1st timer 20 days of flower

Lil green leaves

Well-Known Member
Not a nutrient, a bottle of live enzymes, when added to root zone, they get to work devouring old matter and turning it into readily useable nutrient . . . .it's a biological process :) It'll thicken yr pistils, you watch :)

To be fair, if I were u, bang for buck, I'd go with either Multi Total (Dutch Pro) or Cannazym (Canna). Though personally I have a mixture of Cannazym, Hesi's Powerzyme and Dutch Pro's Multi Total . . . . good diversity . . . . ;)

Whilst you are at the shop, grab a fulvic / humic acid mix too, if they've got it, Black Jack . . . .shocking stuff!!! Or, now don't stone me people . . . . Advanced Nutrient Grandma Eggy's F1 and H2 formulas (two different bottles).

Fulvic's electrical charge attract nutrient molecules and transports them into and around the plant quicker . . .humic adds great humic substance to the root zone, for the biology, and helps to chelate salts n nutrient in the soil for the fulvic to transport :)

Dang, add those two to your arsenal and you'll be laughing your fuckin head off in a week !!!! Trust me!!

JUST DIAL DOWN THE 1ST NUTE WITH ALL THE NITROGEN IN IT! Or it will all be for nothing ;)
Ok I will see what the shop has but I will dial down the 1st nute for sure .... you think 1/4 1st nute to 3/4 2nd nute is good ?

Lil green leaves

Well-Known Member
Not a nutrient, a bottle of live enzymes, when added to root zone, they get to work devouring old matter and turning it into readily useable nutrient . . . .it's a biological process :) It'll thicken yr pistils, you watch :)

To be fair, if I were u, bang for buck, I'd go with either Multi Total (Dutch Pro) or Cannazym (Canna). Though personally I have a mixture of Cannazym, Hesi's Powerzyme and Dutch Pro's Multi Total . . . . good diversity . . . . ;)

Whilst you are at the shop, grab a fulvic / humic acid mix too, if they've got it, Black Jack . . . .shocking stuff!!! Or, now don't stone me people . . . . Advanced Nutrient Grandma Eggy's F1 and H2 formulas (two different bottles).

Fulvic's electrical charge attract nutrient molecules and transports them into and around the plant quicker . . .humic adds great humic substance to the root zone, for the biology, and helps to chelate salts n nutrient in the soil for the fulvic to transport :)

Dang, add those two to your arsenal and you'll be laughing your fuckin head off in a week !!!! Trust me!!

JUST DIAL DOWN THE 1ST NUTE WITH ALL THE NITROGEN IN IT! Or it will all be for nothing ;)
Oh and semper thx for all your help bro :)


Well-Known Member
What are your ratios again? Think we got to trying to swap the ratios over, so more of your 0-10-10 was going into the mix . . . .

Why not try, just for the next feed, leaving the 1st bottle out all together and adding your 0-10-10 at half strength, then a watering, then feed again, 1/2 strength 1st bottle and full strength on your 0-10-10 (2nd bottle), then a watering or two . . . .see what happens, you may well have some enzyme concentrate by then, introduce them (full strength) to one of your waterings rather than a feeding, then go full strength on enzymes every watering and feeding for the next week to 10 days, then once every couple of waterings. AAaaaaand then stand back for the magic :)

Ok I will see what the shop has but I will dial down the 1st nute for sure .... you think 1/4 1st nute to 3/4 2nd nute is good ?

Been a pleasure Bro, anyone that's done so well on their first grow deserves it, especially if your partial to a bit of constructive criticism, it's where so many new growers fail, they ask, good growers tell, they don't listen and do it their way anyway; "askholes" I call them . . .. lol . . . unlike you; you took well to the news your plant could be improved; and so, now, it shall!!! Well done dude!!!

Oh and semper thx for all your help bro :)


sno capz

Well-Known Member
I'll tell you what... Ive been growing with General Organics line and did great... Then the guy at my local Hydro shop introduced me to worm tea as a live enzyme additive... Ever since ive been using the worm tea my growth has shown an explosion! Definitely get a live enzyme like Semper says... You'll be thanking yourself later trust me


Well-Known Member
OMFG . . . . .I've seen a worm casting concentrate on line somewhere, think it might of been a UK site . . . .but man the power of the Worm, captured in a bottle . . . . .it's the next thing in my arsenal to beat Kushman and Rize at Veganics (my secret mission, lol)

PEACE y'all, thank you for the kind words . . . . .GROW ON!!

I'll tell you what... Ive been growing with General Organics line and did great... Then the guy at my local Hydro shop introduced me to worm tea as a live enzyme additive... Ever since ive been using the worm tea my growth has shown an explosion! Definitely get a live enzyme like Semper says... You'll be thanking yourself later trust me


Well-Known Member
Yo LiL . . .

I've just been going over my schedules for the three Strawberry Coughs I've got under my belt, Dutch Passion's mind, so if you're not sure which one you've got the following info might not be relevant.

Long and short of it, I remember now, and it's obviously true for the clone I'm flowering. I didn't feed mine much N through out, I do amend my soil with a dry plant based nutrient which NPKs at about 5:2:4.

I'm day 23 with mine and have not dosed her with hardly any N at all, the only N she has had is the 1% in my Green Planet Pro Cal. It's been enough . . . .seems DP'd SC is very economical on the N, so I didn't need that much. BUT if you have a Hazeman / Apocethary or BC Bud SC, then this info might not be relevant


sno capz

Well-Known Member
OMFG . . . . .I've seen a worm casting concentrate on line somewhere, think it might of been a UK site . . . .but man the power of the Worm, captured in a bottle . . . . .it's the next thing in my arsenal to beat Kushman and Rize at Veganics (my secret mission, lol)

PEACE y'all, thank you for the kind words . . . . .GROW ON!!
Do some deeper research.... I believe there's people that have posted worm tea recipes on here but I'm not 100%. I get a gallon of worm tea for $7. The bacteria and fungus from the worms is only good for about 4-5 days.. Then the bacteria becomes useless. After every 10th gallon I buy I get a free gallon! Yay lol.

Lil green leaves

Well-Known Member
What are your ratios again? Think we got to trying to swap the ratios over, so more of your 0-10-10 was going into the mix . . . .

Why not try, just for the next feed, leaving the 1st bottle out all together and adding your 0-10-10 at half strength, then a watering, then feed again, 1/2 strength 1st bottle and full strength on your 0-10-10 (2nd bottle), then a watering or two . . . .see what happens, you may well have some enzyme concentrate by then, introduce them (full strength) to one of your waterings rather than a feeding, then go full strength on enzymes every watering and feeding for the next week to 10 days, then once every couple of waterings. AAaaaaand then stand back for the magic :)

Been a pleasure Bro, anyone that's done so well on their first grow deserves it, especially if your partial to a bit of constructive criticism, it's where so many new growers fail, they ask, good growers tell, they don't listen and do it their way anyway; "askholes" I call them . . .. lol . . . unlike you; you took well to the news your plant could be improved; and so, now, it shall!!! Well done dude!!!

Ok so I just got some stuff.... today is feed day.... do you want me to add this today or just add my nutes just like you said....I guess what I'm unclear on is should I be adding the enzyme today..


Lil green leaves

Well-Known Member
Might be a dumb question but when adding nutes this is how I have been doing it.... I water each plant with 2.5 gallons of water each so when adding nutes the bottle says 2 tbsp per gallon on each of my two nutes I use.... So my question is let's just say I wanted to do a half and half mix I could only add 2.5 tbsp of each nute equalling 5 tbsp total.... Not 5tbsp of each nute in the same 2.5 gallons correct?


Well-Known Member

Firstly OG Tea, perfect product, lovely choice :)

Your Bloom Nutrient half the quantity, so 2.5tsp, leave your 0-10-10 bulker at 5tsp for your feedings. So 1tsp per gal Bloom Nute and 2tsp per gal of your bulker 0-10-10. at feedings.

Dose your OG Tea now, with your nutrient. First dose, I'd use 2 to 3tsp per gallon, then the minimum of a tsp every single watering and feeding, use 2tsp of OG when you add nutrient to the mix.

For the next few waters, I'd be adding 1tsp of your bulker 0-10-10 too . . . along with 1tsp of OG Tea.

Might be a dumb question but when adding nutes this is how I have been doing it.... I water each plant with 2.5 gallons of water each so when adding nutes the bottle says 2 tbsp per gallon on each of my two nutes I use.... So my question is let's just say I wanted to do a half and half mix I could only add 2.5 tbsp of each nute equalling 5 tbsp total.... Not 5tbsp of each nute in the same 2.5 gallons correct?
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Lil green leaves

Well-Known Member

Firstly OG Tea, perfect product, lovely choice :)

Your Bloom Nutrient half the quantity, so 2.5tsp, leave your 0-10-10 bulker at 5tsp for your feedings. So 1tsp per gal Bloom Nute and 2tsp per gal of your bulker 0-10-10. at feedings.

Dose your OG Tea now, with your nutrient. First dose, I'd use 2 to 3tsp per gallon, then the minimum of a tsp every single watering and feeding, use 2tsp of OG when you add nutrient to the mix.

For the next few waters, I'd be adding 1tsp of your bulker 0-10-10 too . . . along with 1tsp of OG Tea.
So put all that in the same 2.5 gallons and feed correct?


Well-Known Member

So, if you're feeding now and making up 5 gallons for both plants:

5tsp of Bloom Nute
10tsp of Bulker 0-10-10
15tsp of OG Tea

Next Watering

5tsp bulker 0-10-10
5tsp OG tea

For the next few waterings

Keep all you feeds at 5tsp Bloom - 10tsp Bulker 0-10-10

In the last few wekks of flowring, it'll probably bne 2.5 tsp of Bloom to 5gal and still the 10tsp of 0-10-10


Let me know what color is your run off after the feeding is please :)

Did you get a fulvic/humic product per chance?


Lil green leaves

Well-Known Member

So, if you're feeding now and making up 5 gallons for both plants:

5tsp of Bloom Nute
10tsp of Bulker 0-10-10
15tsp of OG Tea

Next Watering

5tsp bulker 0-10-10
5tsp OG tea

For the next few waterings

Keep all you feeds at 5tsp Bloom - 10tsp Bulker 0-10-10

In the last few wekks of flowring, it'll probably bne 2.5 tsp of Bloom to 5gal and still the 10tsp of 0-10-10


Let me know what color is your run off after the feeding is please :)

Did you get a fulvic/humic product per chance?

No didn't get that.... also should i be checking the ph after I put nutes in water if it was good before nutes went in?

sno capz

Well-Known Member
Definitely grab a humic product... General Organic Diamond Black... Not only does it help deliver more nutrients through your root system but I've heard it also helps to thwart off pests


Well-Known Member
For sure LIL as Sno has pointed out, forget your PH of your tap before adding anything, you're only interested in the end PH after you've mixed everything, unless one is running a pure organic line, then theres no need!

Diamond Black . . . .Matt Rize has grrrreat things to say about that :) . . . . its humic extracted from Bark I believe, totally sustainable :)