1st time growing


i have a kush seed and i was wondering if anybody got any tips on what type of soil and anything else i would need so that it can grow right

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
When you germinate your seeds and they get a tap root you want to plant them into seedling soil because it has 0 nutes in it. I'm doing my first grow and I am using Merical Grow soil but alot of people say its bad to use but it depends on how you grow your plants. If you buy seedling soil it shouldn't cost more then $6 with tax for a big bag. If you use those 72 cell things you can have your seedlings in them for 1 to 2 weeks depending how fast the roots grow and you shouldn't have to worry about getting nute burn when you put them into the regular soil.


Well-Known Member
When you germinate your seeds and they get a tap root you want to plant them into seedling soil because it has 0 nutes in it. I'm doing my first grow and I am using Merical Grow soil but alot of people say its bad to use but it depends on how you grow your plants. If you buy seedling soil it shouldn't cost more then $6 with tax for a big bag. If you use those 72 cell things you can have your seedlings in them for 1 to 2 weeks depending how fast the roots grow and you shouldn't have to worry about getting nute burn when you put them into the regular soil.
I concurr, good advice


If you're growing indoors, here's some of the things I use:

Fox Farm soil seems to be pretty popular around here, and it's what I've used during the few grows I've had with great results. You could use Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil or a mixture of Fox Farms Ocean Forest and Light warrior. Both worked out well for me. If you go with Fox Farms soil, you could pick up the Fox Farms 3 pack nutrients (Grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom). You won't have to use the nutrients for about 4 weeks, and then you can start feeding them at 1/4 or 1/2 strength according to the chart provided. You will also need a PH tester and drops to adjust the PH of your water. The ideal range is 6.3-6.8. I would recommend getting a digital ph tester, although ph test strips would suffice. You can get a digital PH tester on Ebay for 30 bucks. Hanna seems to be a reputable brand name.

You're going to want pots if you choose to go that route. 1 gallon per foot of plant you want to grow is a good rule of thumb. A timer to switch to 12/12 lighting during flower, unless you're growing outdoors. I use a Intermatic digital heavy duty timer. It's only 20 bucks on Ebay and very easy to setup. You'll also need a grow light, fans, a thermometer, an illuminated microscope from radioshack or jewelers loupe to check trichomes for harvest, and maybe some mylar film. That's the basics I can think of off the top of my head. A good website to get most of this stuff from is htgsupply.com

If you're not growing indoors, you can pretty much ignore my entire post. You should check out the stickies and grow guides around here if you haven't already.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
I concurr, good advice
Thanks. For me I did mine in jiffy pucks and it was pretty much the same amount of time and I pretty much did a regular watering when I planted them into pots then the next watering I gave them a 1/8 teaspoon of 20-20-20 for 1L of water so its not to strong or to weak and my plants loved it. They were already going for Nitrogen deff but I read a review that the strain that I have loves nitro. But all strains are different and react differently to nutes that they were given. My rule of thumb is to feed very weak and go from there because you can always do another very weak feed the next watering. But when you give them to much nutes you are doing alot more work doing damage control.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. For me I did mine in jiffy pucks and it was pretty much the same amount of time and I pretty much did a regular watering when I planted them into pots then the next watering I gave them a 1/8 teaspoon of 20-20-20 for 1L of water so its not to strong or to weak and my plants loved it. They were already going for Nitrogen deff but I read a review that the strain that I have loves nitro. But all strains are different and react differently to nutes that they were given. My rule of thumb is to feed very weak and go from there because you can always do another very weak feed the next watering. But when you give them to much nutes you are doing alot more work doing damage control.
Well, again, I concurr. The plant has to be goin strong, real robust groth to start getting fancy with heavy doses or whatever. When things get a little dicey, don't start confusing the issue with voodoo bullshit. That's the time to stay conservative and try not to add to the problem. In the beginning most of the time you will be the cause of the stress. Fix yourself first don't throw a lot of shit at the wall and hope something works


Well-Known Member
May I ?
Start out real simple. something like coco or some other sterile medium. Why? because from then on you are in control. Cana coco nutes are A & B Real simple.
you can use it throught your grow, start to finish no problem. No voodoo, no bullshit. Later, if you want to waste your money go ahead but at least you get through one grow with a good experience.
Make sense?