1st Timer Here...Need Help!!! Lower Leaves Burning!!!

i honestly just used some potting soil that i used for my tomato garden..i mixed it with some peat moss and manure..this plant is from bag seed, being that its my 1st grow this was more of an experiment before i use the expensive seeds i got from Attitude seed bank..I intend to use a better soil for my next grow...But being that im this far in veg..id like to try to save this plant and still get a decent yield!!
so i treated my plant with epsom salt yesterday..i used it as a foilar spray...how often should i spray it?? and it looks like my baby has already responded from it a little bit!! im going to transplant this into a bigger pot with more soil in a few days.


Active Member
The new growth looks really good and healthy. I wouldnt do too much more misting because it can lead to fungi damage from my understanding. it was a temp solution cause you had just watered. I would add epsom salts to your water for your next watering its... 1 tablespoon of epsom to each gallon.

ADD MORE SOIL or transplant


Well-Known Member
It is overfertilized...flushing will only make it worse, so now and in the future, don't flush soil...it makes things worse...you can flush coco and actually make a difference and do some good, but soil flushing is actually a no no...but moving on...just allow the plant to dry totally and then water it with just water...then let it dry again and give it just water...then let it totally dry again and if it is growing normally again, and the leaves seem to have stopped burning, then you can give it a feed...how much of the dosage of something were you giving the plant? If you were at the max, then start giving 3/4...if you were at a half then give it a half again, but don't feed on the next watering, just water...


Well-Known Member
Stop giving it epsom salt...it is obviously not deficient at all... Here is the deal, you have to be really careful of what advice you take and listen to...it is easy to hitch one's cart to the wrong trailer...a lot of times people might get it...but here is a little nugget of wisdom for you to carry with you through all your days of growing...
If you are using tap or well water, or rain water then it is very very very unlikely that you will see a calcium or magnesium deficiency. If you reuse your soil over and over and over and over without giving it time to sit and reamending it, then you may witness a cal/mag issue (or so I have heard)...actually you might get to see one now...If you happened to add a little too much epsom salts, you will get to see one...because calcium will get locked out. The only time I have ever seen a cal/mag issue from adding cal/mag when not needed, and I reuse my soil over and over and over, but I do reamend and try to give it a rest for a few months...I also add new soil every few grows because it goes somewhere...on the floor, under my nails...either way every few months I have to get new, and this is probably why I don't see the issues associated with reusing soil...
But for real, do a lot of your own homework..look at pictures, and not just MJ...try growing some other plants and get the hang of it...there is a lot to learn with doing this...more so than the forum boards alone can do...because anyone can answer your questions with absolute conviction...but some people really have no to little idea what they are talking about...
I just wonder how many people on here have ever even grown a plant... Or ventured to learn more about the one they seem to want to grow, or appear to be growing...just read all manner of things... I have learned so much using this forum to do my own research...as in someone says something and I check all about...going from one pot forum to the next doesn't work though...there have been things about cannabis plants that have been totally made up just on these forum boards, and then it bounces all over the internet, and people that don't know better the world over keep getting whatever it is wrong or what not. ANyway I am high, and going to watch tv and sleep...good luck...don't give it anything else but water, or you'll be sorry...I can assure you this.
I havent given this plant nutrients for 12 days..straight pH balanced water..once my soil drys up a bit im going to transplant..when should i start feeding again???


Active Member
listen to missnu. i was just saying if you have a soil that is deficient in Mg, epsom salts are a way to go. ive only run into it three times and it worked well. but it seems the general consensus is nute burn. ive never had it to the extent he has as i lose sleep over it so it never gets bad before i address it properly.. its just my mentality. and ehh forums are a good way to get ideas imho and you should always do your own research. by following threads addressing problems, it gives me the ability to prevent a lot of issues.
So i Finally transplanted my girl yesterday and it looks as if its already helping!! I havent given this plant nutes in 17 days!!! Once my soil drys up a little more do you guys think its time for a feeding??? Here are some pics of what she looks like now!! IMAG0087.jpgIMAG0088.jpgIMAG0089.jpgIMAG0090.jpg
have you even read this thread??? i just re-potted it 2 days ago!! i know nute burn was my problem along with pH..But thats all corrected and havent fed in 2 weeks..Trying to figure out if it's time to start feeding again??


Active Member
looks good and happy in those new pots! good work. idk anything about feeding in veg sorry. but thumbs up and are those 5g buckets?
Thanx and yes those are 5 gallon buckets i got from lowes..i made some drill holes..and it seems to be making my baby happy!!! Ill post some new pictures in a day or 2
Just watered my plant and took some pix. Seeing some brown leave tips and even sum spots on some leaves and even some purple stems!! Thought i had my problem under control but i guess not. Not really sure what to do!!! I bought Jorge Cervantes book hoping to learn more about my new hobby and will in time.. but i would greatly appreciate some good timely advice from someone with experience.. Any Ideas or Suggestions??? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!
Just woke up and it appears there are some really tiny white bugs in my soil..i did some research and i think they are springtails!! not a 100% because i am a n00b..what can i do to get rid of them???