1st timer 20 days of flower

Lil green leaves

Well-Known Member
I'm curious about when you'll harvest. I'm ordering DP's Strawberry Cough and I've been reading about different phenos and some finishing under 60 days
Well I got these as clones and she had a sticker on her solo cup that said 60 day cycle.... but as I've learned on this site that is not always true
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Lil green leaves

Well-Known Member
Well today was feed day and I don't have any ph up.... So I couldn't add the nutes I wanted without making the ph like 5.5 so I dumped nutes in the yard and just gave my girls straight water.... I'm getting ph up tomorrow and a ph pen...... can't be messing around with my ph anymore...... oh here is a pic of some of the nicer looking buds for you semper :) one pic under green light during lights off.... seems you can see the buds much more when green light is on.... tell me what you think semper.... what kind of yield u think I'll get off the one plant.... I'm hoping for a lb :)



Well-Known Member
Well today was feed day and I don't have any ph up.... So I couldn't add the nutes I wanted without making the ph like 5.5 so I dumped nutes in the yard and just gave my girls straight water.... I'm getting ph up tomorrow and a ph pen...... can't be messing around with my ph anymore...... oh here is a pic of some of the nicer looking buds for you semper :) one pic under green light during lights off.... seems you can see the buds much more when green light is on.... tell me what you think semper.... what kind of yield u think I'll get off the one plant.... I'm hoping for a lb :)
mannnn that looks awesome\!!


Well-Known Member
Great close ups just what I needed

Mmmmman they've put on weight in just a couple of days, you may not notice it as well as I do coz I don't see them as often, they're twice the size of when we started this mission . . .

BUT, no biggy, glad you dumped the nutes, the very ends of the fan leaves, there are beginnings of scorch marks. And we do still have very very dark green leaves.

I'm temped, Lil, to say leave out the Flora Nova next feed dude, maybe even for the next one too . . . . .

Yield for that Strawberry Cough, I reckon a 1lb easy bro, maybe more, creeping close to the gram per watt Halo for sure; their colas can get the size of Pineapples, for real. What will you be using as plant support? You WILL need it . . . lol.

I ran my last Strawberry Cough in a 1M tent, much as I am doing now, under a 400w CMH, got a mite infestation, cleared it up, and still pulled 11.25 Ounces.


Lil green leaves

Well-Known Member
Great close ups just what I needed

Mmmmman they've put on weight in just a couple of days, you may not notice it as well as I do coz I don't see them as often, they're twice the size of when we started this mission . . .

BUT, no biggy, glad you dumped the nutes, the very ends of the fan leaves, there are beginnings of scorch marks. And we do still have very very dark green leaves.

I'm temped, Lil, to say leave out the Flora Nova next feed dude, maybe even for the next one too . . . . .

Yield for that Strawberry Cough, I reckon a 1lb easy bro, maybe more, creeping close to the gram per watt Halo for sure; their colas can get the size of Pineapples, for real. What will you be using as plant support? You WILL need it . . . lol.

I ran my last Strawberry Cough in a 1M tent, much as I am doing now, under a 400w CMH, got a mite infestation, cleared it up, and still pulled 11.25 Ounces.

I'll be usein bamboo steaks and zip ties to support her and I will make sure to leave flora nova out

Lil green leaves

Well-Known Member
Hey semper I got a blue lab ph pen.... it says to calibrate I need to first some it for 24 hours then place it in 7.0 water then hold cal button then place in 10.0 water check then place in 4.0 water.... my question is.... how do I get the perfect 7.0 water and perfect 10.0 and 4.0 when my ph testing dye only go's to 8.5 or higher and I think it go's to 4.0.....


Well-Known Member
Hey semper I got a blue lab ph pen.... it says to calibrate I need to first some it for 24 hours then place it in 7.0 water then hold cal button then place in 10.0 water check then place in 4.0 water.... my question is.... how do I get the perfect 7.0 water and perfect 10.0 and 4.0 when my ph testing dye only go's to 8.5 or higher and I think it go's to 4.0.....
you need the calibration kit which comes with 7.0 and 4.0 ph solutions. also it's a maintaing kit at the same time


Well-Known Member
Sorry bro, tending to garden . . . .

Yeah there is an expensive blue lab calibration kit, but any calibration fluid will do it. Just get 4.0 and 7.0, no need for a ten, as we don't work in that area anyway, though you can do a three point of you feel you want to.


Hey semper I got a blue lab ph pen.... it says to calibrate I need to first some it for 24 hours then place it in 7.0 water then hold cal button then place in 10.0 water check then place in 4.0 water.... my question is.... how do I get the perfect 7.0 water and perfect 10.0 and 4.0 when my ph testing dye only go's to 8.5 or higher and I think it go's to 4.0.....


Lil green leaves

Well-Known Member
Sorry bro, tending to garden . . . .

Yeah there is an expensive blue lab calibration kit, but any calibration fluid will do it. Just get 4.0 and 7.0, no need for a ten, as we don't work in that area anyway, though you can do a three point of you feel you want to.


Well I need more fluid to store it in when not in use.... So I'll look into what they have....

Lil green leaves

Well-Known Member
Semper.... I had to add like 3 tbsp of ph up to get my ph right in 2.5 gallons of nutes.... dose this seem right?
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Well-Known Member
Yo Bro . . .

So your base tap water is 9.0ph . . . .you add your nutrient . . . . and the PH drops to a level you have to add 5 caps of PH up??
That's very acidic feed . . . . . . . . If the Blue Lab has been calibrated, it aint lieing :)

Semper.... I had to add like 3 tbsp of ph up to get my ph right in 2.5 gallons of nutes.... dose this seem right?


Lil green leaves

Well-Known Member
Yo Bro . . .

So your base tap water is 9.0ph . . . .you add your nutrient . . . . and the PH drops to a level you have to add 5 caps of PH up??
That's very acidic feed . . . . . . . . If the Blue Lab has been calibrated, it aint lieing :)

Well I can't use blue lab right now.... it says let it some for 24 hours in the solution it can with.... So here is what I'm doing I dump 2.5 gallons of tap water in a bucket the add nutes then check ph and adjust.... took 3 tbsp of ph up to get it to 6.5 _ 6.8 ish.... according to my liquid ph tester

Lil green leaves

Well-Known Member
Here are nutes I added 2 tbsp of 0_10_10 , half a tsp of 2_45_28 and 1.5 tbsp of enzymes.... then had to add 3 tbsp of ph up to fix ph....


Well-Known Member
What are you using as PH up ??

Well I can't use blue lab right now.... it says let it some for 24 hours in the solution it can with.... So here is what I'm doing I dump 2.5 gallons of tap water in a bucket the add nutes then check ph and adjust.... took 3 tbsp of ph up to get it to 6.5 _ 6.8 ish.... according to my liquid ph tester


Lil green leaves

Well-Known Member
Sorry for the late response I was trying to cut off the powdery mildew before it spread out of control.... I will use sulfur burner as soon as I get off work tomorrow.... probably run it for two hours in infected room and one hour in other room just to be safe.... :(