1st timer 20 days of flower


Well-Known Member
Noooo, shame bro, sorry to hear that . . . what's your RH at the moment then, looking for under 50% . . . .

Just cut like 40 leafs off with pm on them.... sad day....
Do you have a 5 gallon container you can put your made up feed into, thinking of diluting with another 2.5 gallons of water . . .



Well-Known Member
Sorry I really gotta re-edit my last post: the maintenance is a small investment for a good ph pen. AFAIK Bluelabs should come calibrated right off the bat and they will beep when they're not.

Lil green leaves

Well-Known Member
Noooo, shame bro, sorry to hear that . . . what's your RH at the moment then, looking for under 50% . . . .

Do you have a 5 gallon container you can put your made up feed into, thinking of diluting with another 2.5 gallons of water . . .

Humm then there will be less feed if I add more water to the mix..


Well-Known Member
Possible Mildew Spores in the unfinished room? Spray it all with bleach . . . .


I vent air in from my storage room in the basement.... And unfinished room..

YYyyyes there will be less feed, it's getting a little too much, the very ends of leaves are going brown / scorching, it does need dialing down a little . . . . . . . N being the biggest abundance ATM . Just didn't want you to waste your nutrient mix is all.

Humm then there will be less feed if I add more water to the mix..


Well-Known Member
Ahhhh great, someone with Blue Lab experience, it's my next investment, the guardian . . . . .

Good news Lil, cross reference everything you are PH with your fluid first, get a rough reading, then get confirmation from your pen, see how accurate your color differentiation is . . . . . .

Had a mate that killed his plants . . . . he used liquid PH testing stuff, turned out he was slightly color blind!!!

Sorry I really gotta re-edit my last post: the maintenance is a small investment for a good ph pen. AFAIK Bluelabs should come calibrated right off the bat and they will beep when they're not.
Last edited:

Lil green leaves

Well-Known Member
Possible Mildew Spores in the unfinished room? Spray it all with bleach . . . .

YYyyyes there will be less feed, it's getting a little too much, the very ends of leaves are going brown / scorching, it does need dialing down a little . . . . . . . N being the biggest abundance ATM . Just didn't want you to waste your nutrient mix is all.
Ok so how much should I dial it down?

Lil green leaves

Well-Known Member
Ahhhh great, someone with Blue Lab experience, it's my next investment, the guardian . . . . .

Good news Lil, cross reference everything you are PH with your fluid first, get a rough reading, then get confirmation from your pen, see how accurate your color differentiation is . . . . . .
And I'll be able to use my ph pen tonight


Well-Known Member
Like, mix up what you would normally mix up, then add the same amount of water again. (Halving what you would have given) PH it to 6.6, with yr pen.

The next watering / feeding (half strength again, as above.), I'm gonna ask you to draw your water off, and leave it out for 36 hours, in case you have chlorine in your municipal water. The 36 hours will give the chlorine chance to gas off, therefore giving the OG a better chance of colonizing quicker . . . . your municipal might use chloramine, which doesn't gas off, but try it anyway.

Ok so how much should I dial it down?


Well-Known Member
Cool . . . .

24/48 there abouts . . . . . . probably quicker if a lil water pump sat at the bottom agitating the water ;)

Lil water pump also very handy for mixing up :) . . . .just add!!!

I try to let my water sit .... that's why I have a trash can.... but now that u mention it.... that water only sat for 24 hours....



Well-Known Member
I don't honestly think municipal water has enough Chlorine/Chloramine in it to totally wipe out beneficials . . . . . rumour has it, that when chlorine kills a bacterial or fungal cell there is a combustion . . . . some say this combustion, happening millions of times per minute, nay, second, actually rises the soil temperature to a degree (lol) that beneficials actually thrive so well, they can out weigh what WAS there (24 hours later) before the Cl was added . . . . . .

Part of the reason your thread attracted me Bro . . . . chlorine :)

Fuck look, Flora Nova has Chlorine added to it . . . . it's an essential element in our girl's lives . . . . .



Active Member
Ah dude please don't get me wrong, they look great, you are to be seriously congratulated for growing full stop let alone plants as healthy as that.

I do believe, as it's your first grow, (no idea how many I've done, lol) a wee bit of advice is required so you can get more out of your plant;

Can you see the difference in the leaf color in picture 2, the younger leaves are bright green and the older ones are blue / purple ish sort of hue, and purple/red leaf stems . . . . .

Your plant would really love you if you upped the amount of Phosphorous you were giving her :), if you've got P in it's lone form, just water through about 0.4 to 0.5ec with your next watering or add that sort of e.c. to your feed if that's next.

You're doing bloody great, far better than my first grow, back when . . . . . errr dunno, cant remember . . . lol


he is correct like everybody in this forum. we can all go in our grow rooms now. and easily find an adjustment.

the nly thing i can add to this is watch a youtube video on lolly popping, and making clones. your missing on money from clones, and your light. you cant see a defiency because plat is healthy , your yeild will show the only signs. dont be scared, pluck them leaves and sub branches. she will pay you for it. turn em into clones


Well-Known Member

Sorry Lil, I know this is your thread, just allow me this . . . . .

Have u seen the defoliation thread I'm contributing to @BOB4TUNA ??

he is correct like everybody in this forum. we can all go in our grow rooms now. and easily find an adjustment.

the nly thing i can add to this is watch a youtube video on lolly popping, and making clones. your missing on money from clones, and your light. you cant see a defiency because plat is healthy , your yeild will show the only signs. dont be scared, pluck them leaves and sub branches. she will pay you for it. turn em into clones


Well-Known Member
Hey bro . . . .

Walked to m man's home. M guru has said to me, an adundance of lushness will attract mildew . . . . . . . that's N bro . . . . .

$ tight I know, we need to boost P and K with no trace of N!!!

With fulvic/humic, you have that sorted AND vits/aminos . .. . (I use Hesi's supervit and GET's Power Thrive)

Don't know how this powdery mildew came back.... I have Very good air flow, humidity is at 38 _ 42 at all times and temps is 73_77 ........

Blllammm #_#