1st Time Growing


Well-Known Member
6-08 1.jpgSeeds: Fire og fem found at local dispensary 12 for $60
soil mix: Ffof and black gold worm casting mix
nutes: Grow big and big bloom
monday they where moved in these 5 gallon and 1 gallon pots
i had them cups when they were transplanted i fed them and they shot up is it alright to feed them once a week 6-08 2.jpg6-08 3.jpg6-08 4.jpg6-08 5.jpg
it looks like the seeding stage is over for most of them, now in the veg stage. you should be alright with the nutes now in the veg stage. did you order the fox farm online? and is that 100 % fox farm soil in the pots
i got the fox farm products at a hydro shop i live in so cal and there are hydro shops every where these shops are crazy to walk around in and the soil is mixed with some black gold worm casting
dam nice setup, i never though of using sticky traps( im having harsh bug problems atm) thnx for the idea
and happy shmokin
6-08 2.jpg[before] just six days after the transplant 6-11 11.jpg[after] i feed it nutes twice already im goin chill for the rest of the month any advice word up peace out!
check this out nute mix that im using[video=youtube;oSvlWttkdHg]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSvlWttkdHg&list=PL06EE012763888CA1[/video]and this is how they turned out [video=youtube;cReg0nc6ibY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cReg0nc6ibY&list=PL06EE012763888CA1[/video]
update june 27 i lost a plant a beginer with nutes i fucked up but i have 3 leftPicture 001.jpgwont make the same mistake twice plants are lovin that cali sun what up PEACE OUT!
my brother just drop this mango kush plant off 1 week ago he had in a 1 gallon pot with some MG garden soil put it in a new pot dont know the size it was in the backyard mixed in some new soil happy frog and ffof its already started to take off he topped it its cool im goin take care of it for him he better break me off some herb alrite peace out heres some pics.1.jpg1 (1).jpg1 (2).jpg
ill show some other plants im taking care of they all looked like shit before these ones belong to my popsPicture 007.jpgPicture 006.jpgPicture 005.jpgand this onePicture 008.jpgPicture 010.jpgPicture 009.jpghell probably kick me all the popcorn buds HA!
Sticky traps can capture beneficial insects, definitely a no no. It also deprives beneficial birds of nourishment. You can get some summer weave grow cover to cover plants. They don't call it weed for nothing it is much hardier than most things growing about you. A "weed" plant needs very little to grow. Anything you give them in moderation is a bonus. A few chews in the leaves are not going to devastate a potted plant. Besides that they look healthy. Kill the beneficial wasp and maybe they don't eat the bad bug who lays eggs in your main cola.