1st Time Uk Grower~Fem WW~DR100 Setup


Well-Known Member
Krimez, welcome to the club, man. Those are some wicked trophy shots. And looks like there is 6 oz still left on the plants!!!! Great job man. You deserve it.
Hey Cheers Mared...Your insight and help has been invaluable.Just a pity i lost the other 2 colas to budrot.


Well-Known Member
Nice one Krimes!

Wicked first grow mate. Sucks about the Budrot but it happens when nugs are as big and dense as those.

I especially like the shots of Vodka (Eh? Eh? ...Vodka shots?)....they is gonnas get you AAAAALLLL FUCKED UP!



Well-Known Member
Excellent work krimez.
Very impressive growing.
Those colas are not only huge, but also look extremely tasty.
Well done mate.
+ rep


Well-Known Member
Cheers Jointsmith and Mammoth.
Ok i had a bit of time on my hands today so i took a few bud porn pics for the boys :)

This is whats left of the plants in the tent,they are puffing out nicely and are triple the stickiness of the main colas...I cant wait for these to finish....


BUD PORN!!!!....Lol,here's the harvest from the 2 colas i had left,the smell is unbelievable...



Well-Known Member
yea they are nice and tight and when you grind them it puffs up real nice...the half oz i got off my second cola with the budrot is a really good smoke,its been curing a week and hasn't got that "Hay" smell the first lot had..The smell hangs really heavy in the air and tastes Bomb!....Instant stone thats pretty damn heavy considering it was early :)

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Roll it up biatches LOL that's funny. That shit looks extremely dank bro. Awesome... just awesome. I may have to try your strategy of letting the secondary buds fatten up after chopping the colas. I didn't expect them to fatten up so much like that.


Well-Known Member
yeah ill deffo be giving my lower buds a bit longer to mature, how lang did you let them go krimez?!
the ones in the tent are 4 days past me chopping my main colas which were cut on sunday..The buds are forming alot better since ive cut the colas and have near doubled in size and density in 4 days.I will be chopping whats in the tent this coming sunday/monday.In hindsight i should have cut a side cola off when i cut the cola's and took a pic of it,that way i could compare it a week later with a snap of the cola on the opposite node to see how much you gain.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sweet man, id never really considered leaving the lower branches for longer but thinking about it its daft not to. have you been feeding them ? or you still flushing?


Well-Known Member
i stopped flushing on sunday,they havent had anything else since don.Im debating giving them a feed tomorrow as they have pretty near dryed out and leaving them under another week or so just to see how they come on,im not in any rush as i have bud to smoke and have seen a dramatic improvement over the last 4 days


Well-Known Member
i have 2 scopes but my camcorders hd and can get right in with it,the colas i just cut were at about 15% amber.You cant see it on some of the pics as i messed around with them in a photo editor coz they were coming out a bit orange...i need to get used to taking pictures with it and get a right balance.I knew i was gunna leave they plants in anywayz and thats why i cut at 15%-ish.


Well-Known Member
Cheers Jointsmith and Mammoth.
Ok i had a bit of time on my hands today so i took a few bud porn pics for the boys :)

This is whats left of the plants in the tent,they are puffing out nicely and are triple the stickiness of the main colas...I cant wait for these to finish....

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BUD PORN!!!!....Lol,here's the harvest from the 2 colas i had left,the smell is unbelievable...

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If you look at pics 3 and 6 on the second row you can see the amber trichs as these havent been edited

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
daaaaamn krimez those are some crystally buds. how much you reckon overall yield? the stuff on top of the laptop looks about near 2 0z


Well-Known Member
yea i reckon around 2oz dry...the 2 colas with the budrot i managed to salvage 3/4 oz of good bud.....i'm hoping theres another 3-4oz left on the plants.Yea don all those buds are absolutely covered in trichs :)