1st time Noobie CFL Stealth Grow!


Active Member
high man, nice work on the cab, very nicely done, kudos!

...i haven't had the time to do any reading yet, i've just scanned through the pics and i thought you'd like to see some pics of superpedro's work, he is a grower out of the Netherlands who is a very clever individual and if you would like a link to any of his threads just give a shout out.

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Thanks, bozo! That's a freakin laboratory! He certainly makes the most of his space. Does he create his own strains?


Active Member
Well, 3 of the 4 are doing fine. The 4th is a no-go. I overwatered it and it sat in a swamp. Currently germinating another silver haze seed to hopefully grow up with the others. Here's pics of the other 3. 1st: CH9 Jack, 2nd: CH9 Vintage 2006, 3rd: Royal Queen Silver Haze


Active Member
Is it wrong that I'm a little turned on?
This is what I hope to do myself in every single empty space like that (if my life goes as planned).
I love the idea of fake walls and 'fronts' etc.
Ghetto and magnificent at the same time.

+ REP and a subscription. Seems I came back just in time for the party. (finally have internet access and looking too interact with some good communities online again)


Active Member
Thanks, D! Na, it's not wrong - would be wrong NOT to be turned on by 3 young ladies :hump: Just can't wait to enjoy what these ladies have to offer!


Active Member
Get turned on by my Baby Girls and meet the end of my shotgun! ;) Nah jk only my real baby girls!
lol.....that's why I worded it 'young ladies' - I thought being turned on by young girls sounded a bit wrong.

Ummmm....actually, no I don't have drainage holes. I hadn't seen any others put them in the solo cups? By the sound of your post, though, I'm thinking I've made an error? Damn, and here I thought I knew everything....NOT I guess I know what I'll be doing when I get home tonight.


Well-Known Member
lol.....that's why I worded it 'young ladies' - I thought being turned on by young girls sounded a bit wrong.

Ummmm....actually, no I don't have drainage holes. I hadn't seen any others put them in the solo cups? By the sound of your post, though, I'm thinking I've made an error? Damn, and here I thought I knew everything....NOT I guess I know what I'll be doing when I get home tonight.

Yess! very important my friend!


Active Member
Ok, things seem to be going well. Here are updated photos of the 3 strains.
Does the 3rd photo (Royal Queen Shinning Silver Haze) need something? Should I go ahead and feed these with 1st round of nutes?


Active Member
Also, these are 13 days after popping through the soil. Does this growth seem extremely slow or is it normal?


Active Member
Put 1/2 teaspoon of Jack's Classic 20-20-20 in 1 gallon of r/o water - fed the 3 girls last night. Looking a bit perkier this morning.


Active Member
Well, after 2 rounds of nutes and just nuted again tonight, here they are at 20 days after popping though the soil. They're really starting to smell fantastic.

CH9 Vintage 2006 (Best grower so far - will probably be starting a mainline hub this time next week)

CH9 Jack (must have put the seed in the soil wrong - the root/stem bottom kind of goes in a loop at the soil level before growing up - looks ok - just a bit short)

Royal Queen Shinning Silver Haze

