1st time growing


Active Member
its my first time growing n i have everything i need to grow indoors. im going to be growing 1 plant in my closet inside of a 3 foot cabinet. i dont want the plant getting too tall or to smell too much. how do i trim it to keep it short and what helps with the smell?


Well-Known Member
If you go into the FAQ tab at the top of the page you can find a grow guide and and there is an odour control guide in the indoor growing section of RIU front page. With regards to height there are ways to tie down a plant and influence its height (LSTing). Or just order some autoflowering dwarfs.


Well-Known Member
topping or fimming will help with the height a bit, and flower early. if its 3 ft. when you hit 1ft its time to flower, maybe even before.