1st Time Grower

So AFOAF has begun growing for the first time, he has one plant growing inside a small stealth grow box he made ( about 14inL*10inH*6inD) he has a flourescant light on the opposite side of the box from the plant, and that plant is about 2 weeks old. He wants it to grow as short and bushy as possible so that it can stay in that box and is keeping the plant on either a 16/8 or 24/0 light schedule, theres an exhaust fan but currently its not working and wont be for a few more days so hes simply occasionaly opening it up to let new air in. He can't (at the moment) move it to a bigger box. Anyone have tips on growing in these conditions? I know thats very vague but hes new to this and don't really know what specific questions to ask, hes done his research but all the guides tend to be for bigger box sizes. thanks :):weed:
It appears to be a sativa plant


Active Member
lol, can i replace all the his with yours :),

first you picked up the wrong strain sativa are the big ones , indica are the small and bushy ones, what you can do is LST aka bending , or scrog thats the only things you can do i guess
oh yeah keep the light closer so you won't stretch them , the farther the light they will stretch more, i keep my 55w cfls at 2" and 400w hps at 8"

good luck to AFOAF :)
Thanks :) okay il move it closer Im worried about it burning the plant though, its one of those swirly ones that go into the same light sockets as regular bulbs, how close can it be without hurting the plant? Il do the lst method


Active Member
are you talking about CFL's "Compact Fluorescent Light", energy saver lamp? if so they don't produce much heat, you can go as close as 2" if they are powerful and hot then 3 to 4", your the judge
as long as its not hot when you put your hands on the tops of plant, and i forgot to mention you can use smaller pots and no need for lst , they won't go big this way, check this post out
he used a 5" pot only and look at the size of the plant ,
Yeah their cfls, i just didnt know the name before.Wow thats a pretty little plant :O I was going to switch it to a bigger pot but i think il keep it in my little solo cup pot now, how much of a problem is not having a fan? i cant open it up more than a few times during the day. Thanks for your advice btw :)
Also theres these little clear hairs coming off of it at some of the nodes, are those baby leaves or something else? just a few at the upper part


Active Member
on thing for sure if the temps reach 85f/30c and above it will die, CFL bulbs can accumulate heat inside a box so be careful, can you install a pc fan in that box as a vent? to suck the heat out ? or get temp meter and see how hot is it inside while the lights are on, if its under 80f then its fine

be careful not put them in a cup for long , if it reaches 5 or 6" you must transplant to a bigger one, at least a 2litre pot, and the hairs your talking about are the pistils, which is a sign of a female plant which what you want those pistils will increase and create the buds

but that should happened only when switch to 12/12 light cycle , have you?
Currently changing the wiring, heres to hoping it doesnt explode!:shock:
edit: looks like it went well, got a fan blowing air in (ambient temperature is like 74) plant looks happy :) Thanks for your help :)


Active Member
thats great, 74 is great

am interested to know how did you do it, did you power the fan by a near by pc?
I simply attached the contacts of a 9vdc wall adapter to the power cord for the light, then wired that to the fan, it dimmed the light but now i have a working fan without adding an extra cord ( i didn't want to do this as atm the box from the outside looks like a normal electronic device and an extra cord may tip off anyone who sees it that its not) oh whoops didnt see that question about the pistils, previous to being put in my grow box fredrica (her name) was growing on the corner of my house so she was getting a regular day/night cycle, but i had to transplant her so no anti-herb people saw and hurt her