1st time grower needs some advice!!!! PLEASE

okay well my babies are 2 weeks old today, i know i need to transplant them soon before they become root bound to the cup i have them in. I have a box full of nutes i got from a friend and bud book but dont know what to do with the nutes or how to mix them. each one has directions on the back, but i was wondering if there is a better way. right now i have

PH up/down/ and calbration solution
Bat Guano- indonesian 0-13-0 and mexican 10-2-0
neem concentrate
fish emulsion 2-4-.5
liquid life grow 6-0-4
power flower 2-2-5
B. Seaweed .1-.5-1
schultz plant food 10-15-10

pleaseeeeeeee someone let me know what what i should do with these, i hear you need to start nutes around day 14!!!


Well-Known Member
okay well my babies are 2 weeks old today, i know i need to transplant them soon before they become root bound to the cup i have them in. I have a box full of nutes i got from a friend and bud book but dont know what to do with the nutes or how to mix them. each one has directions on the back, but i was wondering if there is a better way. right now i have

PH up/down/ and calbration solution
Bat Guano- indonesian 0-13-0 and mexican 10-2-0 (mix some Mexi with your new dirt when transplanting, save the Indo for flower)
neem concentrate (good bug deterent if / when needed)
fish emulsion 2-4-.5
liquid life grow 6-0-4
power flower 2-2-5
B. Seaweed .1-.5-1
schultz plant food 10-15-10

pleaseeeeeeee someone let me know what what i should do with these, i hear you need to start nutes around day 14!!!
I'll assume a little here.
Sounds like you're growing in dirt. Unfortunately all dirt is not created equal.
I'm guessing but it sounds like if you're concerned with roots,,, transplant now. Very generally speaking, if you transplant you shouldbe set on nutes for a bit more. Probably for another 2 weeks to give you time to research what you're trying to do.
You need to determine / experiment with a style of grow. Many add nutes and whatevers on a timely game plan. Probably the most popular way.
One of my personal favorites that I see missing is the worm castings. I love that stuff. Mix it with dirt, make a tea, top dress, whatever. I've yet had any issue of any sort using the castings. Almost to the point of saying, "you can't add too many." But that wouldn't be absolutely true.
For now, honestly just transplant it into good dirt and get on here and study. Compare styles. Find out what works with what. Learn to read your plant(s) and make good judgement calls. You'll be way ahead.
Above all, remember it's only a weed. Given 1/2 a chance it'll do fine almost on it's own. Most problems come from people intervention. Learning the pitfalls from reading what others had for issues and what worked / didn't work will serve you well.
There's a wealth of knowledge in these threads. Start digesting and good luck.
Yes im growing in scotts preminum potting soil, so far (as i can tell) there growing pretty good but some are growing crazy n others are slowly getting there. I have heard about this compost tea but havnt been that interested in it due to the fact i have to get out and buy more stuff but for all the stuff i read about this tea i think im going to have to invest in ingredients to make it. thanks for the help