1st time journal, any help appreciated


Active Member
so i ordered my beans from Attitude and received them in 8 days along with lots of freebies. i've decided to use autoflowers because of space issues, and also got femmed ones to desregard males completely. so now that i have the beans i germinated 3 beans (all i have space for once they get bigger) and am waiting for them to sprout in the paper towels and then i will plant them in jiffy pots we'll go from there. Right now my setup has 12 cfl's 6 26 watt daylight spectrum and 6 (4 42 watt 2 26 watt) soft white spectrum bulbs.


Active Member
one of the seeds has sprouted an i'm sure the others aren't far behind so i got everything going today to make sure conditions were right and i'm having heat issues...theres not vent to the outside as its in a closet and i have a fan going but the temp is still 90+, a sheet is what separates it from the rest of the closet so the room does breathe but maybe the fan needs to be placed in a certain place...any suggestions let me know i'm going to try moving the fan around for now


Active Member
alright i've got three sprouts now, kinda curious as to how often/how much i should be watering them in the jiffy pots cuz they don't retain a lot of water in such a small pot.


Well-Known Member
Nice =]
you planning on doing them under that lighting the whole time?
good luck !!
make us proud =P


Active Member
yeah planning to keep em under those the whole time but change out the daylight bulbs for more soft white during flowering


Well-Known Member
i'm still a newbie myself, but what i can say that it is very easy to overwater. but it's not so easy to underwater. my recommendation would be to put them in keg cups now, soak the shit out of them till water runs out the bottom(cut holes in bottom with knife), then let them sit for atleast three full days if not four.no water at all!! this will answer your question about over or underwatering. you want it to dry out a good bit from time to time so the roots dig for moisture.kapeesh. good luck


Well-Known Member
Nice! what strain were they?
you might need a few more lights later on
is it just your first journal or first grow also?


Active Member
theyre autoflowering ak-47 x lowryder #2 yeah i have a strip with 4 more bulb spots i think i'll use for side lighting. first journal and first grow!


Well-Known Member
Those autoflowering plants stay very small I guess you will not harvest a lot of weed, but for those small Plants your lights shoud be enough, for shure, more light = bigger buds, so if you buy more cfl's or bigger ones you might harvest a little more.

You should try to get the temp a littel down 90 sounds hot...

Do you use a watch for the lights? they say you can grow them with 24h of light but best results you will get with 20h of light and 4h darkness!


Well-Known Member
Sometimes if the air is not to dry and the temp not to hot, then I just water every second day and just a little, seedlings don't need much water, usually more water gets vaporized just in the air than your seedlings take out of your medium!

Better spray water all over them, look on the linked picture^^ There you can see one of the most importent tools for growing, bye the way my grow is very unprofessional, please don't copy me^^

Link to the Foto


Well-Known Member
You should try to get the temp a littel down 90 sounds hot...
90 is really too hot. They will start to stretch and there won't be any smell.

Worst of all, at those temps the THC that you are so carefully growing at great expense and sacrifice will change into things that don't even give us a buzzz.

Start flowering really soon if you are not going to have any more light than that. Maybe at the fourth or fifth set of true leaves.


Active Member
yeah i've been trying everything to get the heat down cuz i definitely don't want the aforementioned to happen to my :leaf:....so here are some pictures of the entire setup with my newest trial with the two fans i've got going.

as you can see my leaves look a little yellow on the one seedling and so i'm going to begin using my fert tonight when i water them which should make em nice and green again. i am curious though why the one seedling seems very droopy as well? what could be causing this? (i see no way it could be over watering as with the high temps they dry up quickly and i have a moisture meter which i check each time before watering and my watering schedule is about every 28 hours now)

do you think the placement of the fans is good to keep it cool in there??? i'm open to any suggestions as i'm super frustrated with the damn heat.



Well-Known Member
This Yellow means they are dying out from DRY AIR, and maybe HIGH TEMP'
Use wet towels, bowls with water, and spray/moisturize(how do you write this???) to get them look better in a few days!

Temp under 30C is OK 23-25C would be best but WTF sorry I'm a stupid German so I don't know about degrees in F just that more than 89 mean's I'm Sick^^

I have some Ideas to make this grow work out... Switch off all those CFL but two of the daylight ones...
Take one of your Seedlings direcly under one CFL each at 1,5inches/3,5cm distance!

In a few days, Switch on 2 CFL's per Plant, and put them on about 5cm(about2 Inches) distance... Later you Switch on more and more if you upload pictures maybe I can guide you a little.

The Point is, first of all this will bring down the head, and stop the waste off energy!
The air when it not heats up this much gets not as dry as it seems to be now! Another time I repeat, Spray water an them, use bowls cups and dry towels to put them around your plants!

edit: I see your not using cups at the moment, what ever it is, when you can see roots come out of it, put it in a at least 3L(100OZ) cup with good soil!

For shure you should use fans or at least one fan. Plants should be mooving, but don't let a big fan blow directly on them all the time, and not too close, 'couse this can dry out the leafs like a fuckin' hair dryer.

Peace :peace:


Active Member
alright got ya i''ve taken some lights out and i also got a spray bottle to spray the leaves with water whenever they need it


Well-Known Member
Well done!
You will see in a few days the little Plants look much better, keep us up to date here and everythin will work out fine!


Active Member
i may have been having some ph issues because of my tap water i'd been using (my own stoner stupidness for not testing it beforehand) but i've now adjusted the water the last two times before watering....could this have been what caused the yellow of the leaves cuz they are still yellow


Well-Known Member
It will need some time that they recover what ever it is...
how was PH? much higher than 7 is bad...
but at this size PH is usually not the Problem even if its 7.5... Just keep However temp down and air humidity high, than this will get better soon.