Any day now it's got to be time to switch over to 12/12. Bagseeds look great to me, very bushy, lots of branches, and just look overall healthy. 2 of the skunks look to be doing ok, with some lst and fim they developed a few branches and I did what training I could to try to get the tops even.

Ph has been stable at 5.6-5.9, ppm about 650-700. I have been having to top off with 1-3 gallons per day of nutes.
Bought a container and another air pump to make the bubble cloner. Could not find any foam (something like a swimming pool noodle) that seems to be a common method of holding the clone in place in the holes I make in the lid of the container. I think I am going to try to cut smaller holes at 1.25 inch diameter (have a hole saw for that size already) and hold them in place with either a rockwool cube, or cut out a circle of the reflective bubble wrap and place a slit in it. Concerned the rockwool might get too wet from the bubbles splashing up and this could be bad causing possible rot of the stem? Will try to hit up walmart to look for some foam to hold them in place, but might be stuck with using the bubble wrap or rock wool cubes.
Plan is to take 2 clones of each and pick the best ones. The struggling and scrawny skunk plant in the rear of the room I see no point in taking a clone of assuming it will grow like it's mother did.

Crappy light trap made from two 8" elbows:
Nearly sliced my finger off trying to put this together. Completely half assed, but seems to work. Airflow is definitely reduced now, but temperature is the same (maybe AC unit is working harder now). Can barely make out a feint glow of light coming from the end of the duct with the filter attached (hidden in the home depot box), but that is when I am outside the room and the light is reflected from the 1000w MH. I'd assume a couple 60 watt incandescent bulbs outside the room in the basement would not reflect nearly as much light as the 1000w MH in the room, so I think it should be ok. Right? Sure hope so cause working with metal duct elbows isn't fun.
When switching over to 12/12, my plan was to change the time they come on and off all at once one day. Instead of running 8:00am to 2:00am, they would start at 10:00am to 10:00pm. Should I gradually start changing this over the coming days, or is it ok to change it over all at once without them getting "shocked" or something? For example, I could change the timer by 1 hour each day, or just switch the whole thing over to 12/12 at once.