure how to prune and, I definitely should of kept a journal...but they were all newbie mistakes though...Thanks to the Ganja Gods, LOL, I had no real problems...I sure did LEARN ALOT this grow...Can't wait till next grow.. I'm going to definitely keep a journal and hopefully correct some of my mistakes....


I was thinking that they were pretty close and I heard that PATINENCE is A huge ViRTUE in growing..lol...I have a 50x pocket mag. with an LED light on it...So, you harvest at 20-30 % amber?? Have you done different percentages on the trichs?? like, with no amber?? I been doing alot of research and it seems VERY controversial and seems likes its all about what the individual prefers..This is my 1st grow so, I really have no idea which way I'd prefer because when I was just smoking what someone else grew I had know idea what the trichs were at..lmao...

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Next time don't stop feeding until you think you want to chop. Then flush or just water heavy the last week, water only/flush for no more then 7-10 days. Near 100% cloudy is a great time to chop and trichomes are the main factor for chop time, but the hair color and the shade of green of your remaining fans along with just the look of the overall plant are also factors. You don't want amber, any if possible. But I always wait until I see near 100% cloudy whether a little amber shows up or not then I begin week flush. Amber=degraded THC of at least 50%. Use a little more of that Hi-Brix, especially in week 4-8 of flower. I use a full TBSP per gallon every other watering by week 6 or so, I start with 1 tsp per gallon. Flush with nothing but water.

Definitely wait a good week before chop, next time just don't flush too early.


Next time don't stop feeding until you think you want to chop. Then flush or just water heavy the last week, water only/flush for no more then 7-10 days. Near 100% cloudy is a great time to chop and trichomes are the main factor for chop time, but the hair color and the shade of green of your remaining fans along with just the look of the overall plant are also factors. You don't want amber, any if possible. But I always wait until I see near 100% cloudy whether a little amber shows up or not then I begin week flush. Amber=degraded THC of at least 50%. Use a little more of that Hi-Brix, especially in week 4-8 of flower. I use a full TBSP per gallon every other watering by week 6 or so, I start with 1 tsp per gallon. Flush with nothing but water.

Definitely wait a good week before chop, next time just don't flush too early.

THANKS SOOOO MUCH!!! That was such a big help!!! I was so confused about when to start the flush and they where turning cloudy really quick so I thought I had to figure in days for flush as well because I didn't want to get any amber.. but you just cleared all that up I should of posted before I started my flush....Tuesday will be day 7 of my flush using the canna boost and the brix...You suggest waiting atleast 1 week before chop and flushing with nothing but water so, do you think that I should just extend my flushing with nothing but water for 7 days??? or whats your best opinion on what I should do to prolong the growing of the plants for atleast another week??..

redeye jedi88

Active Member
theres nothing wrong with flushing for an extra week go ahead....you should purchase a little pocket scope should come down b4 you chop be nice to see what % you got there like someone else said milky cloudy amber its all about personal opinions then you can try something different next time

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Cloudy to amber can take forever, it can also creep in fairly quick but it won't spread more then 5-10% in a week or so. So once you begin to see amber begin flush.
As I said in pm, being you have been "flushing" with some nutes and molasses you could feed full or close to full dose one more time then begin 'water only' flush. So another 7-10 days before cut. If you are still seeing clears and little to no amber you can still keep her going. I currently have a cotton candy going into her 10th week(it's a 9 week strain) and in I won't be harvesting it for at least another week(week 11).
Always begin flowering days count at 'signs of first pistils' NOT 12/12 switch. This is a more accurate way to count up to the recommended flowering times.
There is nothing wrong with just continuing to flush, even though you really haven't been flushing being you have been giving weak nutes and hi-brix, but you will gain nothing in soil from prolonged flushing(more then 7 days). Stopping nutes too early will cost you yield.
If you done see amber yet and there is still clears I'd be feeding one more time before flush. Either way though now, you grow and learn.