1st time grower, questions


Active Member
Ok so this is my first time growing, and I'm currently flowering 2 plants, and still vegging another.They are in a closet under 4 29 watt CFLs, with an oscillating fan. They are all from seed from good headies, though each one is different. I originally started with 4 of the same type, but only one survived after germinating, and the other 2 i took over for friends.

I included some old pics, and will add some more tonight when the lights are back on. Right now the two bigger ones are flowering for 2 weeks now, and doing pretty good, the bigger one has alot of buds(i counted around 5 dozen spots with lots of white hairs) and around the top buds, the leaves are sandy with crystals.

The other one i'm flowering isn't doing as good, it has about 2 dozen budding spots, but some of the hairs are already orange tinged at the tips, and every time i cut the lights on, the leaves are neon-yellowed, I had heard it might not be getting enough light, so i added another spot light to it, and now by the time i cut the lights off, almost all the yellow is gone, bt then when i cut them on aagain, it's started to come back, and it repeats, it's getting better, but i want to be sure the problem is lack of light, before i add another.

My third plant is my baby I raised from seed. She is small, but incredibly bushy. I've had to trim her down considerably in the bottom a few times because the leaves start growing almost immediately off the stem, so after a while without cutting, you cant even see the stem on the bottom half of the plant. she is in the last 2 pictures and so far I have been waiting to flower her till she gets bigger but now i think maybe shes just always gonna be small and squat, what do you think?

i didn't use any fertilizer for any of the plants during vegging except the little one, and i used one dose of some super bloom fert () that i now know is probably bad, but i used like a 1/8 of the recommended to make sure i eased into it, so i'll be getting some new ferts at the store soon. I have a thermometer on the fan, and unfortunately, it gets up to around 82-84 when the light is on, due to the size of the closet, i can't add another fan without it blowing directly on one of the plants, and i think the issue is more ventilation than the fan not being good enough anyways, any suggestions that dont involve cutting a hole in my closet?



Active Member
"any suggestions that dont involve cutting a hole in my closet?"

LOL, I am trying to figure out the same info. Is there any way to put a small vent under the door?


Well-Known Member
you want a fan blowing on the plants. your running about 120 watts total, which should get you about 1/2 ounce of buds total after harvest and cured.

If the hairs are turning color, that just means that plant may end up finishing first.


Active Member
but turning 2 weeks into flowering? I upgrades some of my lights and counted up the total wattage, and now I'm up to around 240 watts for two plants, and if i can find a way to lower the temp, I'll increase that. but you really think only a 1/2 oz with around 7 dozen buds? also, how big of a fan should i need? atm i have a kind of small oscillating fan, but the closet is already small, so i dunno if a bigger fan will do much, but i have a box/window fan if anyone thinks that will help. also, i'm currently using 12-55-6 super bloom fert i got at the store cuz it was the only one with P above 10 i can get in my town. Also i heard something about adding mollasses for denser buds, was going to try that out the next time i fert them.

also, i added a pic of both of them, and one of the flowering one that isn't doing so good, she has 2 42 watt cfls, and one 30 watt on her and she seems to be doing better, new leafy and bud growth, though on 2 or 3 of her leaves they are starting to browr around the middle of the leaves, though it still doesn't look real bad, I'm going to get access to a new camera soon so i can take better pictures of it, and of the buds



Active Member
there is a fan, it's off camera, though I'll take some pics tonight so everyone can see how big it is so i can know if i need to add another one, also, anyone got any suggestions for taking real close up bud pictures? want to get some good ones of the crystally top leaves, also, what's everyone think about the little one? ready to flower yet?


Active Member
also, when people talk about how much yield you should expect int terms of gram to watt, is that in terms of actual wattage on CFLs, or the other wattage #?


Well-Known Member
also, when people talk about how much yield you should expect int terms of gram to watt, is that in terms of actual wattage on CFLs, or the other wattage #?

Actual wattage under HPS. A good grower gets .5grams/watt of HPS light. No official # for CFL ,but I put it at .3g/watt due to the less penetrating Lumens of CFL. so .3X240=72 grams, if its your first grow i would only expect half as much as that so 36 grams or 1 1/4 oz. Looks are deceiving, the plant will lose at least half its size and 75% of its weight when its harvested, dried and cured. CFL when done right still produces great potent bud, but its somewhat fluffy and not solid like a HPS gets em, and def not as good as the sun does it.


Active Member
ok so the day before yesterday I added my first dosage of mollasses in with my nutes and water, and the next day, there was some mold on the soil, which I think is due to the really high temps in the room(85 farenheit at it's highest) and the fact that i should have probably waited another day to water that plat cuz it wasn't completely dry, but i'm trying to get the nutrient cycle the same for both of them. So I scraped it all out and sprayed a light layer of fungicide on the soil, and i turned off one of my lights while the soil dries in hopes it won't come back tom, any other suggestions?