1st Timer GETS LUCKY!! (pics)

mmm looks delicious but im not sure she looks ready. I usually try to wait for a good number of those hairs to turn red/brown before I chop. Unless you can already see a bunch of amber triches
i like the significant indica sn sativa trains in your plants that main cola on the one with the yellowing leaves will get you stones and the rest will get you high because it looks sativa
Well, this is lady Mary juicin' right up! I love her!...does that make me a lesbian? JOKING!!:eyesmoke:

I think this weekend will be chop down time. She will be @ 8 weeks on sunday, but alot of the bottom branches sure look DONE! If she needs longer, I may just take a few branches at a time like I did with Jane. Whatayall think??:D
Yes I agree Greenerz,or I mean Yellerz:weed: And yes I already knew you were gay!! JK people. I tell her that all the time.And no offense to homosexuals at all.Its a different type of gay.I'll sharpen the axe when I get home from work and have a lil' talk(intimate moment)with Sweet Mary.I think its ok to take off lower branches as there done.Even though it dosent make sense to me that the bottom is done 1st.after every thing we read says the plant finishes on top 1st?? Its cuz shes special!!:leaf:
My cloner bubbler/dwc will be done this weekend!!! we will get some clones from the Jane mothers in there and growing some roots.Heres some pics of Mary(last nite) and bubbler/cloner for these guys to check out!:peace:
P.S.-Yellerz you forgot to mention that Jane yielded a lil over 50 grams(dry) almost 2 z's NICE JOB You have the special touch Yellerz! will mary yield more or less??


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Yellerz, heres a link to a thread by fdd2blk about ripe or over ripe buds.Its a very good informative thread on when to harvest.read through it and get some others insite to how they know when to harvest.Fdd goes by the look of the plant more than the trichs.He has pics of northern lights in that thread and shows when he determines done.most say with indicas you want mostly amber trichs.with sativas mostly cloudy with some amber.
The general consenses is theres NO SUCH THING AS OVERDONE.I think we should wait til Mary looks like his northern lights do.They really pack on weight and crystals the longer the wait. Of course its just my opinion.
I wont mind seeing sweet Mary around for a while longer anyways.
Shes HOT:weed: heres the link to the thread and his pic of northern lights when done
