1st time veg closet grow w/t-5's


Well-Known Member
Scrog- can i take my clones and as soon as they root, throw them in flower? That would be almost 6oz a plant right, is that even possible? No disrespect, but I thought max yield for SOG was around 2oz a plant, if i'm wrong then scrog here i come!


Well-Known Member
Well with the SOG method I heard if done properley you can yeild up to 1oz a plant on the main cola, but with the scrog I've heard people yeilding 1 pound a plant. That's because you Low stress train the plant and then place it under a net, the net is a sort of lst aswell it keeps the branches growing horizontal instead of vertical therfore providing more light to side branches and equaling a larger yeild. You would of course need to veg and train your plant longer rather than just throw them into flower asap. both are great methods, except with sog it's better to have more plants and our legal limit is only 6, IMO SCROG is more efficient but the choice is yours in the end.


Active Member
Damn man, you got the perfect setup! Those plants are looking great btw, I hope mine can look as half as good as yours.


Well-Known Member
damn terror, always keeping my mind moving, especially after two beer bongs! I know i'm in my 20's, married, and own a house, shouldn't be hittin beer bongs. But I'm at home! no dui's ever! have a safe holiday y'all. And terror thanks for the insight. the netting with longer veg is 100% my next direction, but with a million clones coming in at all times, don't count out sog. Stay tuned my friends, for i wish to share experiments to enrich those who have helped this newb turned fanatic, find the light!


Well-Known Member
damn terror, always keeping my mind moving, especially after two beer bongs! I know i'm in my 20's, married, and own a house, shouldn't be hittin beer bongs. But I'm at home! no dui's ever! have a safe holiday y'all. And terror thanks for the insight. the netting with longer veg is 100% my next direction, but with a million clones coming in at all times, don't count out sog. Stay tuned my friends, for i wish to share experiments to enrich those who have helped this newb turned fanatic, find the light!

No prob, I've been drinkin too no biggie


Well-Known Member
Pic of the 2 Mothers and clones, more perky. I noticed some white stuff on the bottom of the cubes, i thought it was mold. got some help from rose man, "(it's) Mineral salts or water salts.

Mold will stink, and be mushey like mucus and vERY slimey.

Mineral salts are gritty and just barely slimey." Thanks for the help, that was a newb scare!

Got something for you guys to ponder, Now my mother plants, how do you slow growth, without hurting them, or is this a dumb thing to try. Right now they're perfect size to throw in the bloom room, but they won't be thrown in there till 2-8 weeks, who knows. Does anyone have any opinions? I've been feeding them just 6.5 ph water. If i throw them in the bloom room at all they'll take room/light away from the other plants. Should I just get clones off of them? Something to think about, I have a lot of green to play with, just hate the thought of one day trashing the mothers, they're so pretty!



Well-Known Member
The mother plants are droopy! cut the t5 lights down from 4- 4' t5's to 2- 4' t5's and they look droopy. these plants have been under these lights for like 4 weeks and I cut it down from four lights to two lights, will this hurt the plants? I just want to stunt the plants growth, but i don't want to hurt them. got a lot of reply's to my plant problem's mother plant question, have you guys heard of root pruning? gonna look more into this. My decision on the fate of the mother plants- definitely gonna top em. Going to go back to full nutes, full light, and gonna look into root pruning.

Also some pics of the bloom room day 5. All six plants are in there, fed them their first bloom nutes yesterday, botanicare bloom, 1/2 strenghth, they look great! lots of new growth!



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Well-Known Member
Instead of topping them, try a FIM, create multiple heads and then use LST to tie them down. Should keep them short and bushy. I put a rubber band around the base of my pot, then hook string under it that's tied to a branch, you can slowely pull the string through the rubber band to bring your branches down gently.

There is a product that can stunt a plants growth but I don't recall the name.
Removing lights from your mother plants will actually make them grow (stretch) more, so you'll end up with lanky, difficult to manage plants.

Not sure about the droopy leaves, did you just give them a good watering? or are they dry?

good luck, looking good :)