1st Time Try, how they look?


Well-Known Member
Yea Mared I took your advice and went out to the store and bought some more lumens. So here is my set up now... 15" floro 720 lumens, (2) 48" floros 3200 lumens, 23watt cfl 1600 lumens, (2) 42watts cfl's 2700 lumens apiece. So looking for some advice. Would this be enough light for my three babies or should I go for more? Truly inspired by this forum. Keep hope alive.



Well-Known Member
WOW big difference today with all those lights. they really perked up. So ya'll think I have enough?

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
VERY GOOD move. Your plants will definitely thank you for it. I am inspired every time I can help someone get into this wonderful hobby we all share at RIU. You have plenty of light now for veg. For flower you want to get as much light as you can afford really. I use twelve 26watt CFLs to veg up to six plants and then I put them under a 400 watt HPS for flower. That HPS makes 60,000 lumens. Flowering with fluorescents is not something I have experience with but I have seen killer buds in the CFL growers section on this forum. One thing I can recommend is a strong fan blowing on the plants at all times. You might have this already but I can't see one in the pics. It's not only good for keeping the temps down but also for strong stems. Keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
I will update regularly. I still dont have a clue what a HPS light is. I guessing is it a High Powered Sodium light? let me know. Yea i got a box fan blowing on them for the temp, just cant see it in the pics.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
HPS is high PRESSURE sodium. It's the same orange kind of lights they use in parking garages. You can get a really cheap 400watt system for $125 but that's what I did and the ballast burned out in a month. So I would save $250 and get a really nice one if you eventually go that route. The difference in my electric bill last month from the bill for June 07 was $13 with my 400 watt.

Just know that HPS makes a lot of heat so you would then need to spend more time and money on cooling your grow area. So it depends on your budget and desire to grow. Any fluorescents you add now will not go to waste if you eventually get the HPS. At that point you would be able to keep a set of plants in veg and another set in flower, which if you're into it enough to get the HPS will be something you want to do.

Why don't you start a journal? You can put your link in your signature like mine. I would have failed miserably without the help I got in my journal. You can tell because it's about 100,000 pages long, lol. Just go to the last few pages to see the where you could be in a few months. Let's just say I'm pretty syked about it.

So I wrote a lot because this :joint: just keeps burning... and burning... and burning. Hopes some of my ramblings help and/or make sense. :mrgreen::peace:

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Still burning, lol. You should be able to move the lights a lot closer than that. I keep my cfls 2 inches away from the tops. I'm not sure about the tubes but you can move all the other lights closer for sure.


Well-Known Member
keep up the good work haha im baked righ tnow,girl just dumped me because these other 4 girls who i was hanging with were diggin me so they texted my girl saying they was in my pants and then my girl showed up and beat up one bitch and dumped me so i started making out in fron tof hte other bitch in fron to fher and cops got calle dhaha


Well-Known Member
So I just noticed when I checked on my plants that the two that I've been growing since seedlings seem to have some type of white mold or something. I don't really know what it is. I used just straight potting soil for them from hardware store, its nothin special. Should I transplant them again into a better soil? I just transplanted the other day and they seem like they took it well, no problem. would it be to soon to transplant again? Heres some pics (sorry not the best but gives an idea)



Well-Known Member
Like dish soap? If so will that have any affect on the plant? the more I did look at it it did seem like that because the soil was drying that the sand was starting to stand out. still not sure though and wanna move fast on this if its a problem. Suggestions appreciated.


Well-Known Member
So Inspired by some of the other setups, I decided to change mine to this setup with the cfls. Are the lights close enough or to close? But I did noticed some pin size brown spots on some of the leaves any idea what it could be?



Well-Known Member
well i just gave them some miraacid from MG acouple of days ago. could of been alittle to strong eh... I'll lower the dosage next time.


Well-Known Member
Alright guys & gals need alittle help. I have noticed the past couple days that my little ones have been slowly but surely drooping & losing color. Some of the advice said maybe to much of nutes to soon, but in my best opinion I believe it to be the soil. Cheap soil from hardware store is very clay like and also had other tiny plants starting to grow from it, so very contaminated. I think the roots started to starve out. I was able to get more compost from the roof next door which is natural leaves composted over time. My big baby seems to be striving in it, so I figured that my little ones would too. Against advice but with my best judgement I just transfered plants to compost. it is very airy and drains very well. I know they will stress in the next few days but these guys are tough and believe they will pull through.
Im still veggin at 18/6 and gonna feed next week.
Do you guys think I did the right thing with them?
Any advice on helping them perk back up?
One thing noted, the temp in there is ranging around 82f - 90f with box fans blowing and some ventilation from outdoors. I know its high but my big baby is maintaing very well.
I also added mirrors to the sides to help increase light, will this work on getting more light to them without adding more cfls?

Need your feed back... Thanks

