Well-Known Member
I just got my DR150 today and oh man is it HUGE! It did come with one tiny cut in it and a few pinholes along the stitching on the roof of it. All in all its amazing though! I got in it and had my girlfriend zip it up and you can't see a thing except for a little bit of light from the pin holes and small cut! Even with that light I still can't even see my hands when they are right in front of my face! I'm definitely glad I went with Secret Jardin. Very thick material and overall amazing reflectivity! I can't wait to use my StinkBud aeroponic set up in it! Did yours come with any noticeable holes or cuts or pinholes or anything? I'm curious to know. I'm wondering if it's worth mentioning to Greners.com or not. What's your opinion? I mean I bought it new so I'd like it to be perfect and flawless, but with some aluminum tape I can get by just fine but still I'd rather put the hole in it that it come that way new. Thanks a lot for helping persuade me to go with the DR series by journaling up your fantastic grow! How much did that water cooled setup set you back? Thanks again L24kers!
Damn... I'm sorry to hear about the cut and hole. Mine came in perfect condition. You should mention it to greners though just to see what you can squeeze out of them. Make sure you're in the tent for more than 2 minutes after you zip it up so your eyes can adjust and focus. I love this tent too.. I don't know how big the 150 is but I sure wish I got it LOL. My watercooled fixture was $75 on craigslist and i paid about $20 bucks for the water pump.. and $10 for the black tubing.