1st Time Indoor Grow


Active Member
Ok here goes. Fairly new to RIU been mostly just reading and asking a few questions here and there. I'll start with my grow room specs. 54X69X24". For lights I just have 4 13w CFL 2400K 2 23W 5600k 4' 4 bulb T12 (2 cool white X 2 grolux standards) and 1 100W HPS. Right now I'm 2 weeks into veg from sprout. Used the old paper towel method for germination then put into soil. My medium is straight MG potting soil time release ferts. BIG MISTAKE= lesson learned. Fans, I have 3 pc fans and one inline for exhaust. Works good now, had temp probs early on but they were addressed by adding the pc fans. possibly add a few more yet as I have pretty much an endless supply of that stuff around here. Maybe even a couple more of the hps street lamps. I have like 6 total. (Don't ask long story) lol Here are some pics of what I got going on at the moment. I haven't used any nute's yet just straight water. I brought them outside for one day 2 days ago and since have had this leaf curling problem. Dumbshit mistake I guess, it was a very nice day thought the sun would do them some good but apparently it hurt them more than anything? If someone would care to enlighten me on what might be going on I would be more than willing to listen. Also the tips on one are turning i bit brown.



Active Member
Just bag seeds this time around man. Not sure I can pull this off yet. lol It's a learning curve, maybe a few of these then jump into hydro.


Well-Known Member
yeah im on my first grow but ive been around plenty. im going soil. im pretty knowledgeable so if you have any questions feel free to ask. u can check out my grow in my sig, i just started flowering


Active Member
Leafs still rolled up. Temp is fairly stable 77-81 tops. Which from I know is just fine, I have fans on them enough to vibrate them. I have noticed in last 48hrs stems have became significantyl thicker already. Not sure what's up with the leafs rolling up though? Anyone have any idea? I had a 100hps on them as well but unplugged it last night been 24hrs one plant seems to unrolled a little bit yet the other still looks completely the same. They looked as though they got a nute burn from the MG time release soil. Got my watering in check now I let it go completely dry, let leafs start to droop just a touch NOT too much though. Water till water comes out the bottom GENTLY just a few drops come out then I stop. Been giving them rain water as we been getting alot of rain lately. They won't be going outside again though. Seems this leaf thing happened once I did that and brought them back in? Killed of the 3 plant. Wasn't doing anything at all. Initial fir 2 round or sprouting leafs one set of bladed leafs and then it just stopped? Must've been a bad seed or genetics at any rate it's deceased now. lol I tried. Here's some pix of them as of tonight. Never measured them but they did seem to get a bit taller. Maybe 1/2" or so. Maybe more. Came home and the timer didn't shut things down for their 4 hr period? It was already 1 1/2 hr late so I just manually shut them off but started it back up as to keep the same sunrise because that is going to be a big factor once summer hits hot n heavy, less heat then the better otherwise it's be tropical in the closet like asian tropic, 180F shit, don't need that. Goin up to the cities to get some FF and a new light and other supplies this weekend, (extremely excited) to try and do this to the best of my ability. Found FFOF pretty cheap 8.95 1.5cu Ft. which is what I'm going to transplant them into. Maybe mix in a bit of MG ptting soil the stuff they in now to try and reduce shock but I want to be able to add GOOD FERT instead of their "precisely measured" stuff. *JOKE* It's alright soil but not really made for MJ cultivation. nuff rambling check it out tell me what ya think could be improved or what might be wrong. Keep it respectful though I'm doing the best I can with what I got at the moment. I'm learning, and trying.



Well-Known Member
i think your focus can be improved :) just playin man, i have 2 plants where the edges have always curled since the beginning.... out of 12 plants only 2 and they are all in the same conditions. only thing i can suggest is get an oscillating fan if you dont have one, its better to have on/off breeze than a constant wind. wanna mimic nature. soil sounds good, might i suggest 25% perlite mixed in for better drainage. looks pretty healthy from what i can see, i dont see any nute burn, that yellow in the middle is normally just new growth that hasnt gone through any photosynthesis. keep up the good work


Active Member
Thinking I completely effed this one up guys. I just repotted my plants in 50/50 MG soil and Mg perlite and added 3 tablespoons of bone meal to the mixture right off the bat. I watered the mixture thoroughly and mixed it well. Ph'd the water to 7.0 but from what I read after doing so this is not a very bright move to add the bone meal right away.? Oops. lmao O'well it kinda sucks but if they fry like a hot summer Georgia day so be it, chalk it up as a lesson learned I guess. Btw transplanted them to 5 gal planters right away. Skipped the whole step up a bit at a time to SEE what really happens. I'm guessing if they survive the nutrient burn headed straight for them they will be fine since pot's been being farmed since before we even had "potting soil". We'll see what happens guys this might be something to pay attention to.Also, if anyone else has any experiments they want to run but don't want to test them on their "good" seeds hit me up on here, we'll experiment together. lol Worst that could happen is a total loss, no biggy. lol Just bag seed.


Active Member
24 hrs after transplant to 5 gal pots now. They seem to taking well to it. Doesn't look like anything drastic has happened yet and plants are nice and green and healthy thus far. Leafs are still rolled up though? Kinda bugs me but idk what it could possibly be, maybe that's just how these gals roll. lol Strange though at any rate. Might have something to do with the PH level, got a kit yesterday for the transplant, ph'd the water and all that so maybe that will straighten them back out. Anyways here's some pics for ya guys and gals...


Well-Known Member
they look good and i like your set up but 2 things...
purple stems usually indicate overwatering... so watch out for that

and again...i think your leaf curl could be caused by those computer fans directly on the plants, constant wind like that can cause transpiration (water leaving the leaves) to happen too fast which causes the leaf curl.


Active Member
Alrighty, gonna take the off for now. Maybe just shoot em at the lights to push the heat up and out. Stems are fine for now they look plenty think and aren't even near the danger of toppling over. lol Tried the damn oscilating fan in there but it's too big so I had to list to it hitting the wall and clicking cuz it couldnt go any further that way or the other way, well after a couple hours of that while trying to get back to sleep, well..... It went grew wings for a split second. lmao.


Well-Known Member
lol here's what mine looks like its like 1 ft tall and i just put it on a box to stay at the top of the canopy

prob at lowes or home depot for 10$ has a perfect 90 degree rotation so its just right in the corner of a tent


Active Member
nice man. That is what I'm going to get then. I wasn't sure about the air movement with that type but if you say it works I will take your word for it.


Nice job hitthis. I think some of your curling problems maybe soil related. I have always used plain old cheap potting soil mixed 50-50 with perlite with good results. No experience but have heard the mg soil can be kinda harsh on young plants. Might be ok for older plants IDK. Just seems to me I have a bit more control over the nutes with the cheap stuff as it is just good quality dirt. I am kinda old school I dont get into all this brand name this and brand name that. I use all regular stuff I can get at menards on the cheap. Cheap potting soil, not sure what the brand is but its 20-10-5 palnt food for veg, same brand 10-50-10 for flower. No problem. Too paranoid to post pics but I have had some pretty good results.


Active Member
Well, everything seems to be going great thus far. Had a few problems but they are in check now. Went out and bought a new fan mystified! :hump: effing right, this damn thing has done wonders already. Gotta get a different one though. This one is digital cheapo at lowes like $20 but when the power timers shuts shit down the fan shuts down but guess what... It dont turn back on with the power so I gotta manually turn it on. which aint all bad cuz it's at nine and I'm usually in the room anyways at that time so Its working out for now, but not once flowering and summer comes, f that shit. lol They been growing like "weeds" this last week or, atleast to me they have been. I watered them today for the first time since transplant and I hit em with 1/4 strength MG all purpose plant food. It was hardly shit in a gallon of water so It "shouldn't" (knock on wood) harm them or burn em. Going to get my new light setup this weekend, totally stoked bout that right there. Gonna pick up some FF nutes as well. Prolly some soil so I dont have to go back once these seeds arrive. New inline fan as well. Got a $500 budget to blow. (can't afford it, but I'm gonna sure as hell try) :blsmoke: pretty much everything I'm going to need for another room/tent. I'll keep this setup for veg and HOPEFULLY cloning. Planning on growing 2 of the 5 seeds coming in and holding back the other 3 and cloning one of them till she drops dead, then just starting a couple new ones and doing the same. Not out to sell anything or anything like that just enjoy this hobby and enjoy the satisfaction/pleasure it brings to me. Nuff said here's some pic updates..

P.S------- INPUT NEEDED ON THIS--------

OK, so here is the deal, say I have a grandma, she is the sweetest person I ever met right. Well, she has severe hip problems and has some illness that prevents the Doc's from performing hip surgery so she has to go to an advanced pain clinic for the rest of her life. twice a week and take a bunch of stupid ass painkillers. She says to me tonight after we talked about her pain, "I'm in pain and I have to live with it for the rest of my life, I can't even walk outside to my flower gardens anymore like I used to. Only once a day for a VERY short time. She don't get to enjoy anything. I mentioned she should try pot. She IS TOTALLY against weed for ANYTHING. I know it will help her and she could ditch all the pain meds and leave the wretched side effects behind as well. But she would never consider it and we're not in a mmj state anyways. My grandpa gives her vodka in OJ once in awhile without her noticing right, well, what if I make some brownies and give them to her. "experiment type thing" but only to help her and she might not even notice it, but I would if she is up moving around more? What you guys think, should I take a shot in the dark and try it. SERIOUSLY? It's not a fucking game, or just some experiment I want her to have some kind of quality life of what little she has left.
tail light 011.jpgtail light 007.jpgtail light 010.jpgtail light 012.jpgtail light 009.jpgtail light 008.jpg


Well-Known Member
plans for the set up sound good

as far as gmom dukes goes... i'd just continue to try to convince her
i think anyone who eats a proper brownie is gonna notice, and it could cause a panic attack
ever hear the cop and his wife call 911 after eating brownies? and he's a fuckin cop

so print out some documentation and have her read it over, tell her about LEAP (law enforcement against prohibition)
just show her as much info as you can and no reasonable person can say its a bad thing

if she does say its the devils lettuce still.......... hehe...... then yeah drug the old gal

like you said man, everyone is entitled to a happy and bearable quality of life
your a good guy for keeping your gmom on your mind like that, i need to give mine a call


Active Member
It's been awhile. Well, I got my light and ph tester and all the latter. My plants are doing great they couldnt be any healthier. Grew 2 1/2" in the last 36hrs believe it or not they are going nuts all of a sudden. lol (PH adjusted) When I first checked my ph I thought to myself this ph test kit is bogus what a pile of shit. I checked it and it said 8.0 so I added the recommended drops of ph down. Checked it again and it still said 8.0 (highest my kit reads) so i thought it was junk. after repeating this FOUR times it finally dropped to 7.6!!! I got it down to 6.4 after nutes added (6.4 beacuse I use bone/blood meal so i compensated for that added ph) checked runoff and right on ball at 6.8 did this 3 waterings now and they are loving me. Who knows where my grow would be had I had this equip. from the beginning! They are also bushing out quite nice. thinkin of starting some lst to keep them off the wall lighting. anyone else have this high ph from their tap or is my city trying to kill the ppl who drink out of the tap. I drink bottled water so I'm good but damn it seems like its way high. here some pics. like night and day since the last ones. :weed:


Active Member
Just an update I am now into flower for 2wks and they are looking great. I switched to mg bloom booster already. Since I was on full dose mg plant food I went straight to full dose bloom booster and they seem to love it. I watered the same but this time they appeared to have been over watered for some reason?? I thought it was rather odd... Maybe they use less water or something but it only took 24hrs before they snapped out of it and are growing tremendously again. lol When should I expect them to start "stinking" rather smelling "good" :) They are having plenty of healthy size buds already. I've been noticing some small pollen sacks on them and been picking them off. 2 days ago I started this and now they seem to have been eradicated. Any reason why it would be growing these as well? No light leaks thats for sure but I been cutting the undergrowth about 1/3 day for 3 days to minimize stress and now its gone. could this stress been causing these sacks to appear? anyone? I also broke a couple of bottom branches while manipulating them around the screen so I cut them off completely this would add to the stress i'm assuming? ended up with three cut branches so I'm gonna try n clone them but have no rooting hormone so trying just the branches in straight tap water. lol think it'll work? ha i cut them at 45 angles and split em up about 1/2"? not sure about it but hey, beats just throwing them out if it dont work atleast i tried. right. heres some pics let me know if you see something that could be improved. I'm going to try a homemade filter. neighbors i dont have to worry about its my gf and her nosey ass sister when she comes over. my gf lives with me she dont care but cant stand the smell gives her a headache she says. lol but her bitch of a sister, well id just assume she stay away period. lol :evil:PICT0328.jpgPICT0323.jpgPICT0322.jpgPICT0324.jpgPICT0321.jpgPICT0320.jpgPICT0326.jpgPICT0327.jpgPICT0325.jpg