1st time Noobie CFL Stealth Grow!


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Did my first top yesterday on the CH9 Vintage 2006 and pruned off the bottom leaves. Going to take clones tonight or tomorrow.

Started training the hub last night - already starting to turn upwards as of this morning.


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The CH9 Jack and the Royal Queen Shinning Silver Haze as of this morning. Not yet ready for mainlining.


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How necessary is some sort of rooting solution for cloning? I'm just curious if it can be done 'ghetto' as that is more often then not the method I end up going with lol


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How necessary is some sort of rooting solution for cloning? I'm just curious if it can be done 'ghetto' as that is more often then not the method I end up going with lol
I don't know how important the cloning solution is - but I picked up a little bottle of 'rooting hormone' from Lowes tonight and dipped the stems in it just in case there is something to it. In the interest of science, maybe I should have done one in cloning hormone and one 'ghetto'. Could do so some comparison. Think I'll do that with the next one.


Well-Known Member
I don't know how important the cloning solution is - but I picked up a little bottle of 'rooting hormone' from Lowes tonight and dipped the stems in it just in case there is something to it. In the interest of science, maybe I should have done one in cloning hormone and one 'ghetto'. Could do so some comparison. Think I'll do that with the next one.
I am an experimental kind of guy, ive grown tired of just "growing," anytime i can test new techniques for better results or compare different methods i do. This was one of my first experiments and the clone with the hormone rooted a week faster than non hormone inoculated. Ultimately giving the hormone inoculated plant a week headstart :)


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Time flies when you're busy as all hell!!! Haven't updated this nearly as much as I thought I would. Oh well, better late than never. Took some photos this morning. The girls are growing up to be gorgeous ladies. I've moved them to one side so I can install my new 400w HPS on the other side. Going to flip them to flower hopefully this weekend. I think it was a mistake to put them in the big containers so quickly. Next round I'll let grow much more in the solo cups and then put them in a larger container and then the final container. They have just recently began to take off with growth - I think the root system has finally established itself in these containers - just a theory - if anyone wants to tell me I'm full of shit or just simply mistaken, that's fine. I ok with the fact that I don't really know my ass from a hole in the ground yet about growing. Learning more every day, though.

Just got a new order of seeds from Herbies. Got them even quicker than from Attitude. Ordered on Jan 11th. Received them yesterday. 11 days. 3 days quicker then from Attitude. Both companies get major kudos from me so far! I ordered a 5-seed pack of Barneys Tangerine Dream Fem and a 5-seed pack of Barney's Vanilla Kush. Got freebies of Delicious Northern Light Blue Fem, Delicious Carmelo Fem, Seedsman Sleestack X Skunk Reg. Going on vacation April 27th for 10 days so I'm worried about doing anything with these until I get back, though. Don't think I have time for a full grow in 90 days and I don't have anyone I trust to take care of them while I'm gone. It's going to drive me bat-shit crazy just sitting on these seeds that long!!!!!



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I ordered from the tude on friday and my package is already in america, this one may be a record


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Thanks. Ya, I was really impressed with them and Herbies. I've waited longer to get stuff from here in the states! Sure would be nice to drive to a store and shop for my seeds, though.


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FLOWER TIME!!! Hot my HPS installed and the flower side of the cabinet done yesterday and began my 12/12 photo period. Since 2pm yesterday I can already see some stretching happening. Can't wait to see my first buds appear.


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Found some great 'scrog' screens at a local garden shop tonight! These things are great! They are the perfect width & height for the buckets my girls are in.


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Also got a germination/clone box - got a bag seed and some spearmint seeds in the medium with these clones. Looks good after 24 hours.