1st time growing indoors, suggestions on setup?


Active Member
Hey Everyone!

This is my first time growing, so I was wondering if anyone could look at my setup and tell me things that I might be missing, or anything that I should change/add.

My setup is as follows...

- I am using 2 stealth hydro DWC bucketeer systems to grow 2 large plants. For water I am using reverse osmosis Using BIG BUD seeds.

- I am growing in a closet that is about 1.5 ft deep, 4ft wide, and 6.5 ft tall. It is light proofed by hanging a blanket on the inside that covers the door

- Using (4) 55 watt CFLs at 5000k for veg, and (4) 65 watt CFLs at 2700k for flowering. Couldn't go with HPS because of the heat problem, and the expense.

- Using florogro (2-1-6) and florobloom (0-5-4) for nutrients

- Using a hydrometer and thermometer. My humidity is usually around 20-30% but I bought a closet dehumidifyer to help when the hydro is going. The temperature ranges from 66 degrees (absolute lowest) to 82 degrees, but the plants should be warmer than the since they lights will be 2-4 inches from the tops of them.

- For ventaltion, I have a large (see pic) fan on low, blowing up at the ceiling so it pulls air from the bottom of the closet. I am hoping this will also pull in air from outside to renew C02, but I do plan on opening the closet multiple times a day.

- Got PH test strips with PH up and down. I am thinking about having the PH around 6 or so.

- I live in an urban area, and I read that I shouldn't be too concerned with PPM since there is already a lot of C02 in the air.

- I am also going to be growing cilantro with the pot to help cover up smell. Do I need more?

* Any comments, suggestions, or criticisms will be much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Looks great but if that fan is blowing past the lights down on the plants it is a bad idea. need to get the hot air up and away from ur babies


Active Member
Thanks for the reply man, I'll switch that up right away. I got 2 days until the seeds arrive so I am trying to get all the little things fixed so I have a successful first grow.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply man, I'll switch that up right away. I got 2 days until the seeds arrive so I am trying to get all the little things fixed so I have a successful first grow.

Well it looks like your off to a great start! +reps for actually putting in the effort! Ill have to say my setup isnt that pretty! But it does the job lol


Well-Known Member
As you progress you will want to think about more odor control unless you keep your cilantro nipped everyday. I grew up across from a field of cilantro in south texas. Shit will get on your nerves.


Active Member
As you progress you will want to think about more odor control unless you keep your cilantro nipped everyday. I grew up across from a field of cilantro in south texas. Shit will get on your nerves.
Yea I am worried about that, to be honest I have been around very few marijuana plants so I don't know exactly what I am dealing with. I hear that they don't smell TOO terrible when they are wet and growing, so I hope the cilantro will be enough and bearable to be around. Thanks for the reply, I am sure I could use a lot of advice :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I would also invest in Flora Micro. I would then use the three part flora series and take it up to the proper ppm, (oh I would suggest a ppm meter). Unfortunately things get expensive fast put having your ppm within range should be helpful. You can buy a quart of the flora micro (try discount hydroponics). I would also get your lights closer to the seedling, you can with the CFL's. (mormonville-they are all over the place..remember there is a temple opening up near you....


Active Member
I would also invest in Flora Micro. I would then use the three part flora series and take it up to the proper ppm, (oh I would suggest a ppm meter). Unfortunately things get expensive fast put having your ppm within range should be helpful. You can buy a quart of the flora micro (try discount hydroponics). I would also get your lights closer to the seedling, you can with the CFL's. (mormonville-they are all over the place..remember there is a temple opening up near you....
Oh yea for sure... I am going too try to have the lights about 2-4 inches away. I should be getting the BIG BUD seeds tomorrow, so that's when i get to start! I will definitely look into the Flora Micro... I very much want to have a successful first grow. And there isn't a temple opening up by me, only because there is one in the view of my window right now... :fire:


Well-Known Member
just abt ready to take them into the flowering stage....
sorry cant help any more my 1st grow as well


Active Member
Nice set up! I am worried about mine, because I cannot be positive that my fan will actually circulate and bring in air from outside the closest so the plants get plenty of CO2. But I am germinating the seeds today to start :-)


Well-Known Member
as long as u gt air circulation in the room and a open vent u should b ok....
if u can open the closet 4 a bit everyday even better....
u can also check out some artificial methods of CO2 production...

i dont have a venting system.... i just open the closet once a day... out with the old and in with the new...


Active Member
Awesome! that will be my plan then... open up the closet multiple times a day. Thanks for the advice! I was going to invest in some vent shit, but i think i'll just try that out.


Active Member
Nice pics! I hope my grow go as well as yours! And I think I might have to make an album like that as well. Well the seeds are germinating and they should sprout tomorrow... So thanks for the input, I get to put it to use now! :-)


Well-Known Member
Nice pics! I hope my grow go as well as yours! And I think I might have to make an album like that as well. Well the seeds are germinating and they should sprout tomorrow... So thanks for the input, I get to put it to use now! :-)
good luck...
keep me posted


Elite Rolling Society
Hey Everyone!

This is my first time growing, so I was wondering if anyone could look at my setup and tell me things that I might be missing, or anything that I should change/add.

My setup is as follows...

- I am using 2 stealth hydro DWC bucketeer systems to grow 2 large plants. For water I am using reverse osmosis Using BIG BUD seeds.

- I am growing in a closet that is about 1.5 ft deep, 4ft wide, and 6.5 ft tall. It is light proofed by hanging a blanket on the inside that covers the door

- Using (4) 55 watt CFLs at 5000k for veg, and (4) 65 watt CFLs at 2700k for flowering. Couldn't go with HPS because of the heat problem, and the expense.

Use all of them, all of the time. You need what they call a DUAL Spectrum, so I urge you to use them all at the same time. If there is not enough room for all of them, then use as many as possible of the correct Kevin for that cycle, but MIX them up. Like use 3 5000 and 1 2700 at the same time for VEG.

- Using florogro (2-1-6) and florobloom (0-5-4) for nutrients

- Using a hydrometer and thermometer. My humidity is usually around 20-30% but I bought a closet dehumidifyer to help when the hydro is going. The temperature ranges from 66 degrees (absolute lowest) to 82 degrees, but the plants should be warmer than the since they lights will be 2-4 inches from the tops of them.

During VEG, you need a 40% + to 55% Humidity. At least 45%, and you did not need a DE-humidifier, you need a Humidifier. You need to raise the humidity.
do you MIST them or use a foilage spray?

- For ventaltion, I have a large (see pic) fan on low, blowing up at the ceiling so it pulls air from the bottom of the closet. I am hoping this will also pull in air from outside to renew C02, but I do plan on opening the closet multiple times a day.

Air movement is very necessary for the health of your plants, but too strong of a fan can cause wind burn, especillly if blown DOWN on the plant.. Direct your fan toward the tops of the plants and toward the lights. Never position the fan blowing strongly downward on the leaves. A small oscillating fan really strenghtens the stems too.

- Got PH test strips with PH up and down. I am thinking about having the PH around 6 or so.

- I live in an urban area, and I read that I shouldn't be too concerned with PPM since there is already a lot of C02 in the air.

- I am also going to be growing cilantro with the pot to help cover up smell. Do I need more?

The smell is going to increase as they grow bigger. The Cilantro is going to be like a big dick on a celibate priest.

* Any comments, suggestions, or criticisms will be much appreciated.

I'd suggest that you Get that closet DE humidifier out of there. And get a MIST or Spray bottle to MIST them ocassionally.


Active Member
Wow. Thanks you really broke everything down. I am investing in a humidifier and I am going to get some more lights in there once the plants start to get a bit bigger. I also got my hands on a spray bottle and filled it with 5.8 PH water to mist the sprouts until they take root in the DWC system.
"The smell is going to increase as they grow bigger. The Cilantro is going to be like a big dick on a celibate priest."
-Ha ha! I will keep that in mind and maybe try to invest in a more practical odor control.

Thanks again for the speedy reply! I really hope to have a harvest as good as yours someday... but right now I just want to have a nice successful first grow. Everything I have learned so far has been fro RIU forums, you guys are awesome.