1st time grower. Can someone help me with my plants leaves? Lots of pics SLH

what what

Active Member
I started these plants from seeds in a rapit rooter thingy and then put them in red cups with light warrior soil. Then last tuesday I put them into 5 gallon pots with ocean forest and I mixed in some perlight and peat moss because I didnt have enough fox farm. I put them into the 600 wt hps at 26 inches. I dont have a mh so this will have to do for this grow until next time. It looked like I burnt the leaves with heat so I moved the light to 40 inches. They have been in there for one week now and the light is at 36 inches with the tent at 79-80 at the highest and 74 at the lowest with the lights off. I have been feeding them just tap water that I put into one gallon jugs for atleast 1 day before useing the water. The leaves are still doing this so I dont know if its the soil is too strong or the light is too powerfull. They did have 30wt cfl's for the first month. One plant which is called surup is taking off with great results. All the SLH are pissed off. Here are some pics. Can anyone help me understand whats up with these girls?



Active Member
What kind of soil are you using and did you add any fertilizers to the mix? It looks like a mobile nutrient might be locked or deficient. My guess would be magnesium which I have had before. Give me a few minutes and I'll show you a good reference with pictures if I can find it.

Ok it was pretty easy to find. http://www.weedfarmer.com/cannabis/plant_abuse_guide.php

It says high calcium levels can lock out the magnesium. Do you use tap water and have hard water by chance? I'd try giving them a foliar spray with epsom salt. If that works then you should start giving them distilled water.


Active Member
I would ..... flush out a little with some fresh water. Then add an organic compost tea brew with all the good stuff. seaweed extract, worm casting etc. Then start my feeding regime new with reduced nutrient feed or no feed at all for a week or so.

The plants are very young and dont really 'need' feeding yet.
I started these plants from seeds in a rapit rooter thingy and then put them in red cups with light warrior soil. Then last tuesday I put them into 5 gallon pots with ocean forest and I mixed in some perlight and peat moss because I didnt have enough fox farm. I put them into the 600 wt hps at 26 inches. I dont have a mh so this will have to do for this grow until next time. It looked like I burnt the leaves with heat so I moved the light to 40 inches. They have been in there for one week now and the light is at 36 inches with the tent at 79-80 at the highest and 74 at the lowest with the lights off. I have been feeding them just tap water that I put into one gallon jugs for atleast 1 day before useing the water. The leaves are still doing this so I dont know if its the soil is too strong or the light is too powerfull. They did have 30wt cfl's for the first month. One plant which is called surup is taking off with great results. All the SLH are pissed off. Here are some pics. Can anyone help me understand whats up with these girls?

You say you have the temperature at 79-80, and at 74 with the light off. The temps sound fine, at least during the veg stage. My first question is, why are you turning your light off at all? Your light should be on 24/0 or at least 18/6 for the first 3-4 weeks (veg period) of the plants life. Then you switch over to 12/12.

Judging by your pictures, it may be heat stress but could also be some sort of root lockout or maybe even underwatering (the soil in your pots look a little dry). You can never let a pot get so dry that it is sandy like that. The worst combination a plant can have is heat stress and underwatering, that's the fastest way they'll die. I've seen veggies like that before, it wasn't too hot in the room but the problem was my air circulation.

What kind of nutrients are you giving the plants, and at what ppm, or is it just water? Make sure your pH is always at 6.5

Last thing, if you don't already, get a fan in there and have it blowing sideways in between the light and the plants, shooting all that heat out to the side.

what what

Active Member
I have them at 18/6
I gave them two cycles of fox farm liquid nuts for soil. So I fed them two days before the transplant into the five gallon pots and I fed them 6tsp of big bloom and 3 tsp of grow big. You know know that I look at it I gave them 6 table spoons and 3 table spoons. Thats kinda a lot. Opps. I dont know the ppm or the ph. I just leave the water in an open container for atleast 24 hours.
I have a small osilating fan in there on 24 hours. I guess I could angle it down a little more.


Active Member
my first guess would have been over fert, but i dont know exactly what nutes are in fox farm. but magnesium deficiency is a possibility, but it doesnt present itself this early in growth unless u over fert or use too much of something like calcium or nitrogen. get some epsom salt and use in ur next watering, i use 1 tea spoon per litre when i feed mine but thats not every feeding, in ur case u may need to give them double (because ur plants are fucked) with half the water (if ur soil is saturated already). this may cause other problems and nute lock but desperate times calls for desperate measures.

folar feeding is another option but i never do this as i fear of residue and burn as the water dries (my personal phobia), but it will work and not affect the plants in any negative ways if u dilute it good.

im not a "pro" at this grow stuff but i know all the basics and had my share of fuck ups, 1 piece of advice to a noob grower, if u ever plant outdoors prepare for the slugs, those bastards will eat all ur dope and shit all over it in the process.

what what

Active Member
thanks for the reply's. I woke up this morning and found out that I over nutrienced them when I posted how much I fed them. Right after that I gave them each 3 red cups of plain water. I will monitor them and if in two days nothing has changed then I can give them more water and I will add epson salt to it. I have heard that SLH does not like a lot of nutrience and it sure does show. The one plant called syrup is loving the overload of nutriences and its about twice the size of the others. It was a free seed and I cant find that much info about it. The new top leaves of the slh plants are looking good. Its just the lower to mid leaves. The plants still look strong so im sure they will pull out of this misshap


Active Member
Some suggestions.

1) Most commercial soils contain enough nutrients to keep a young plant well fed for at least the first 3 weeks of its life. If you're using a fertilized substrate, don't feed them additional nutrients when they're in fresh soil.

2) Vegetating plants require high humidity for proper growth. If your grow area is too dry during vegetation, the plants lose their ability to perspire properly. The upward curling edges of the leaves suggest a respiratory problem. Keep a bowl of water in your grow area. As the water evaporates, it will help to increase humidity.

3) Take extra care when transplanting. It's a delicate time for plants as they adjust to their new environment. Transplant shock can be deadly. Make sure to water the plants thoroughly 24 hours before transplanting and handle them gently during transport to minimize root disturbance.

4) Give those ladies a good flush, with water only. If there's a buildup of nutrients in your soil caused by over-feeding this will help to remedy the problem.


Well-Known Member
I have them at 18/6
I gave them two cycles of fox farm liquid nuts for soil. So I fed them two days before the transplant into the five gallon pots and I fed them 6tsp of big bloom and 3 tsp of grow big. You know know that I look at it I gave them 6 table spoons and 3 table spoons. Thats kinda a lot. Opps. I dont know the ppm or the ph. I just leave the water in an open container for atleast 24 hours.
I have a small osilating fan in there on 24 hours. I guess I could angle it down a little more.
That is way to much nutes to be using for a plant that size. Do a complete flush and then do maybe 1/4 strength. When I read the recommended dosage on the bottle I usually don't even use that much. But if you are giving more than what the bottle says you ARE going to burn Yo shit up. STAY HIGH!!!
Pick up some Vitamax and for every Litre use 2.5 mL

Flush your plants every day for 3-4 days with that solution. This Vitamax shit isn't a nutrient, it's vitamins, something perfect for when a plant is struggling

what what

Active Member
I will check that stuff out tomorrow when I go to the local store. I feel so stupid for thinking tsp was tbsp! Everything was going great too. The lights just turned on and the girls seem to look the same if not better. I think the worst is over. I only fed them that super high consintrate when they were in red cups and since they have been transplanted into 5 gallon pots I have fed them 3 times (just water)and its been a week as of yesterday. Next grow I want to try the coco mix on the 12/12 cycle and try to grow 12 plants under the 600hps(raptor hood). I'll post some pics up in the next few days to show the progress. Tomorrow im getting an 8x39 phresh filter. Its 200 bucks!!!!!! I live in a condo and im venting out the gas only fireplace. Building code says that each fireplace much have its own line but im not sure how well its sealed up knowing manual labor. I live on the second floor out of three floors and the chimney is super high on the third floor We live on a hill and the wind blows the air down the hill towards houses and the chimney is 50ft above those houses so the air will desperse SUPER well but im just worried that the smell will leak to the upstairs neighbors. Safe is me.


Active Member
I will check that stuff out tomorrow when I go to the local store. I feel so stupid for thinking tsp was tbsp! Everything was going great too. The lights just turned on and the girls seem to look the same if not better. I think the worst is over. I only fed them that super high consintrate when they were in red cups and since they have been transplanted into 5 gallon pots I have fed them 3 times (just water)and its been a week as of yesterday. Next grow I want to try the coco mix on the 12/12 cycle and try to grow 12 plants under the 600hps(raptor hood). I'll post some pics up in the next few days to show the progress. Tomorrow im getting an 8x39 phresh filter. Its 200 bucks!!!!!! I live in a condo and im venting out the gas only fireplace. Building code says that each fireplace much have its own line but im not sure how well its sealed up knowing manual labor. I live on the second floor out of three floors and the chimney is super high on the third floor We live on a hill and the wind blows the air down the hill towards houses and the chimney is 50ft above those houses so the air will desperse SUPER well but im just worried that the smell will leak to the upstairs neighbors. Safe is me.

Not heard of that filter, different part of the world. But they are deffinately needed in this game.... If you want 'belt and braces' protection maybe consider a small ozone generator.
btw... 12 plants seems a lot under one 600w hood. I never understand how peeps can achieve this as I can only manage 4. I guess you must be giving them or intend giving them no veg time.
also, MH (Metal Hailde) bulbs through veg are really good, even better than HPS.

what what

Active Member
I just dont have the cash right now for the mh bulb. I just dropped about 1300 on all of this stuff and need to get back some of it with this grow for the next one. The 12 plants will be started from clones and finished to flowering on the 12light/12 darkness schedule. They will all be very small and in small containers. Maybe one gallon size. This will be good for me because it will save a lot on electricity, nuetriences and it will be done quickly so I can go on vacation somewhere.


Active Member
I just dont have the cash right now for the mh bulb. I just dropped about 1300 on all of this stuff and need to get back some of it with this grow for the next one. The 12 plants will be started from clones and finished to flowering on the 12light/12 darkness schedule. They will all be very small and in small containers. Maybe one gallon size. This will be good for me because it will save a lot on electricity, nuetriences and it will be done quickly so I can go on vacation somewhere.
I hear what your saying on the dough front. I'm having to buy new equipment since I sold my last lot on ebay a couple of years back... Its quite expensive to do it correctly. What your saying regarding higher density of plants over shorter veg time has made me consider if I should do the same hmmm ... I guess the only down side would be if the babylon come knocking they would consider small ones same as a big one and having more plants, well .......